- Invatati cu Ellie denumirile catorva animale salbatice, vetuitoare din apa si animale de casa, domestice.
Magia animalelor
Ellie - What's this? It's a strange looking box.
Ce e asta? E o cutie care arata ciudat.
Genie - What do you want?
Ce vrei?
Ellie - Who are you?
Cine esti?
Genie - I'm a genie and that's a magic box. You have three whishes.
Sunt un duh si asta e o cutie magica. Ai trei dorinte.
Ellie - I want to go to an underwater adventure.
Vreau sa merg intr-o aventura sub apa
Genie - Close your eyes! Then open them again after ten seconds.
Inchide ochii! Apoi deschide-i iar dupa zece secunde.
After ten seconds
Dupa zece secunde
Ellie - Wow! This is so beautiful. I can see small seahorses and jellyfish floating around me.
Uau! Este asa de frumos. Pot sa vad caluti mici de mare si meduze plutind in jurul meu.
Genie - It's beautifull, isn't it?
E frumos, nu-i asa?
Ellie - Yes, it is. I can see octopus and orange starfish. They are wonderful.
Da, este. Vad o caracatita si stea de mare portocalie. Sunt minunate.
Genie - A shark is comening.
Vine un rechin
Ellie - Ow! Take me out of here.
Ou! Scoate-ma de aici.
Genie - Where do you want to go?
Unde vrei sa mergi?
Ellie - To the jungle. Hurry, please!
In jungla. Grabeste-te, te rog!
Ellie - It is much better.
E mult mai bine.
Genie - What do you want to see?
Ce vrei sa vezi?
Ellie - I want to see lions, elephants, snakes and monkeys, too.
Vreau sa vad lei, elefanti, serpi si maimute.
Genie - Look over there!
Priveste acolo!
Ellie - Those elephants are huge.
Acei elefanti sunt uriasi.
Genie - Yes, they are.
Da, sunt.
Ellie - And look at those lions and crocodiles near the river. They look terrifying.
Si prveste acei lei si crocodili langa rau. Arata inspaimantator.
Genie - Can you see the monkeys?
Vezi maimutele?
Ellie - They are eating bananas. And look at those hippos in the river. They are so big. What's this? Ouch! Help me, help me!
Ele mananca banane. Si uita-te la acei hipopotami in rau. Sunt asa mari. Ce e asta. Aoleu! Ajuta-ma, ajuta-ma!
Genie - Do you want to leave?
Vrei sa pleci?
Ellie - Yes. I want to go home.
Da, vreau sa merg acasa.
Ellie - Thank you! Home, sweet home! I love these animals. My chickens and ducks, pig and cows. They are all nice. There's no place like home.
Multumesc! Casa, dulce casa! Iubesc aceste animale. Puisorii mei si rate, porc si vaci. Ele sunt toate dragute. Nicaieri nu e ca acasa.
Genie - Good bye! I have to go.
La revedere! Trebuie sa plec.
Ellie - Bye-bye! Thank you!
Pa-pa! Multumesc!