- Invatati sa exprimati actiunile pe care le faceti acum, sau care se petrec in momentul vorbirii.
Ce dezordine
Mother - Ellie! Ellie! Where are you?
Ellie! Ellie! Unde esti?
Ellie - I'm in the bathroom.
Sunt in baie.
Mother - What are you doing?
Ce faci?
Ellie - I'm having a bath.
Fac baie.
Mother - Hurry up! You are going to be late for school.
Grabeste-te! Vei intarzia la scoala.
Ellie - Ok. I'm brushing my teeth, too.
Bine. Ma spal si pe dinti.
Mother - Tommy! Are you reddy?
Tommy! Esti gata?
Tommy - Just a minute, mum. I'm learning.
Doar un minut, mama. Invat.
Mother - Why are you learning now?
De ce inveti acum?
Tommy - Well ... You know mother. I ...
Pai ... Stii mama. Eu ...
Mother - You have to do your homework and learn in the evening.
Trebuie sa-ti faci temele si sa inveti seara.
Mother - What a mess! Ellie!
Ce dezordine! Ellie!
Ellie - I am coming.
Vin acum.
Mother - We are waiting for you! We are having breakfast. Where are you?
Te asteptam! Servim micul dejun. Unde esti?
Ellie - I'm talking on the phone.
Vorbesc la telefon.
Mother - Get dressed!
Ellie - Mum, where are my clothes?
Mama, unde sunt hainele mele?
Mother - They are in the washing machine.
Sunt in masina de spalat.
Ellie - But they are clean.
Dar sunt curate.
Mother - Oh, dear! You are really going to be late.
Oh, draga! Chiar ca vei intarzia.