Curs Engleza

Exista trei tipuri de fraze conditionale cu IF ("Daca") in limba engleza. In toate, propozitia conditionala (cea cu "if") este o propozitie secundara ce depinde de una principala.
Propozitia principala poate fi la inceput, sau poate sa urmeze dupa cea secundara (conditionala cu "if").

Conditional 1

Conditionalul de tip 1 exprima o conditie reala şi posibila.
In acest tip, in propozitia secundara predicatul sta la present, iar in cea principala avem will + infinitiv scurt.

I will go to the seaside if the weather is fine. - Voi merge la mare daca vremea va fi buna.
If I leave now, I will get home at 8 o'clock. - Daca plec acum, voi ajunge acasa la ora 8.
I will stay at home if it rains. - Voi sta acasa daca va ploua.

In loc de "will" putem avea alte verbe modale, precum can, may, etc.
If you want to, you can borrow my book. - Daca vrei, poti sa imprumuti cartea mea.
If it is cloudy, it may rain. - Daca este innourat, e posibil sa ploua.

IF poate fi inlocuit de provided (that), providing, supposing, suppose, in case.
What shall we do, if he is late? - Ce vom face daca el intarzie?
What shall we do, supposing he is late? - Ce vom face presupunand ca el intarzie?

In loc de Present Simple se poate folosi should + infinitiv, atunci cand actiunea din secundara (conditionala) este posibila, dar improbabila. Acest tip de secundara este adesea combinat cu imperativul.
In acest caz, "should" se traduce cu: in caz ca, daca s-ar intampla ca.
If she ring up, tell her I am out. - Daca telefoneaza, spune-i ca nu sunt acasa.
If she should ring up, tell her I am out. - In caz ca telefoneaza, spune-i ca nu sunt acasa.

Conditional 2

Conditionalul de tip 2 exprima o conditie putin probabila si se refera la o situatie ipotetica.
In propozitia secundara predicatul sta la timpul trecut simplu, iar in cea principala avem constructia would + infinitiv.

I would go to the seaside if the weather were fine. - As merge la mare daca vremea ar fi buna.
If he came home, his mother would be very happy. - Daca ar veni acasa, mama lui ar fi foarte fericita.
I would stay at home if it rained. - As sta acasa daca ar ploua.

Desi forma de trecut simplu a verbului "to be" (a fi) pentru persoana I si persoana a III-a singular este "was", in cazul conditionalei se foloseste forma "were" la toate persoanele.
If I were you, I would be more peaceful. - Daca as fi in locul tau, as fi mai linistit.
He would buy this house if he were rich. - El ar cumpara casa aceasta daca ar fi bogat.

In loc de "would", putem avea alte verbe modale, precum "might" sau "could".
If you worked with more gain, you could buy that car. - Daca ai munci cu mai mult castig, ai putea cumpara acea masina.
He might get in trouble, if he did not pay attention. - Ar putea avea probleme, daca nu ar fi atent.

Conditional 3

Conditionalul de tip 3 exprima o actiune din trecut (care nu s-a intamplat) ce ar fi putut fi posibila, daca s-ar fi indeplinit o anumita conditie.
In propozitia secundara predicatul sta la timpul past perfect, iar in cea principala avem constructia would + have + participiul (a treia forma a verbului).

I would have gone to the seaside if the weather had been fine. - As fi mers la mare daca vremea ar fi fost buna.
If he had known the truth, he would have done things differently. - Daca ar fi stiut adevarul, ar fi procedat altfel.
I would have stayed at home if it had rained. - As fi stat acasa daca ar fi plouat.

In loc de "would", putem avea alte verbe modale, precum "might" sau "could", astfel avem constructiile: might + have + participiu sau could + have + participiu.
If he had gone to the garden, he might have met Mary. - Daca s-ar fi dus in gradina, poate ar fi intalnit-o pe Mary.
If he had graduated high school, he could have gone to college. - Daca ar fi absolvit liceul, el ar fi putut merge la colegiu.

Alte particularitati ale conditionalelor IF

• In afara de cele trei tipuri de conditional in engleza, mai putem intalni conditionala 0 (prezent + prezent) si conditionale mixte (o combinatie intre conditionala de tip 2 si 3).
If the temperature is below 0 degrees, the water freezes. - Daca temperatura scade sub 0 grade, apa ingheata. (lucru cert)
If she had taken my advice, today she would be happily married. - Daca m-ar fi urmat sfatul, astazi ar avea o casnicie fericita.
If he were not so amiable, she wouldn’t have been friends with him. - Daca el nu ar fi asa de amiabil, ea nu s-ar fi imprietenit cu el.

• "if not" poate fi inlocuit cu "unless".
I won’t go shopping unless you come with me. (I won’t go shopping if you don’t come with me.) - Nu merg la cumparaturi daca nu vii cu mine.
I wouldn’t have come unless you had invited me. (I wouldn’t have come if you not had invited me.) - Nu as fi venit daca nu mai fi invitat.

• Propozitia circumstantiala conditionala poate fi inlocuita de un complement circumstantial conditional, ce poate fi introdus de "but for".
But for her help, he would have been in other country. (If it had not been for her help, he would have been in other country.). - Daca nu l-ar fi ajutat ea, el ar fi fost in alta tara.

• De obicei, in propozitia principala care este regent unei conditionale intalnim verbul modal "will" la diverse timpuri (will / would / would have), acesta poate fi inlocuit de alte verbe modale. Aceste verbe modale aduc nuante diferite fata de "will".

- "Will" arata gradul de posibilitate cel mai ridicat dintre verbele modale.
If her brother is good, she will be very happy. - Daca fratele ei e bun ea va fi foarte fericita. (un fapt aproape sigur)
- "May / might" arata tot posibilitate, dar la un grad mai scazut decat will.
If it were cloudy, it might rain. - Daca ar fi innorat, s-ar putea sa ploua. (dar nu este foarte sigur ca va ploua)
- "Can / could" arata abilitatea.
If he had been there, he could have helped them. - Daca ar fi fost acolo, i-ar fi putut ajuta. (dar nu stim sigur daca ar fi vrut, stim doar ca ar fi avut abilitatea de a-i ajuta)

• Pe langa exprimarea unei conditii, conditionala se poate referi si la o promisiune sau o avertizare, in special in cazul conditionalei de tip 1.
If you behave yourself, I will buy you a toy. - Daca te porti frumos, iti voi cumpara o jucarie.
If you don’t work hard, you will get fired. - Daca nu muncesti din greu, vei fi concediat.
Conditional - exercitii

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Conditional IF in Limba Engleza - Fraze Conditionale

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