Curs Engleza

- Formati conditionalul de tip 1, 2 sau 3 cu verbul din paranteza, in acord cu traducerea.
[ "If we lived in Rome, Francesco ___ (to visit) us. (Daca am locui in Roma, Francesco ne-ar vizita.)", "If he ___ (to come), tell him I am in the garden. (In caz ca el vine, spune-i ca sunt in gradina.)", "If the teacher ___ (to explain) the homework, I would have done it. (Daca profesorul ar fi explicat tema, as fi facut-o.)", "If it ___ (to rain), the children would have played outside. (Daca nu ar fi plouat, copii s-ar fi jucat afara.)", "If it were a bird, it ___ (to fly). (Daca ar fi pasare, ar putea zbura.)", "She wouldn\u2019t have come unless we ___ (to invite) her. (Ea nu ar fi venit daca nu am fi invitat-o.)", "If it were cold, it ___ (to snow). (Daca ar fi frig, s-ar putea sa ninga.)", "If the weather had been nice, they ___ (to play) football. (Daca vremea ar fi fost frumoasa, ei ar fi jucat fotbal.)", "If you behave yourself, I ___ (to give) you a toy. (Daca te porti frumos, iti voi da o jucarie.)", "If the boys had taken the bus, they ___ (to arrive) on time. (Daca baietii ar fi luat autobuzul, ar fi ajuns la timp.)", "I would have talked, if he ___ (to ask) me. (As fi vorbit, daca m-ar fi intrebat.)", "If he had come earlier, he ___ (to meet) Tina. (Daca el ar fi venit mai devreme, ar fi intalnit-o pe Tina.)", "If he ___ (to see) you, he would have talked to you. (Daca el te-ar fi vazut, ar fi vorbit cu tine.)", "If I ___ (to realize) the truth, I would have stopped. (Daca as fi realizat adevarul, m-as fi oprit.)", "Andrew ___ (to water) the flowers if he stayed at home. (Andrew ar uda florile, daca ar sta acasa.)" ]
["would visit","should come","had explained","had not rained","could fly","had invited","might snow","would have played","will give","would have arrived","had asked","would have met","had seen","had realized","would water"]

Un Test simplu in fiecare zi

Ce tag se foloseste pentru a adauga liste in elemente <ul> si <ol>?
<dt> <dd> <li>
Care valoare a proprietatii "display" seteaza elementul ca tip bloc si afiseaza un punct in fata?
block list-item inline-block
.some_class {
  display: list-item;
Care instructiune JavaScript transforma un obiect in sir JSON.
JSON.parse() JSON.stringify eval()
var obj = {
 "courses": ["php", "javascript", "ajax"]
var jsonstr = JSON.stringify(obj);
alert(jsonstr);    // {"courses":["php","javascript","ajax"]}
Indicati clasa PHP folosita pentru a lucra cu elemente HTML si XML in PHP.
stdClass PDO DOMDocument
$strhtml = '<body><div id="dv1"></div></body>';
$dochtml = new DOMDocument();
$elm = $dochtml->getElementById("dv1");
echo $elm->nodeValue;    //
Indicati forma de Prezent Continuu a verbului "to live" (a trai /a locui)
lived living liveing
I`m living here.
- Traiesc /Locuiesc aici.
Care este forma de Gerunziu (sau Participiu Prezent) a verbului "vivir" (a trai /a locui)?
viviĆ³ vivido viviendo
Estoy viviendo aquĆ­.
- Traiesc /Locuiesc aici.
Conditional IF - Teste si exercitii nivel avansat

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