Curs Engleza

- Scrieti verbul din paranteza la forma corecta pentru conditional de tip 1, in acord cu traducerea.
[ "If I ___ (to study) I will pass the exams. (Daca studiez voi trece examenele.)", "If the sun shines , we will ___ (to walk) into garden. (Daca soarele straluceste ne vom plimba in gradina.)", "If we travel to London, we ___ (to visit) the museums. (Daca ne deplasam la Londra, vom vizita muzeele.)", "If my friend ___ (to come) , I will be very happy. (Daca prietenul meu vine, voi fi foarte fericit.)", "She ___ (to sing) with me, if I want. (Ea va canta cu mine daca vreau.)", "If he ___ (to ring up), tell him I am at home. (In caz ca telefoneaza, spune-i ca sunt acasa.)", "Will you ___ (to read) this book if she buys it? (Vei citi aceasta carte daca ea o cumpara?)", "I will not come if he ___ (to leave). (Nu voi veni daca el pleaca.)", "Will you make a salad if we ___ (to pick) some fruits? (Vei face o salata, daca culegem niste fructe?)", "If I leave the garden, I ___ (to plant) flowers. (Daca plec din gradina, nu voi planta flori.)", "If we take the bus, we ___ (to arrive) in time. (Daca vom lua autobuzul, nu vom ajunge la timp.)", "If you wait a minute, I ___ (to ask) my parents. (Daca astepti un minut, imi voi intreba parintii.)", "If it ___ (to rain) , I will stay at home. (Daca ploua, voi sta acasa.)", "If they ___ (to hurry), they will not catch the train. (Daca nu se grabesc, nu vor prinde trenul.)", "If you come with me, I ___ (to do) the shopping with you. (Daca vii cu mine, voi face cumparaturile cu tine.)", "If I am in Venice, I ___ (to rent) a boat. (Daca sunt in Venetia, voi inchiria o barca.)" ]
["study","walk","will visit","comes","will sing","should ring up","read","leaves","pick","will not plant","will not arrive","will ask","rains","do not hurry","will do","will rent"]

Un Test simplu in fiecare zi

Care tip de <input> creaza un element cu data tip calendar?
type="text" type="date" type="button"
<input type="date" name="set_date" value="2012-10-15" />
Ce proprietate CSS adauga efect de umbre la text?
font-style color text-shadow
h2 {
  text-shadow: 2px 3px 3px #a0a1fe;
Clic pe functia care adauga elemente noi la sfarsitul unui array.
pop() shift() push()
var pags = ["lectii", "cursuri"];
pags.push("download", "tutoriale");
alert(pags[2]);            // download
Ce functie aranjeaza un array in ordine crescatoare, dupa chei, mentinand corelatia dintre chei si valori?
asort() ksort() sort()
$lang =[10=>"PHP", 20=>"JavaScript", "site"=>"");
var_export($lang);     // array ("site"=>"", 10=>"PHP", 20=>"JavaScript")
La adjectivul "big" (mare), care este forma de Comparativ (mai mare)?
biggest biger bigger
He is bigger than his sister.
- El este mai mare decat sora lui.
Care este Comparativul adjectivului "grande" (mare)?
menos grande más grande el más grande
Él es más grande que su hermana.
- El este mai mare decat sora lui.
Conditional IF - Exercitii si teste engleza incepatori

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