Scrieti verbul din paranteze la timpul viitor simplu, cu "will" (Future Tense), in acord cu subiectul.
"I ___ (to study)",
"You ___ (to start)",
"We ___ (to dance)",
"He ___ (to sing)",
"They ___ (to write)",
"She ___ (to cook)",
"It ___ here (to be)",
"My brother ___ tomorrow. (to leave)",
"The airplanes ___ fast. (to fly)",
"The painter ___ a brush. (to get)",
"You ___ in the park. (to run)",
"It ___ three windows. (to have)",
"She ___ my homework. (to do)",
"I ___ some nuts. (to eat)",
"You ___ a green shirt. (to wear)",
"I ___ 2 hours. (to wait )"
["will study","will start","will dance","will sing","will write","will cook","will be","will leave","will fly","will get","will run","will have","will do","will eat","will wear","will wait"]
Un Test simplu in fiecare zi
Ce tip de <input> creaza un camp de text care trebuie sa contina doar numere?
type="text" type="number" type="date"<input type="number" name="points" min="5" max="80" />
Ce proprietate CSS permite modificarea transparentei unui element?
font-style opacity color#id {
filter:alpha(opacity=40); /* for IE */
Clic pe functia care formateaza un numar la o anumita lungime de caractere.
toPrecision() exp() toFixed()var num = 12.84567;
alert( num.toPrecision(3) ); // 12.8
Ce functie aranjeaza aleator elementele dintr-un array?
natsort() shuffle() sort()$lang =[10=>"PHP", 20=>"JavaScript", "site"=>"coursesweb.net");
var_export($lang); // array (0=>"coursesweb.net", 1=>"PHP", 2=>"JavaScript")
Indicati Superlativul cuvantului "good" (bun).
better best goodestShe is the best in our class.
- Ea este cea mai buna din clasa noastra.
Care este Superlativul cuvantului "bueno" (bun)?
el mejor más bueno muy buenoÉl es el mejor en nuestra clase.
- El este cel mai bun din clasa noastra.