Curs Engleza

- Adaugati la fiecare propozitie cuvantul corespunzator corect dintre: less si fewer.
[ "These days you seem to work ___ hours. (Zilele acestea se pare ca lucrezi mai putine ore.)", "These days you bought ___ chocolate. (Zilele acestea ati cumparat mai putina ciocolata.)", "I`ve got ___ apples than he has. (Am mai putine mere decat are el.)", "He should watch ___ the TV. (El ar trebui sa se uite mai putin la televizor.)", "She spends ___ hours at the computer. (Ea petrece mai putine ore la calculator.)", "Can you put ___ salt in the soup, please? (Puteti sa puneti mai putina sare in supa, va rog?)", "Did you plant ___ flowers this year? (Ati plantat mai putine flori in acest an?)", "You should read ___ fairy tales. (Ar trebui sa cititi mai putine basme.)", "The high of that tree is ___ than 10 meters. (Inalta acelui copac este mai mica de 10 de metri.)", "Last night I drank ___ orange juice than Tim. (Aseara am baut mai putin suc de portocale decat Tim.)", "There is ___ sunshine in the west of England. (Este mai putin soare in vestul Angliei.)", "There are ___ hours of sunshine in the west of England. (Sunt mai putine ore de soare in vestul Angliei.)", "As I get wiser, I find myself talking ___ and less. (Pe masura ce devin mai intelept, ma aflu vorbind din ce in ce mai putin.)", "We want to work ___ hours. (Vrem sa muncim mai putine ore.)", "We want to work ___. (Vrem sa muncim mai putin.)" ]

Un Test simplu in fiecare zi

Care tag HTML5 defineste un text marcat, evidentiat?
<mark> <embed> <span>
<p>Cursuri graruite: <mark></mark> , jocuri, anime.</p>
Ce pseudo-clasa CSS defineste un stil la element cand mouse-ul e deasupra lui?
:focus :hover :active
a:hover {
  font-weight: bold;
  color: #00da01;
Clic pe functia ce returneaza un sir cu un numar rotunjit la x decimale.
toPrecision(x) toFixed(x) floor(x)
var num = 12.34567;
num = num.toFixed(2);
alert(num);       // 12.35
Indicati functia PHP care adauga continutul unui fisier intr-un array.
[) file() readfile()
$arr = file("a_file.txt", FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
Clic pe raspunsul potrivit la intrebarea: "What time is it?"
On the 7th of July 1996 It is a quarter to 5. Nice weather.
What time is it? It is a quarter to 5.
- Cat este ora? E 5 fara un sfert.
Indicati raspunsul potrivit la intrebarea: "¿Qué hora es?"
Hace buen tiempo. En el 7 de julio de 1996 Son las tres menos cuarto.
¿Qué hora es? Son las tres menos cuarto.
- Cat este ora? E 3 fara un sfert.
Less or Fewer - Exercitii Engleza

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