Curs Engleza

- Adaugati cuvantul corect: "like", "as" sau "as if" la urmatoarele propozitii.
[ "She is a good woman! I can imagine her ___ a nurse. (Ea este o femeie cumsecade. Mi-o pot imagina ca asistenta medicala.)", "After university I had a job ___ a waiter. (Dupa universitate am avut un loc de munca ca chelner.)", "He behaved ___ a fool and we got lost in the forest. (El sa comportat ca un prost si ne-am pierdut in padure.)", "I woke up early, ___ I knew I would. (M-am trezit devreme, asa cum am stiut ca voi face.)", "Why do you talk to me ___ I were a child? (De ce vorbesti cu mine ca si cum as fi un copil?)", "That pie tasted ___ cake. (Acea placinta avea gust ca de prajitura.)", "There was heavy snow ___ in the previous year. (A fost ninsoarea abundenta ca si in anul precedent.)", "He is eighty but he behaves ___ he were much younger. (El are optzeci de ani, dar se comporta ca si cum ar fi mult mai tanar.)", "What are you cooking? It smells ___ Indian food. (Ce gatesti? Miroase ca mancarea indiana.)", "You look ___ you have seen a ghost. (Arati de parca ai fi vazut o fantoma.)", "He lost his keys yesterday but ___ I expected he found them. (El si-a pierdut cheile ieri, dar dupa cum m-am asteptat, le-a gasit.)", "That garden looks ___ a forest. (Acea gradina arata ca o padure.)" ]
["as","as","like","as","as if","like","as","as if","like","as if","as","like"]

Un Test simplu in fiecare zi

Ce tag adauga imagine in pagina web?
<div> <img> <span>
<img src="" width="191" height="63" alt="Courses-Web" />
Care din aceste coduri CSS afiseaza textul inclinat?
font-style: italic; text-decoration: underline; font-weight: 500;
#id {
  font-style: italic;
Clic pe functia jQuery care ascunde animat un element HTML.
click() hide() show()
$(document).ready(function() {
  $(".a_class").click(function(){ $(this).hide("slow"); });
Clic pe functia definita corect in PHP.
fname function() {} function fname() {} function $fname() {};
function fname($a, $b) {
  echo $a * $b;
Indicati forma pentru Prezent Perfect Continuu a verbului "to walk" (a merge).
have walked have been walking be walking
I have been walking for 5 hours.
- Merg pe jos de 5 ore.
Indicati Trecutul Nedefinit pentru verbul "ser" (a fi) la forma Yo.
será sería fui
Yo fui entrenador.
- Am fost antrenor.
Like si As - Exercitii engleza incepatori

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