Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii folosind Trecutul perfect (In limba romana fara diacritice).
Pentru negatie folositi forma prescurtata. Propozitiile interogative trebuie terminate cu semnul intrebarii (?).
"Terminasem cartea inainte sa vii tu.",
"El plecase deja azi dimineata",
"When Doris arrived the show had started",
"Mother had cooked the dinner by the time father came home.",
"Noi tocmai intrasem in clasa cand a sunat clopotelul.",
"Had she written for ten minutes when I arrived?",
"They hadn't lived here before you left.",
"Pasagerii au iesit indata ce se oprise trenul.",
"Had he eaten the icecreem when I slept?",
"Eu nu cantasem azi dupamiaza.",
"Zburase (neutru) dupa ce a terminat ea treaba?",
"Venisesi cand el a jucat tenis?"
["I had finished the book before you came","He had already left this morning","Cand Doris a sosit spectacolul incepuse","Mama gatise cina cand tata a venit acasa","We had just got into the classroom when the bell rang","Scrisese ea de zece minute cand eu am sosit?","Ei nu locuise aici inainte sa pleci","The passengers got out as soon as the train had stopped","Mancase el inghetata cand eu am dormit?","I hadn't sung this afternoon","It had flown after she finished the work?","Had you came when he played tennis?"]
Un Test simplu in fiecare zi
Ce tip de <input> creaza o paleta de culori pentru selectare culoare?
type="text" type="color" type="date"<input type="color" name="get_color" />
Care metoda CSS roteste elementul HTML la un anumit numar de grade?
scale() translate() rotate()#some_id:hover {
transform: rotate(60deg);
-ms-transform: rotate(60deg); /* IE 9 */
-moz-transform: rotate(60deg); /* Firefox */
Click pe functia care returneaza numarul cel mai mare.
pow() min() max()var maxn = Math.max(8, 4, 88, 56);
alert(maxn); // 88
Ce functie previne ca un fisier sa fie inclus mai mult de o data intr-o pagina?
include() include_once() require()include_once("un_fisier.php");
Care este traducerea corecta pentru: "Ahead of time"?
Peste timp La timp Inainte de vremeMost people arrived ahead of time.
- Cei mai multi oameni au sosit inainte de vreme (prea devreme).
Indicati traducerea corecta a cuvantului "buenĂsimo"
mai bun mai putin bun extrem de bunEste fruto es buenĂsimo.
- Acest fruct este extrem /nemaipomenit de bun.