Scrieti verbul din paranteze la timpul Trecut perfect (Past Perfect), in acord cu subiectul.
- I ___ (to live)
- You ___ (to work)
- We ___ (to learn)
- He ___ (to guide)
- They ___ (to look for)
- She ___ (to see)
- It ___ here (to be)
- My uncle ___ the meal before I came. (to finish)
- The clown ___ twice. (to fall)
- Your cousin ___ a book. (to write)
- You ___ when he worked. (to read)
- It ___ three glasses. (to wash)
- I ___ my homework before they came. (to do)
- They ___ some greens. (to get)
- You already ___ the cart. (to stop)
- They never ___ before breakfast. (to run )
["had lived","had worked","had learned","had guided","had looked for","had sewn","had been","had finished","had fallen","had written","had read","had washed","had done","had got","had stopped","had run"]
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