Treceti fiecare propozitie la Trecutul perfect (unele propozitii sunt la alt timp, trebuie scrise la Trecut Perfect), forma specificata intre paranteze.
Pentru ca raspunsul sa fie validat corect, la negativ folositi forma prescurtata: "hadn't", iar propozitiile interogative terminati-le cu semnul intrebarii (?).
"I finish the work. (interogativ)",
"Do we pay it? (negativ)",
"You are looking for it. (interogativ)",
"It will start. (interogativ)",
"He makes a house. (negativ)",
"They read english tutorials. (negativ)",
"She will crochet a waistcoat. (interogativ)",
"Sim open the box. (negativ)",
"You are going to market. (interogativ)",
"I received a gift. (negativ)",
"The engine is stopping. (negativ)",
"We'll help the neighbors. (interogativ)"
["Had I finished the work?","We hadn't payed it","Had you looked for it?","Had it started?","He hadn't made a house","They hadn't read english tutorials","Had she crocheted a waistcoat?","Sim hadn't opened the box","Had you been to market?","I hadn't received a gift","The engine hadn't stopped","Had we helped the neighbors?"]
Un Test simplu in fiecare zi
Ce tip de <input> creaza o paleta de culori pentru selectare culoare?
type="text" type="color" type="date"<input type="color" name="get_color" />
Care metoda CSS roteste elementul HTML la un anumit numar de grade?
scale() translate() rotate()#some_id:hover {
transform: rotate(60deg);
-ms-transform: rotate(60deg); /* IE 9 */
-moz-transform: rotate(60deg); /* Firefox */
Click pe functia care returneaza numarul cel mai mare.
pow() min() max()var maxn = Math.max(8, 4, 88, 56);
alert(maxn); // 88
Ce functie previne ca un fisier sa fie inclus mai mult de o data intr-o pagina?
include() include_once() require()include_once("un_fisier.php");
Care este traducerea corecta pentru: "Ahead of time"?
Peste timp La timp Inainte de vremeMost people arrived ahead of time.
- Cei mai multi oameni au sosit inainte de vreme (prea devreme).
Indicati traducerea corecta a cuvantului "buenĂsimo"
mai bun mai putin bun extrem de bunEste fruto es buenĂsimo.
- Acest fruct este extrem /nemaipomenit de bun.