Curs Engleza

- Scrieti verbul din paranteze la timpul trecut simplu (Past Tense), in acord cu subiectul.
[ "I ___ (to work)", "You ___ (to stop)", "We ___ (to walk)", "He ___ (to jump)", "They ___ (to sing)", "She ___ (to read)", "It ___ here (to be)", "My brother ___ here. (to come)", "The birds ___ fast. (to fly)", "The painter ___ a brush. (to ask for)", "You ___ at the theater. (to be)", "He ___ two games. (to have)", "She ___ good things. (to do)", "I ___ a student. (to be)", "You ___ a blue shirt. (to wear)", "I ___ 2 hours. (to wait )" ]
["worked","stopped","walked","jumped","sang","read","was","came","flew","asked for","were","had","did","was","wore","waited"]

Un Test simplu in fiecare zi

Ce tip de <input> creaza o paleta de culori pentru selectare culoare?
type="text" type="color" type="date"
<input type="color" name="get_color" />
Care metoda CSS roteste elementul HTML la un anumit numar de grade?
scale() translate() rotate()
#some_id:hover {
  transform: rotate(60deg);
  -ms-transform: rotate(60deg);    /* IE 9 */
  -moz-transform: rotate(60deg);   /* Firefox */
Click pe functia care returneaza numarul cel mai mare.
pow() min() max()
var maxn = Math.max(8, 4, 88, 56);
alert(maxn);      // 88
Ce functie previne ca un fisier sa fie inclus mai mult de o data intr-o pagina?
include() include_once() require()
Care este traducerea corecta pentru: "Ahead of time"?
Peste timp La timp Inainte de vreme
Most people arrived ahead of time.
- Cei mai multi oameni au sosit inainte de vreme (prea devreme).
Indicati traducerea corecta a cuvantului "buenĂ­simo"
mai bun mai putin bun extrem de bun
Este fruto es buenĂ­simo.
- Acest fruct este extrem /nemaipomenit de bun.
Trecutul simplu - Exercitii si teste incepatori

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