Adaugati unul din prefixele: "dis", "mis" sau "un", potrivit in contextul propozitiei, in acord cu traducerea.
[ "The children ___obey their teacher. - Copiii nu asculta de profesorul lor.", "I tried to speak to the professor, but he was ___available. - Am incercat sa vorbesc cu profesorul, dar nu era disponibil.", "___behave suggests that there was a correct way to behave. - Comportarea urata sugereaza ca a existat o modalitate corecta de a se comporta.", "It`s ok to ___agree with what people say. - E in regula sa nu fiti de acord cu ceea ce spun oamenii.", "The sentence contained a ___placed comma. - Propozitia continea o virgula pusa gresit.", "A wise man turn a ___advantage into a gain. - Un om intelept transforma un dezavantaj intr-un castig.", "The state of peace and happiness is ___avoidable. - Starea de pace si fericire este inevitabila.", "Where did Sally ___appear to? She was here a moment ago. - Unde a disparut Sally? Era aici acum un moment.", "Locknow might be a ___print for Looknow. - Locknow ar putea fi o greseala de tipar pentru Looknow (Priveste-acum).", "It was an ___tidy room, but now is so clean. - A fost o camera neingrijita, dar acum e asa de curata.", "___appointment is just a reflexion of the mind bound with the past. - Dezamagirea este doar o reflectie a mintii legata de trecut.", "The land is ___fit for food crops. - Terenul nu este potrivit pentru culturi alimentare.", "The water was ___placed by the volume of the rocks. - Apa a fost inlocuita de volumul rocilor.", "It was just a ___timed joke. - A fost doar o gluma inoportuna.", "The ___truth does not exist. - Neadevarul nu exista.", "The true forgiveness cures any ___ability. - Iertarea adevarata vindeca orice handicap." ]
Un Test simplu in fiecare zi
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<thead> <th> <td><table><tr>
<th>Title 1</th>
<th>Title 2</th>
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- El va dormi acolo.
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- El va dormi acolo.