Curs Engleza

- Scrieti verbul din paranteze la timpul prezent simplu (Present Tense), in acord cu subiectul.
[ "I ___ (to swim)", "You ___ (to swim)", "We ___ (to walk)", "He ___ (to walk)", "They ___ (to sing)", "She ___ (to read)", "it ___ here (to be)", "My father ___ here. (to come)", "The birds ___ fast. (to fly)", "The eagle ___ very high. (to fly)", "You ___ at the theater. (to be)", "He ___ two books. (to have)", "She ___ good things. (to do)", "I ___ a student. (to be)", "You ___ a blue shirt. (to have)", "I ___ to live peacefully. (to choose )" ]

Un Test simplu in fiecare zi

Care tag defineste zona de click intr-o harta creata dintr-o imagine?
<map> <img> <area>
<img src="image.jpg" usemap="#map1">
<map name="map1">
  <area shape="rect" coords="9, 120, 56, 149" href="#">
  <area shape="rect" coords="100, 200, 156, 249" href="#">
Ce proprietate CSS indica ce sa se intample cand continutul unui element depaseste dimensiunile lui?
display overflow position
#id {
  overflow: auto;
Clic pe evenimentul care este declansat cand mouse-ul e deasupra unui obiect.
onclick onmouseover onmouseout
document.getElementById("id").onmouseover = function(){
  document.write("Sa ai Viata Buna");
Indicati variabila PHP ce contine datele adaugate in adresa URL, dupa caracterul "?".
if(isset($_GET["id"])) {
  echo $_GET["id"];
Clic pe pronumele reflexiv care e potrivit in propozitia: "Marc is the boy ... won the prize".
who which whoever
Marc is the boy who won the prize.
- Marc e baiatul care a castigat premiul.
Clic pe pronumele reflexiv care e potrivit in propozitia: "Voy a ver al pintor de ... les hablé ayer".
que quien cuyo
Voy a ver al pintor de quien les hablé ayer.
- Ma duc sa vad pictorul despre care ti-am vorbit ieri.
Prezentul simplu - Exercitii si teste incepatori

Last accessed pages

  1. Stilizare tabele HTML cu CSS (7692)
  2. Adaugare imagini in pagina (17483)
  3. Ser, estar, tener sau haber (791)
  4. Prezent perfect si Prezent perfect continuu - Present perfect and Continuous (89539)
  5. Trecut perfect si Trecutul perfect continuu - Past perfect and Continuous (56565)

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