Curs Engleza

- Scrieti verbul din paranteze la Prezent perfect continuu, in acord cu subiectul.
Ex.: "I ___ (to learn)" - have been learning

[ "I ___ (to teach)", "You ___ (to stand up)", "We ___ (to sit)", "He ___ (to write)", "They ___ (to read)", "She ___ (to plant)", "I ___ over there (to go)", "My aunt ___ here. (to sleep)", "The elephant ___ a lot. (to eat)", "The balloon ___ very high. (to fly)", "You ___ in the classroom. (to read)", "He ___ a book. (to draw)", "She ___ for 3 hours. (to train)", "I ___ it since this morning. (to see)", "You lately ___ every evening. (to run)", "I ___ for ages. (to travel)" ]
["have been teaching","have been standing up","have been sitting","has been writing","have been reading","has been planting","have been going","has been sleeping","has been eating","has been flying","have been reading","has been drawing","has been training","have been seeing","have been running","have been traveling"]

Un Test simplu in fiecare zi

Care tag se foloseste in <table> pentru a crea celula de tip "header"?
<thead> <th> <td>
  <th>Title 1</th>
  <th>Title 2</th>
Ce proprietate CSS seteaza distanta dintre randuri?
line-height word-spacing margin
.some_class {
  line-height: 150%;
Care functie deschide o noua fereastra.
alert() confirm() open()
document.getElementById("id_button").onclick = function(){"");
Indicati functia PHP care returneaza un array cu numele fisierelor si directoarelor dintr-un director.
mkdir() scandir() readdir()
$ar_dir = scandir("dir_name");
Care din urmatoarele forme a verbului "sleep" (a dormi) se foloseste pentru viitor?
sleeping slept will sleep
He will sleep there.
- El va dormi acolo.
Care din urmatoarele forme a verbului "dormir" (a dormi) se foloseste pentru viitor?
dormido dormirá durmiendo
Él dormirá allí.
- El va dormi acolo.
Prezent perfect continuu - Exercitii si teste incepatori

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