Scrieti verbul din paranteze la Prezentul continuu, in acord cu subiectul.
Ex.: "I ___ (to speak)" - am speaking
"I ___ (to write)",
"You ___ (to swim)",
"We ___ (to walk)",
"He ___ (to walk)",
"They ___ (to read)",
"She ___ (to sing)",
"I ___ here (to play)",
"My father ___ here. (to come)",
"The birds ___ fast. (to fly)",
"The eagle ___ very high. (to fly)",
"You ___ to the theater. (to go)",
"He ___ two books. (to have)",
"She ___ good to you. (to be)",
"I ___ a student. (to see)",
"You ___ a blue shirt. (to wear)",
"I ___ to live peacefully. (to choose )"
["am writing","are swiming","are walking","is walking","are reading","is singing","am playing","is coming","are flying","is flying","are going","is having","is being","am seeing","are wearing","am choosing"]
Un Test simplu in fiecare zi
Care tip de <input> creaza un element cu data tip calendar?
type="text" type="date" type="button"<input type="date" name="set_date" value="2012-10-15" />
Ce proprietate CSS adauga efect de umbre la text?
font-style color text-shadowh2 {
text-shadow: 2px 3px 3px #a0a1fe;
Clic pe functia care adauga elemente noi la sfarsitul unui array.
pop() shift() push()var pags = ["lectii", "cursuri"];
pags.push("download", "tutoriale");
alert(pags[2]); // download
Ce functie aranjeaza un array in ordine crescatoare, dupa chei, mentinand corelatia dintre chei si valori?
asort() ksort() sort()$lang =[10=>"PHP", 20=>"JavaScript", "site"=>"coursesweb.net");
var_export($lang); // array ("site"=>"coursesweb.net", 10=>"PHP", 20=>"JavaScript")
La adjectivul "big" (mare), care este forma de Comparativ (mai mare)?
biggest biger biggerHe is bigger than his sister.
- El este mai mare decat sora lui.
Care este Comparativul adjectivului "grande" (mare)?
menos grande más grande el más grandeÉl es más grande que su hermana.
- El este mai mare decat sora lui.