Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii, folosind Trecutul perfect Continuu (In limba romana fara diacritice). Propozitiile interogative trebuie terminate cu semnul intrebarii (?).
"Eu scriam de doua ore.",
"Va plimbati de jumatate de ora?",
"Dorothy hadn't been working when you eaten.",
"Eu il vedeam in fiecare zi.",
"He had been writing poems for two years when I met him.",
"We had been mending the fence.",
"Ce faceati toata dimineata?",
"Nu se duceau la scoala.",
"Dan facea cumparaturi de trei ore.",
"Eu il asteptam de aseara cand a venit.",
"Se invartea motorul cand a plouat?",
"Se oprea in fiecare zi de cand l-am instalat."
["I had been writing for two hours","Had you been walking for half an hour?","Dorothy nu lucra cand tu ai mancat","I had been seeing him every day","Scria poezii de doi ani cand l-am intalnit.","Noi reparam gardul","What had you been doing all morning?","They hadn't been going to school","Dan had been shopping for three hours","I had been waiting for him since last night when he came","Had the engine been spinning when it rained?","It had been stopping every day since I installed it"]
Un Test simplu in fiecare zi
Care tag HTML5 defineste un text marcat, evidentiat?
<mark> <embed> <span><p>Cursuri graruite: <mark>MarPlo.net</mark> , jocuri, anime.</p>
Ce pseudo-clasa CSS defineste un stil la element cand mouse-ul e deasupra lui?
:focus :hover :activea:hover {
font-weight: bold;
color: #00da01;
Clic pe functia ce returneaza un sir cu un numar rotunjit la x decimale.
toPrecision(x) toFixed(x) floor(x)var num = 12.34567;
num = num.toFixed(2);
alert(num); // 12.35
Indicati functia PHP care adauga continutul unui fisier intr-un array.
[) file() readfile()$arr = file("a_file.txt", FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
Clic pe raspunsul potrivit la intrebarea: "What time is it?"
On the 7th of July 1996 It is a quarter to 5. Nice weather.What time is it? It is a quarter to 5.
- Cat este ora? E 5 fara un sfert.
Indicati raspunsul potrivit la intrebarea: "¿Qué hora es?"
Hace buen tiempo. En el 7 de julio de 1996 Son las tres menos cuarto.¿Qué hora es? Son las tres menos cuarto.
- Cat este ora? E 3 fara un sfert.