Curs Engleza

- Treceti fiecare propozitie la Trecutul Continuu, forma specificata intre paranteze. Pentru ca raspunsul sa fie validat corect, la negativ folositi formele prescurtate: "weren't", "wasn't", iar propozitiile interogative terminati-le cu semnul intrebarii (?).
[ "I play here. (interogativ)", "We laugh. (negativ)", "You float. (interogativ)", "It jumps high. (interogativ)", "He wear a big hat. (negativ)", "They have many pigeons. (negativ)", "She speaks english. (interogativ)", "George stops the bus. (negativ)", "You go to the museum. (interogativ)", "I see a turtle. (negativ)", "The bears run fast. (negativ)", "We make the project. (interogativ)" ]
["Was I playing here?","We weren't laughing","Were you floating?","Was it jumping high?","He wasn't wearing a big hat","They weren't having many pigeons","Was she speaking english?","George wasn't stopping the bus","Were you going to the museum?","I was't seeing a turtle","The bears weren't running fast","Were we making the project?"]

Un Test simplu in fiecare zi

Ce tag se foloseste pentru a include fisier extern CSS in pagina web?
<body> <script> <link>
<link href="/templ/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Ce proprietate CSS seteaza marimea textului?
font-weight text-decoration font-size
h2 {
  font-size: 1em;
Indicati proprietate JavaScript care poate sa adauge cod HTML intr-un element.
text value innerHTML
document.getElementById("someID").innerHTML = "Continut HTML";
Clic pe functia care returneaza numarul de caractere dintr-un sir in PHP.
count() strlen() stristr()
$str = "";
$nr_chr = strlen($str);
echo $nr_chr;       // 22
Care este forma de feminin a adjectivului "white" (alb)?
white whitea whites
(In limba engleza adjectivele au aceeasi forma pt. ambele genuri)
The snow is white. - Zapada e alba.
Care este forma de feminin a adjectivului "blanco" (alb)?
blanc blance blanca
La nieve es blanca.
- Zapada e alba.
Trecutul continuu - Exercitii si teste engleza

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