Curs Engleza

- Scrieti verbele din parantezele patrate la prezentul simplu sau continuu, in functie de intelesul propozitiei..
Acest exercitiu include verbe care pot fi dinamice si statice.
[ "My husband is allways ___ the food while I`m cooking. [taste] (Sotul meu mereu gusta mancarea cand gatesc.)", "He ___ a bath every evening. [have] (El face baie in fiecare seara.)", "Marin ___ the doctor now. [see] (Marin e la doctor acum.)", "He ___ a party next weekend. [have] (El are o petrecere weekend-ul urmator.)", "We ___ John and Susie next month. [see] (Ne intalnim cu John si Susie luna care vine.)", "What ___ about the flowers? [you/think] (Ce crezi despre flori?)", "She ___ a bath. [have] (Ea face baie.)", "It ___ hot tody. [be] (Este cald astazi.)", "They ___ a car. [have] (Ei au o masina.)", "The waiter ___ the wine now. [taste] (Chelnerul gusta vinul acum.)", "___ a book? [you/want] (Vrei o carte?)", "This tea ___ like a rose. [smell] (Acest ceai miroase ca un trandafir.)", "I ___ fun today. [have] (Ma distrez astazi.)", "I ___ much about my boyfriend. [think] (Ma gandesc mult la prietenul meu.)", "They often ___ a film on Fridays. [see] (Ei adesea vad un film vinerea.)", "This juice ___ like a peach. [taste] (Acest suc are gust de piersica.)", "___ a good time at the moment? [you/have] (Te simti bine in acest moment?)", "You ___ such a kind person. [be] (Esti o persoana atat de buna.)" ]
["tasting","has","is seeing","is having","are seeing","do you think","is having","is","have","is tasting","Do you want","smells","am having","am thinking","see","tastes","Are you having","are"]

Un Test simplu in fiecare zi

Care tag defineste zona de click intr-o harta creata dintr-o imagine?
<map> <img> <area>
<img src="image.jpg" usemap="#map1">
<map name="map1">
  <area shape="rect" coords="9, 120, 56, 149" href="#">
  <area shape="rect" coords="100, 200, 156, 249" href="#">
Ce proprietate CSS indica ce sa se intample cand continutul unui element depaseste dimensiunile lui?
display overflow position
#id {
  overflow: auto;
Clic pe evenimentul care este declansat cand mouse-ul e deasupra unui obiect.
onclick onmouseover onmouseout
document.getElementById("id").onmouseover = function(){
  document.write("Sa ai Viata Buna");
Indicati variabila PHP ce contine datele adaugate in adresa URL, dupa caracterul "?".
if(isset($_GET["id"])) {
  echo $_GET["id"];
Clic pe pronumele reflexiv care e potrivit in propozitia: "Marc is the boy ... won the prize".
who which whoever
Marc is the boy who won the prize.
- Marc e baiatul care a castigat premiul.
Clic pe pronumele reflexiv care e potrivit in propozitia: "Voy a ver al pintor de ... les hablé ayer".
que quien cuyo
Voy a ver al pintor de quien les hablé ayer.
- Ma duc sa vad pictorul despre care ti-am vorbit ieri.
Verbe Dinamice si Statice - Exercitii Engleza

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