Curs Engleza

- Recunoasteti si scrieti la fiecare propozitie Verbul modal ce-l contine.
[ "Can you be my friend? (Poti sa fii prietenul meu?)", "I could run ten miles in my twenties. (Puteam sa alerg zece mile cand eram de douazeci de ani.)", "May I come in? (Imi permiteti [Pot] sa intru?)", "He mihgt be there right now. (El s-ar putea sa fie acolo chiar acum.)", "You must pray to the God.(Trebuie sa te rogi la Dumnezeu.)", "Might I borrow the stapler? (As putea imprumuta capsatorul?)", "You may sit now. (Poti sa stai jos acum.)", "She must go to the school. (Ea trebuie sa mearga la scoala.)", "It was late, but we could plant the flowers. (Era tarziu, dar am reusit sa plantam florile.)", "He can speak two foreign languages. (El stie sa vorbeasca doua limbi straine.)", "The children must eat many fruits. (Copii trebuie sa manance multe fructe.)", "Can you read this? (Poti [Stii] sa citesti asta.)", "The teacher might be late. (Profesorul ar putea intarzia.)", "You may copy the lesson. (Ai voie sa copii lectia.)", "Tom can help all his brothers. (Tom poate sa-si ajute toti fratii.)", "She could run one kilometer more. (Ea ar fi putut alerga inca un kilometru.)" ]

Un Test simplu in fiecare zi

Ce tag adauga imagine in pagina web?
<div> <img> <span>
<img src="" width="191" height="63" alt="Courses-Web" />
Care din aceste coduri CSS afiseaza textul inclinat?
font-style: italic; text-decoration: underline; font-weight: 500;
#id {
  font-style: italic;
Clic pe functia jQuery care ascunde animat un element HTML.
click() hide() show()
$(document).ready(function() {
  $(".a_class").click(function(){ $(this).hide("slow"); });
Clic pe functia definita corect in PHP.
fname function() {} function fname() {} function $fname() {};
function fname($a, $b) {
  echo $a * $b;
Indicati forma pentru Prezent Perfect Continuu a verbului "to walk" (a merge).
have walked have been walking be walking
I have been walking for 5 hours.
- Merg pe jos de 5 ore.
Indicati Trecutul Nedefinit pentru verbul "ser" (a fi) la forma Yo.
será sería fui
Yo fui entrenador.
- Am fost antrenor.
Verbe modale - Exercitii incepatori

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