Treceti fiecare propozitie la Viitorul Continuu, forma specificata intre paranteze. Pentru ca raspunsul sa fie validat corect, la negativ folositi forma prescurtata: "won't", iar propozitiile interogative terminati-le cu semnul intrebarii (?).
"I play tomorrow. (interogativ)",
"We laugh. (negativ)",
"You cook. (interogativ)",
"It jumps. (interogativ)",
"He wear a hat. (negativ)",
"They sell many roses. (negativ)",
"She studies english. (interogativ)",
"George drives the bus. (negativ)",
"You go to the library. (interogativ)",
"I watch the garden. (negativ)",
"Your dogs run. (negativ)",
"We make the project. (interogativ)"
["Will I be playing tomorrow?","We won't be laughing","Will you be cooking?","Will it be jumping?","He won't be wearing a hat","They won't be selling many roses","Will she be studying english?","George won't be driving the bus","Will you be going to the library?","I won't be watching the garden","Your dogs won't be running","Will we be making the project?"]
Un Test simplu in fiecare zi
Ce atribut face un buton radio sau checkbox sa fie selectat?
checked="checked" selected="selected" disabled="disabled"<input type="checkbox" name="a_name" value="value" checked="checked" />
Ce valoare CSS redimensioneaza imaginea de fundal pana la marimea elementului?
repeat-x contain linear-gradient#id {
Ce operator se foloseste pentru restul impartirii a doua numere?
% * /var rest8_7 = 8 % 7;
Indicati functia PHP care rotunjeste numarul la valoarea intreaga mare.
floor() ceil() abs()$nr = ceil(3.5);
echo $nr; // 4
Indicati articolul corect la cuvantul "bike" in propozitia: "Alex wants to buy ... bike".
An The AAlex wants to buy a bike.
- Alex vrea sa cumpere o bicicleta.
Indicati articolul nedefinit corect pentru cuvantul: "libros" (carti)
unos una unLeĆ unos libros.
- Am citit niste carti.