- Cu Ellie la cumparaturi, invatati denumirea catorva magazine si alimente.
Ziua de cumparaturi
Ellie - Mum! Where are we going?
Mama! Unde mergem?
Mother - We have to buy some water, sugar, butter and eggs.
Trebuie sa cumparam niste apa, zahar, unt si oua.
Ellie - Let's go to the supermarket.
Hai sa mergem la supermarket.
Mother - Can I have five eggs, a kilo of sugar, a bottle of mineral water and a packet of butter, please?
Imi puteti da cinci oua, un kilogram de zahar, o sticla de apa minerala si un pachet de unt, va rog?
Seller - Yes. Anything else?
Vanzator - Da. Altceva?
Mother - A loaf of bread.
O paine intreaga.
Seller - Here you are!
Mother - How much is everything?
Cat costa totul?
Seller - It's ? 10,60.
Zece lire si 60 penny.
Mother - Thank you!
Seller - Welcome!
Cu placere!
Mother - Let's buy some fruits.
Hai sa cumparam cateva fructe.
Ellie - Ok. Where's the greengrocer's?
Bine. Unde e aprozarul?
Mother - It is near the supermarket.
E langa supermarket.
Mother - Can I have a bunch of bananas and a kilo of tomatoes, please?
Imi puteti da un ciorchine de banane si un kilogram de rosii, va rog?
Seller - Here you are. That's ? 5.68 pounds.
Poftiti. Costa 5 lire si 68 penny.
Mother - Thank you! Good bye!
Multumesc! La revedere!
Seller - Bye!
Ellie - Do we have everything we need?
Avem tot ce ne trebuie?
Mother - Yes, we do.
Da, avem.
Ellie - Let's go home.
Hai sa mergem acasa.
Mother - Ok.
Ellie - Look,mother! What's happening?
Priveste, mama! Ce se intampla?
Mother - Ouch! My basket! Look at the basket! It is running away.
Au! Cosul meu! Priveste cosul! A luat-o la fuga.
Ellie - Ha, ha! There is a monkey in the basket.
Ha, ha. Este o maimuta in cos.