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Tommy - What's this? Is it an airplane?
Ce e asta? Este un avion?
Ellie - No, it isn't. This is a pencil sharpener. The airplane is on the shelf behind the globe.
Nu, nu e. Asta e o ascutitoare. Avionul e pe raft in spatele globului.
Tommy - Wow! It's funny. And there is a big pencil on the books.
Uau! E amuzant. Acolo e un creion mare pe carti.
Ellie - Oh, no! That's a pencil box.
Oh, nu! Acela e un penar.
Tommy - Hmm! And way are there puppets near the books?
Hmm! Si de ce sunt acolo papusi langa carti?
Ellie - They aren't puppets. They are pens. And there are the teddy bears under the table. Look! They are under the table between the ball and the sponge. And look at my school bag, it is on the chair.
Nu sunt papusi. Sunt stilouri. Iar acolo se afla ursuletii de plus sub masa. Priveste! Ei sunt sub masa intre minge si burete. Si uita-te la ghiozdanul meu, este pe scaun.
Tommy - It looks like a teddy bear.
Seamana cu un ursulet de plus.
Ellie - Yes, it does.
Da, asa e.
Tommy - It is so strange. Look, there is a peach on the desk.
E asa ciudat. Priveste, este o piersica pe banca.
Ellie - Oh, no! That's not a peach, That's a rubber.
Oh, nu! Aceea nu este o piersica. Aia este o radiera.