Curs Engleza

- Cautati in toate listele proverbe si expresii ce contin cuvantul:


  1. The game is not worth the candle.   =   Nu face fata cât ata. / Mai mare daraua decât ocaua.
  2. Gaming, women and wine, while they laugh, they make men pine. / Dicing, drabbing and drinking bring men to destruction / play, women, and wine undo men laughing. / Three things drive a man out of his house - smoke, rain and a scolding wife.   =   Trei lucruri nu lasã în pace pe om: vinul, femeia si banul.
  3. Buy gape-seed   =   A umbla teleleu.
  4. No garden without its weeds. / On fat land grow foulest weeds.   =   Nu este gradina fara buruieni. / Nu e padure fara uscaturi.
  5. One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever.   =   Un neam trece si altul vine, dar pãmântul rãmâne întotdeauna.
  6. Gentle is that gentle does.   =   Omul bun dupã fapte se cunoaste.
  7. To get it   =   A o pati.
  8. To get out of hands   =   A scapa de sub control.
  9. Gifts blind the eyes.   =   Darurile orbesc ochii.
  10. Give a clown your finger, and he will take your hand. / Give him an inch and he`ll take an ell.   =   Dai un deget si-ti ia mâna toatã.
  11. Give a man luck and cast him into the sea.   =   Fã-mã, mamã, cu noroc, si aruncã-mã în foc.
  12. Give honey for the ass`s mouth.   =   A strica orzul pe gaste.
  13. Give neither counsel nor salt till you are asked for it. / Come not to counsel uncalled.   =   Nu da sfat, neîntrebat. / Nu da povatã celui ce nu ti-o cere, cãci nu te ascultã. / Sare, pânã nu cere, sã nu-i dai cuiva.
  14. God gives the milk, but not the pail.   =   Dumnezeu iti da dar nu baga si-n traista.
  15. He gives twice who gives quickly.   =   Lucrul la timp dãruit pretuieste îndoit. / Darul dat la vreme e dar îndoit.
  16. Give the piper a penny to play and two pence to leave off.   =   Cu un ban s-a prins în horã si cu zece nu poate scãpa.
  17. Giving much to the poor doth enrich a man`s store.   =   Ce dai sãracilor tie-ti dai.
  18. The goat must browse where she is tied.   =   Capra roade unde o legi.
  19. The gods send nuts to those who have no teeth. / They have most bread who have least teeth.   =   Dumnezeu trimite omului alune, când nu mai are dinti.
  20. God`s mill grinds slow but sure. / The mills of god grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small.   =   Dumnezeu nu rãmâne la nimeni dator.
  21. Who goes to bed supperless, all night tumbles and tosses.   =   Cine se culcã nemâncat codri viseazã. / Flãmândul codri viseazã.
  22. A golden key can open any door. / There is no lock but a golden key will open it. / No lock will hold against the power of gold.   =   Cheia de aur deschide toate usile (portile). / Aurul e cheia ce merge la toate încuietorile.
  23. Gold is tried in the fire. / Fire is the test of gold. / Fire is the test of gold; adversity of friendship.   =   Aurul în foc se lãmureste.
  24. Good and quickly seldom meet.   =   Si repede si bine mai rar se poate.
  25. As good as ...   =   La fel de bun ca ...
  26. As good as a feast   =   Suficient
  27. Be as good as one`s word   =   A fi om de cuvant.
  28. A good beginning makes a good ending.   =   Care începe bine sfârseste frumos.
  29. A good bestill is worth a groat.   =   Vorba multã, sãrãcia omului.
  30. Good broth may be made in an old pot.   =   Gãina bãtrânã face ciorba (zeama) bunã.
  31. A good conscience is a soft pillow. / A good conscience is a continual feast.   =   Cugetul bun e cea mai moale pernã. / Cugetul linistit odihna buna aduce.
  32. A good deed is never lost. / One never loses by doing a good turn. / Do well and have well / one good turn deserves another.   =   Fapta bunã nu moare niciodatã.
  33. It is good fishing in troubled waters.   =   Tulburã apa ca sã pescuiascã.
  34. A good friend is a treasure.   =   Prieten adevãrat, avere nepretuitã.
  35. A good friend is my nearest relation. / A near neighbour is better than a far-dwelling kinsman.   =   Mai bun este prietenul cel de aproape, decât fratele cel de departe. / Mai bine un prieten apropiat decât o rudã depãrtatã.
  36. Good is good, but better carries it.   =   Binele peste bine nu stricã.
  37. Good land: evil way.   =   Bunã tarã, rea tocmealã.
  38. A good marksman may miss.   =   Chiar omul cu judecatã greseste câteodatã.
  39. The good mother says not, will you? but gives.   =   Mama cea bunã nu-ntreabã pe copii de le e foame.
  40. A good name is better than riches. / A good name is better than gold. / Good name is better than a good face.   =   Omenia-i mai buna ca avutia. / Numele bun e mai bun ca aurul.
  41. A good neighbour, a good morrow. / All is well with him who is beloved of his neighbours. / You must ask your neighbour if you shall live in peace. / A near neighbour is better than a far-dwelling kinsman.   =   Vecin bun ai nimerit, mare bine-ai dobândit.
  42. A good shepherd must fleece his sheep, not flay them. / Where every hand fleeceth, the sheep goes naked.   =   Pãstorul cel bun, cel ce tunde si nu beleste. / Pãstorul cel bun, cel ce tunde oaia si nu o jupoaie.
  43. Good things come to some when they are asleep.   =   La omul cu noroc fierbe oala fãrã foc.
  44. Good to begin well, better to end well.   =   Începutul fie cum o fi, sfârsitul sã fie bun.
  45. It is good to strike the serpent`s head with your enemy`s hand. / Take the chestnuts out of the fire with the cat`s paw.   =   A prinde sarpele cu mâna altuia (nebunului).
  46. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit. / Good fruit of a good tree. / A tree is known by its fruit.   =   Nu poate pom bun sã facã roade rele. / Pomul bun dupa roade bune se cunoaste.
  47. One good turn deserves another. / A good deed is never lost / Do well and have well.   =   Binele cu bine se rãsplãteste.
  48. Good ware makes quick markets.   =   Marfa sã fie bunã, musterii nu lipsesc. / Vaca bunã se vinde din staul.
  49. Good watch prevents misfortune.   =   Paza bunã trece primejdia rea.
  50. A good wife`s a goodly prize, saith solomon the wise.   =   Femeia cinstitã e coroana bãrbatului. / Nevasta cu mintea bunã e bãrbatului cununã. / Femeia bunã e plug de aur în casa omului.
  51. Good wine needs no bush.   =   Vinul bun de sine se laudã.
  52. Good words anoint us, and ill do unjoint us.   =   Cuvântul bun unge si cel rãu împunge.
  53. Good words cool more than cold water. / A soft answer turneth away wrath.   =   O vorbã bunã stinge focul mai curând decât o bute de apã.
  54. Good words fill not a sack. / Fair words fill not the belly / many words will not fill a bushel.   =   Vorba goalã nu umple sacul.
  55. Goose and gander and gosling are three sounds but one thing.   =   Ce mi-e Tanda, ce mi-e Manda. / Ce mi-e baba Rada, ce mi-e Rada baba. / Ce mi-e popa Stan, ce mi-e Stan popa. / Ce mi-e prostul, ce mi-e nebunul.
  56. Goslings lead the geese to water. / Teach your grandmother to suck eggs.   =   Bobocii pe gâste vor sã le învete sã-noate. / Bobocii voiesc a duce gâstele la pãscut.
  57. Ill gotten, ill spent. / Evil gotten, evil spent.   =   Averea cu înselãciune câstigatã, scade.
  58. The grapes are sour. / Fie upon hens! quoth the fox, because he could not reach them.   =   Vulpea când n-ajunge la struguri zice cã sunt acri. / Vulpea când n-ajunge la gãini zice cã sunt spânzurate.
  59. Grass grows not upon the highway.   =   Pe cãrarea bãtutã nu creste iarbã.
  60. Great birth is a very poor dish at table.   =   E de neam mare, dar crescut în sãrãcie.
  61. Great braggers, little doers. / They brag most that can do least. / Much bruit and little fruit / Great boast and little roast. / Much cry and little wool. / The greatest talkers are the least doers / A long tongue is a sign of a short hand.   =   Gurã multã, treabã putinã. / Vorba lunga saracia omului. / Cine spune mult face putin.
  62. The greatest hate springs from the greatest love.   =   Iubirea peste mãsurã aduce în urmã urã.
  63. The greatest wealth is contentment with a little. / He hath enough who is contented with little / content is more than a kingdom / he is rich enough that wants nothing.   =   Fericit acela care se multumeste cu putin.
  64. Great honours are great burdens.   =   Obrazul (fata) subtire cu mare cheltuialã se tine.
  65. At a great lick   =   Cu toata viteza
  66. Great promises and small performances. / He promises mountains and performs molehills.   =   Îi fãgãduieste marea cu sarea, si-i dã ce nu curge pe apã.
  67. A great ship asks deep waters.   =   Pentru corabie mare trebuie apã multã.
  68. A great talker is a great liar. / Great talkers are great liars.   =   Vorba multã nu e fãrã minciuni.
  69. A guilty conscience feels continual fear. / A guilty conscience needs no accuser. / The thief does fear each bush an officer.   =   Omul de vinã se teme si de umbrã.

Un Test simplu in fiecare zi

Ce tag se foloseste pentru a adauga liste in elemente <ul> si <ol>?
<dt> <dd> <li>
Care valoare a proprietatii "display" seteaza elementul ca tip bloc si afiseaza un punct in fata?
block list-item inline-block
.some_class {
  display: list-item;
Care instructiune JavaScript transforma un obiect in sir JSON.
JSON.parse() JSON.stringify eval()
var obj = {
 "courses": ["php", "javascript", "ajax"]
var jsonstr = JSON.stringify(obj);
alert(jsonstr);    // {"courses":["php","javascript","ajax"]}
Indicati clasa PHP folosita pentru a lucra cu elemente HTML si XML in PHP.
stdClass PDO DOMDocument
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Indicati forma de Prezent Continuu a verbului "to live" (a trai /a locui)
lived living liveing
I`m living here.
- Traiesc /Locuiesc aici.
Care este forma de Gerunziu (sau Participiu Prezent) a verbului "vivir" (a trai /a locui)?
vivió vivido viviendo
Estoy viviendo aquí.
- Traiesc /Locuiesc aici.

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