Curs Engleza

- Cautati in toate listele proverbe si expresii ce contin cuvantul:


  1. Sadness and gladness succeed each other. / After joy comes annoy.   =   Totdeauna desfãtarea are sorã întristarea.
  2. Salt seasons all things.   =   Sarea-i bunã în fierturã, însã nu peste mãsurã.
  3. Save a thief from the gallows and he will help to hang you. / Save a thief from the gallows and he will hate you. / Save a stranger from the sea, and he`ll turn your enemy. / Let an ill man lie in thy straw, and he looks to be thy heir.   =   Pe cel ce nu-l lasi sã moarã, acela te omoarã. / Pe cine nu-l lasi sã moarã, nu te lasã sã trãiesti. / Scapã-l din foc, ca sã te bage în foc.
  4. Saying and doing are two things. / Saying is one thing, and doing another / from word to deed is a great space.   =   A zice si a face nu-i totuna.
  5. Saying is one thing, and doing another. / Saying and doing are two things / from word to deed is a great space.   =   A zice e una, a face e alta.
  6. Who says a must say b. / You cannot say a without saying b.   =   Cine zice una trebuie sã zicã si douã.
  7. Scabbed horse cannot abide the comb.   =   Calul râios se scarpinã de copacul scorburos.
  8. One scabbed sheep will mar a whole flock.   =   Oaia râioasã umple turma toatã. / O vacã râioasã stricã toatã cireada.
  9. A scalded cat fears cold water. / Once bitten twice shy. / He that has been bitten by a serpent is afraid of a rope.   =   Pisica opãritã fuge si de apã rece. / Cine s-a fript cu ciorba sufla si-n iaurt.
  10. Scald not your lips in another man`s pottage.   =   Nu-ti bãga nasul unde nu-ti fierbe oala. / Nu te amesteca unde nu-i treaba ta.
  11. To scare someone out of his wits   =   A speria pe cineva ingrozitor
  12. Scatter with one hand, gather with two.   =   Dã cu o mânã si ia cu doua.
  13. Science has no enemy but the ignorant.   =   Invãtãtura datã rãu se sparge în capul tãu.
  14. Scratch where it itches. / I scratch (claw) where it itches not.   =   Unde nu te mâncã, nu te scãrpina.
  15. Second thoughts are best. / It is easy to be wise after the event.   =   Dã-mi, Doamne, mintea românului cea de pe urmã.
  16. A secret foe gives a sudden blow.   =   Cãrbunele acoperit pe nesimtite te arde. / Fereste-te de cãrbunele acoperit.
  17. A secret is too little for one, enough for two, too much for three. / Three may keep counsel if two be away / two may keep counsel if one be away.   =   Lucrul cunoscut de doi, trei, nu mai rãmâne între ei.
  18. Seeing is believing. / One eyewitness is better than ten hear-so`s.   =   Nici un lucru sã nu crezi, cu ochii pânã nu vezi.
  19. Seething   =   Care se agita.
  20. Self-praise is no recommendation. / A man`s praise in his own mouth stinks / he that praises himself spatters himself.   =   Lauda de sine nu miroase a bine. / Nu-ti lãuda singur faptele, cã îti pierzi rodul.
  21. Self do, self have.   =   Cine imparte, parte-si face. / Cine face, siesi face. / Cine face, lui îsi face.
  22. God sends meat and the devil sends cooks.   =   Dumnezeu face casa, dracu aduce musafirii.
  23. Serve you right   =   Asa va trebuie.
  24. To set a task before something   =   A-i trasa cuiva o sarcina.
  25. To set the wolf to keep the sheep. / You give the wolf the wether to keep. / To set the fox to keep his geese.   =   A pune lupul paznic la oi.
  26. To be set upon   =   Cu tot dinadinsul.
  27. The sharper the storm, the sooner it`s over.   =   De ploaie repede sã nu te sperii.
  28. If my shirt knew my design i`d burn it. / If my skirt knew my design i`d burn it.   =   Nu te încrede nici în cãmasa ta. / Cãciula ta, când va afla taina, în foc s-o bagi.
  29. Short folk are soon angry.   =   Mic ca acul si rãu ca dracul.
  30. Short pleasure, long pain. / In war, hunting, and love men for one pleasure a thousand griefs prove.   =   Plãcerea scurtã, cãintã lungã. / Dupã o scurtã plãcere urmeazã o lungã durere.
  31. Short reckonings make long friends. / Even reckoning makes long friends.   =   Socoteala deasã e frãtie aleasã. / Cârnatul lung e bun, dar socoteala lungã nu e bunã.
  32. Show me a liar, and i will show you a thief. / He that will lie will steal / lying and thieving go together.   =   Hotul jurã si iar furã.
  33. Cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream   =   Se face ca nu se vede (ca nu stie) cand a facut ceva gresit.
  34. Out of sight, out of mind. / Far from eye, far from heart. / Seldom seen, soon forgotten. / Salt water and absence wash away love. / Long absent, soon forgotten.   =   Ochii care nu se vãd se uitã.
  35. The sign invites you in, but your money redeem you out.   =   Pânã a nu intra socoteste cum ai sã iesi. / Cine intrã fãrã tocmealã iese fãrã socotealã.
  36. Silence does seldom harm. / More have repented speech than silence.   =   Tãcerea nu sparge capul. / Cine tace merge-n pace.
  37. Silence is golden. / Quietness is a great treasure.   =   Tãcerea e de aur.
  38. Silence is often the best answer. / Speak fitly, or be silent wisely. / No wisdom to silence.   =   Tãcerea-i adesea cel mai bun rãspuns. / Si tãcerea e un rãspuns.
  39. Silence means consent. / Silence gives consent.   =   Cine tace primeste. / Tacerea e un sfatuitor bun.
  40. Simply and badly true   =   Pur si simplu adevarul.
  41. Old sin makes new shame.   =   Pãcatul vechi aduce rusine nouã.
  42. Be at sixes and sevens. (Be off the hinges)   =   A fi claie peste gramada /brambura /alandala.
  43. Slander leaves a score behind it. / If the ball does not stick to the wall, it will at least leave a mark.   =   Vorba de rãu se duce peste nouã tãri si nouã mãri.
  44. Let sleeping dogs lie. / Wake not a sleeping lion.   =   Nu destepta câinele care doarme. / Când doarme câinele lasã-l în pace.
  45. A sleeping man is not hungry.   =   Cine doarme nu-i e foame.
  46. Sleep is the image of death. / Sleep is the brother of death.   =   Somnul e oglinda mortii. / Somnul e rupt din moarte.
  47. The sleepy fox has seldom feathered breakfasts. / The sleeping fox catches no poultry. / When the fox sleeps, no grapes fall in his mouth.   =   Vulpea care doarme nu prinde gãini.
  48. To slobber   =   A se pierde cu firea.
  49. Sloth, like rust, consumes faster than labour wears.   =   Lenea e la om ca si rugina la fier.
  50. The slothful man is the beggar`s brother. / Idleness is the key to poverty.   =   Lenesul ajunge frate cu cersetorul.
  51. Slow but sure. / Fair and softly goes far. / He that goes softly goes safely / soft pace goes far.   =   Incet dar sigur. / Încetul cu încetul, departe ajungi.
  52. A small leak will sink a great ship. / Little strokes fell great oaks. / A little stone in the way overturns a great wain.   =   Printr-o crãpãturã micã strãbate apa în corabia cea mare.
  53. Small sorrows speak; great ones are silent. / Little griefs are loud, great griefs are silent / little cares speak, great ones are dumb.   =   Durerile mari sunt mute.
  54. Of a small spark a great fire. / A little spark kindles a great fire. / A little fire burns up a great deal of corn.   =   Din scânteia micã se aprinde focul mare. / Adesea scânteia micã face flacãrã mare.
  55. The smoke of a man`s own house is better than the fire of another`s.   =   Decât în tarã strãinã, cu pitã si cu slãninã, mai bine în satul tãu cu mãlaiu cât de rãu.
  56. No smoke without fire. / No fire, no smoke.   =   Nu iese fum fãrã foc. / De unde nu-i foc nici fum nu iese.
  57. Sodom apples outwardly fair, ashes at the core.   =   Merele frumoase pot fi si viermãnoase.
  58. A soft answer turneth away wrath. / Good words cool more than cold water.   =   Vorba dulce mult aduce. / Rãspunsul blând înlãturã mânia. / Cuvantul poate mangaia mai mult decat mana.
  59. Soft pace goes far. / Fair and softly goes far. / He that goes softly goes safely / slow but sure.   =   Pas cu pas departe duce. / Un pas dupã altul departe te duce.
  60. For someone’s sake   =   De dragul cuiva.
  61. Something is better than nothing. / Half a loaf is better than no bread. / Better some of a pudding than none of a pie.   =   Orice putin e bun decat deloc. / Mai bine un pic decât nimic.
  62. It is sometimes good to hold a candle to the devil. / Give the devil his due.   =   E bine a da si dracului o lumânare. / Trebuie sã dai câteodatã o lumânare si dracului.
  63. As soon as a man is born he begins to die. / It is as natural to die as to be born / our lives are but our marches to the grave. / He that is once born, once must die.   =   Omu-i cu moartea dupã cap.
  64. We soon believe what we desire.   =   Cine ce pofteste lesne crede. / Tot ce cu mare poftã iubim, acela cu mare lesnire credem.
  65. No sooner said than done   =   Zis si facut.
  66. Sorrow for a husband is like a pain in the elbow, sharp and short.   =   Sãrace bãrbate, cã asearã murisi si nu te mai putui uita.
  67. A sound mind in a sound body.   =   În trup sãnãtos, minte voioasã.
  68. One sows and another reaps. / Little dogs start the hare, the great get her. / One beats the bush and another catches the birds.   =   De multe ori unii samãnã si altii secerã. / Unul macinã, altul mãnâncã.
  69. To spare for time   =   A trage de timp.
  70. Spare the rod and spoil the child. / The man who has not been flogged is not educated / a pitiful mother makes a scabby daughter. / Better children weep than old men.   =   Cine nu se îndurã de vargã pierde copilul. / Copilul nepedepsit ajunge neprocopsit.
  71. Spare well and have well.   =   Cine nu crutã când are va rãbda la lipsã mare.
  72. Two sparrows on one ear of corn make an ill agreement.   =   Doi insi pe-o sfoarã anevoie pot juca.
  73. Speak fitly, or be silent wisely. / Be still, and have thy will. / Silence is often the best answer / no wisdom to silence.   =   Sau taci sau zi ceva mai bun decât tãcerea. / Mai bine sã taci decât sã vorbesti rãu.
  74. Speech is silver, but silence is golden. / Silence is golden.   =   Vorba e de argint, tãcerea e de aur. / Tacerea-i ca mierea.
  75. In spending lies the advantage.   =   Cei mai rãi bani sunt cei neîntrebuintati. / Banul ascuns în pãmânt, nici creste nici rodeste.
  76. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.   =   Duhul este osârduitor, dar trupul neputincios. / Sufletul bucuros este sã intre în rai, numai pãcatele nu-l lasã.
  77. Who spits against the wind, it falls in his face. / Who spits against the heaven, it falls in his face. / Evil that comes out of thy mouth flieth into thy bosom.   =   Cine scuipã în sus îi cade în obraz. / Cine scuipã împotriva vântului îsi scuipã mustãtile (barba).
  78. To split hairs   =   A taia firu-n patru.
  79. Standing pools gather filth.   =   Apa linã face mult noroi, iar cea repede si pietrele le spalã.
  80. As it stands   =   Asa cum stau lucrurile. ; Asa cum se prezinta situatia.
  81. God stays long, but strikes at last. / God hath leaden feet, but iron hands.   =   Dumnezeu nu bate cu ciomagul.
  82. Step after step the ladder is ascended.   =   Treaptã cu treaptã te urci pe scarã.
  83. Be still, and have thy will.   =   Cine tace merge-n pace.
  84. Still waters run deep.   =   Apele linistite (line) sunt adânci.
  85. A stitch in time saves nine. / He that repairs not a part, builds all. / The tailor that makes not a knot loses a stitch. / Who repairs not his gutter, repairs his whole house.   =   Spãrtura pânã e micã trebuie cârpitã.
  86. Stolen waters are sweet. / Stolen pleasures are sweet. / Forbidden fruit is sweet.   =   Apa furatã e mai plãcutã.
  87. To strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.   =   Strecurati tântarul si înghititi cãmila. / Strecoarã tântarul, înghite armãsarul.
  88. Stretch your legs according to your coverlet.   =   Intinde-te cât ti-e plapuma.
  89. In strict confidence   =   Strict confidential.
  90. Strike while the iron is hot. / Make hay while the sun shines / hoist your sail when the wind is fair.   =   Bate fierul cât (pânã) e cald.
  91. He struck at tib, but down fell tom.   =   Unde dai si unde crapã.
  92. Stuff today and starve tomorrow.   =   Astãzi când are parale mãnâncã zaharicale; când se cautã mâine, n-are cu ce sã-si ia pâine. / Azi are, saturã zece, si mâine flãmând petrece. / Azi întinde pân-o rupe, mâine n-are s-o astupe.
  93. Such a thing has never been known   =   Nu s-a mai vazut asa ceva.
  94. Such bird, such egg. / Like crow, like egg.   =   Cum e oul, e si gaina.
  95. Suffer and expect.   =   Rabdã inimã si taci.
  96. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.   =   Ajunge zilei rãutatea ei.
  97. The sun does not shine on both sides of the hedge at once.   =   Soarele cã e soare si tot nu poate lumina toate vãile.
  98. The sun shines upon all alike.   =   Soarele nu rãsare numai pentru un om. / Soarele încãlzeste si pe buni si pe rãi.
  99. To swagger   =   A face pe grozavul
  100. One swallow does not make a summer. / One flower makes no garland.   =   Cu o rândunicã nu se face primãvara (vara).
  101. Sweep before your own door. / If every man would sweep his own doorstep the city would soon be clean.   =   Mãture fiecare la usa sa.
  102. No sweet without some sweat. / If you won`t work, you shan`t eat. / No mill, no meal / a horse that will not carry the saddle must have no oats. / No pains, no gains / he that will not work shall not eat.   =   Cine nu munceste, nu mãnâncã.

Un Test simplu in fiecare zi

Ce tag se foloseste pentru a crea o caseta de adaugare text?
<form> <input> <div>
<input type="text" name="a_name" value="val" />
Ce proprietate CSS se foloseste pentru a afisa textul cu majuscule-mici?
display font-variant font-style
h3 {
  font-variant: small-caps;
Ce instructiune afiseaza o fereastra cu un mesaj in ea?
for() Date() alert()
var msg = "Viziteaza";
Indicati codul PHP prin care se obtine IP-ul utilizatorului.
echo $ip;
Cum se traduce cuvantul "actually"?
actual de fapt acum
He actually came on time.
- De fapt, el a venit la timp.
Cum se traduce expresia: "Hace buen tiempo"?
Face timp E vreme frumoasa Drum bun
Hoy hace buen tiempo.
- Astazi e vreme frumoasa.

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