Curs Engleza

- Cautati in toate listele proverbe si expresii ce contin cuvantul:


  1. Be taken aback   =   A ramane nelamurit.
  2. To be taken aback   =   A fi luat prin surprindere.
  3. Take no more on you than you`re able to bear.   =   Nu lua mai mult decat poti duce.
  4. To take over   =   A lua in stapanire.
  5. To take place   =   A se produce.
  6. Take the bit and the buffet with it.   =   Cine-ncalecã mãgarul sã-i sufere nãravul.
  7. Take the chestnuts out of the fire with the cat`s paw. / To take the nuts from the fire with the dog`s foot. / It is good to strike the serpent`s head with your enemy`s hand.   =   A scoate castanele din foc cu mâna altuia.
  8. To take the rough with the smooth   =   A lua lucrurile asa cum sunt.
  9. To take the winds out of somebody’s raits   =   A dejuca planurile cuiva.
  10. All talk and no cider   =   Mult zgomot pentru nimic (vorba lunga, treaba ioc)
  11. Talking as if butter wouldn’t melt in your mouth   =   Vorbind ca un prefacut (de parca nici usturoi n-a mancat nici gura nu-i miroase)
  12. Talk of the devil, and he is bound to appear. / The devil is never nearer than when we are talking of him.   =   Vorbesti de dracul si el din dreptul tãu.
  13. Talk of the wolf, and his tail appears.   =   Vorbesti de lup si lupul la usã.
  14. Tall men had ever very empty heads.   =   Inalt cât o prãjinã si prost cât o basinã (ca o ceapã).
  15. Teaching others teacheth yourself. / One learns in teaching.   =   Când înveti pe altul, tu atunci mai mult înveti. / Învãtînd pe altul, tu atunci mai mult înveti.
  16. Tell me with whom thou goest, and i`ll tell thee what thou doest. / A man is known by the company he keeps.   =   Spune-mi cu cine te însotesti, ca sã-ti spun cine esti.
  17. Tender spot   =   Punct slab.
  18. To tent to vanish   =   A tinde sa dispara
  19. At that   =   Pe deasupra. / In plus.
  20. He that asks faintly begs a denial.   =   Cel neîndrãznet pierde multe bunuri.
  21. He that blows in the dust fills his eyes with it.   =   Cine suflã-n foc îi sar scânteile în ochi.
  22. He that cannot abide a bad market deserves not a good one.   =   Negustorul trebuie sã aibã un pântec larg ca sã treacã prin el si bune si rele.
  23. He that cannot ask cannot live.   =   Omul cu rusine piere, nimeni nu-i dã pân nu cere.
  24. He that cannot beat the ass beats the saddle. / He that cannot beat the horse beats the saddle.   =   Bate samarul sã priceapã mãgarul. / Bate saua sã priceapã iapa.
  25. He that cannot obey cannot command. / He commands enough that obeys a wise man / no man can be a good ruler unless he has first been ruled.   =   Înainte de a porunci învatã a te supune.
  26. He that comes last to the pot is soonest wroth.   =   Cine vine prea târziu la masã acela roade oasele. / Cine vine târziu la masã i se atârnã lingurile de gât.
  27. He that comes of a hen must scrape. / That that comes of a cat will catch mice.   =   Ce naste din gãinã râcâie la pãmânt.
  28. He that commits a fault thinks everyone speaks of it. / The faulty stands on his guard.   =   Omul nedrept se teme de toti. / Cine se stie cu musca pe cãciulã se apãrã. / Vinovatul negonit fuge.
  29. He that counts all costs will never put plough in the earth.   =   Cine socoteste câte foi intrã-n plãcintã niciodatã nu mãnâncã plãcintã. / Dacã socoti plãcinta din câte pãturi îi, n-o mai mãnânci.
  30. He that died half a year ago is as dead as adam. / To dead men and absent there are no friends left.   =   Ce intrã în pãmânt curând se uitã. / Cine a murit an, an s-a îngropat.
  31. He that does ill hates the light.   =   Oricine face rele urãste lumina.
  32. He that doth amiss may do well.   =   Cine sparge sticlele, le plãteste.
  33. He that dwells next door to a cripple will learn to halt.   =   Cu schiopul împreunã de vei locui, te-nveti si tu a schiopãta. / Cu schiopii la un loc de sezi, te înveti sã schiopãtezi.
  34. He that eats least, eats most.   =   Cine mãnâncã putin mãnâncã de mai multe ori.
  35. He that endures is not overcome. / He that can stay obtains / perseverance overcomes all things.   =   Cu rãbdarea trece marea. / Omul cu rãbdarea trece chiar si marea.
  36. He that endureth to the end shall be saved.   =   Cel ce va rãbda pânã la sfârsit, acela se va mântui.
  37. He that fears every grass must not walk in a meadow. / He that fears leaves, let him not go into the wood.   =   Cine se teme de brumã nu pune vitã de vie.
  38. He that fights and runs away, may live to fight another day.   =   Fuga e rusinoasã, dar e sãnãtoasã.
  39. He that fights with silver arms is sure to overcome.   =   Bate-te cu sãgeti de argint, de voiesti sã biruiesti. / Bate-te cu sulita de argint cã vei birui. / Sabia de aur taie mai tare ca cea de fier.
  40. He that forecasts all perils will never sail the sea. / He that forecasts all perils will win no worship. / He that will sail without danger must never come upon the main sea. / He that is afraid of wounds must not come nigh a battle. / He that fears leaves, let him not go into the wood.   =   Cui i-e fricã de orice nor nici o cãlãtorie nu face.
  41. All that glitters is not gold.   =   Nu tot ce sclipeste (luceste) e aur. / Nu tot ce zboarã se mãnâncã.
  42. He that goes a-borrowing, goes a-sorrowing.   =   Datoria griji aduce. / Datoria e plinã de griji.
  43. He that goes barefoot must not plant thorns.   =   Printre spini trebuie sã umbli încãltat.
  44. He that goes softly goes safely. / Fair and softly goes far. / Soft pace goes far / slow but sure.   =   Cine merge incet, in siguranta ajunge. / Cine merge încet departe ajunge.
  45. He that handles thorns shall prick his fingers. / Who remove stones bruise their fingers.   =   Cine culege trandafiri, trebuie sã se-nghimpe.
  46. He that has a full purse never wanted a friend. / Rich folk have many friends.   =   Banul îsi câstigã prieteni.
  47. He that has a head of glass must not throw stones at another. / He that has a house of glass must not throw stones at another / people who live in glass houses shouldn`t throw stones. / He that has a head of wax must not walk in the sun.   =   Cine are cap de sticlã, sã nu arunce în nimeni.
  48. He that has a head of wax must not walk in the sun. / Be not a baker if your head be of butter / people who live in glass houses shouldn`t throw stones / / who has skirts of straw needs fear the fire. / He that has a head of glass must not throw stones at another.   =   Nu merge la soare de fricã sã nu i se topeascã nasul.
  49. He that has an ill name is half hanged. / Ill deemed, half hanged / an ill wound is cured, not an ill name.   =   Mai bine sã-ti iasã un ochi decât un nume rãu. / Decât sã-ti iasã nume rãu, mai bine ochii din cap.
  50. He that has a white horse and a fair wife never wants trouble.   =   Calu bun si nevasta frumoasã îti pun capu. / Vinul bun, nevasta frumoasã sunt douã veninuri dulci.
  51. He that has been bitten by a serpent is afraid of a rope. / Once bitten, twice shy. / A scalded cat fears cold water / a burnt child dreads the fire / a scalded dog fears cold water / whom a serpent has bitten, a lizard alarms.   =   Pe cine l-a muscat câinele se teme si de lãtrãturã.
  52. He that has but four and spends five, has no need of a purse.   =   Cinci câstig, sapte mãnânc, ce rãmâne bag în pungã. / Cine cheltuieste peste ceea ce câstigã n-are-n casã mãmãligã.
  53. He that has money has what he wants.   =   Cine are bani are de toate. / Cu bani cumperi si brânzã de iepuri. / Cu bani gãsesti si lapte de pasãre.
  54. He that has no honey in his pot, let him have it in his mouth. / He that has not silver in his purse should have silk on his tongue.   =   Ori sã fii cu miere-n gurã, ori cu mâna-n buzunar.
  55. He that has no money needs no purse.   =   Sãracului nu-i trebuie pungã.
  56. He that has nothing need fear to lose nothing. / You cannot lose what you never had. / A man cannot give what he hasn`t got / where nothing is, the king must lose his right.   =   De la cel ce n-are nu vei lua.
  57. He that has plenty of good shall have more. / The more you get, the more you want / much would have more.   =   Binele vine la bine precum albinele la cosnitã.
  58. He that has shipped the devil must make the best of him. / He that takes the devil into his boat must carry him over the sound.   =   Bagi pe dracul în casã cu lãutari, si nu-l poti scoate cu sute de arhierei. / Aduci pe dracul în casã cu lãutari si apoi nu-l scoti cu o mie de popi.
  59. He that has time and looks for time, loses time.   =   Cine cautã vreme pierde vremea. / Cine are vreme sã n-o piarzã.
  60. He that has to do with what is foul never comes away clean. / He that measures oil shall anoint his fingers / he that touches pitch shall be defiled.   =   Cine umblã cu fier se umple de ruginã.
  61. He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the lord.   =   Cine dã sãracilor împrumutã pe Dumnezeu. / Cel ce miluieste pe sãrac, dã împrumut lui Dumnezeu.
  62. He that hurts another hurts himself. / He that mischief hatches, mischief catches.   =   Rãu faci, rãu gãsesti.
  63. All that I have left   =   Tot ce mi-a ramas.
  64. He that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. / Much science, much sorrow.   =   Cel ce îsi înmulteste stiinta îsi sporeste suferinta.
  65. He that is a blab is a scab.   =   Gurã spartã, râie curatã.
  66. He that is angry is seldom at ease.   =   Nemultumitul trãieste nefericit.
  67. He that is angry without a cause shall be pleased without amends.   =   În care cãmasã s-a mâniat într-aceea s-a desmânia.
  68. He that is born a fool is never cured.   =   Prostia din fire n-are lecuire.
  69. He that is born to be hanged shall never be drowned. / No flying from fate / the fated will happen / what must be, must be.   =   Cine moare spânzurat nu moare înecat.
  70. He that is fed at another`s hand may stay long ere he be full.   =   Cine bea apã din pumni strãini nu se saturã niciodatã.
  71. He that is long giving knows not how to give. / A gift much expected is paid, not given.   =   Darul cel târziu nu are putere de dar.
  72. He that is not with me is against me.   =   Cine nu este cu mine este împotriva mea.
  73. He that is once born, once must die.   =   Ce se naste trebuie sa moara.
  74. He that is once born, once must die. / It is as natural to die as to be born / our lives are but our marches to the grave. / As soon as a man is born he begins to die / all that lives must die / all men are mortal.   =   Cine vede nasterea vede si moartea. / Ce naste moare.
  75. He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for it.   =   Celui ce se pune chezas pentru un strãin îi merge rãu.
  76. He that keeps another man`s dog shall have nothing left him but the line.   =   Daca dai pâine câinilor altuia, cã te latrã ai tãi.
  77. He that killeth a man when he is drunk must be hanged when he is sober.   =   El ce face la betie se cãeste la trezie.
  78. He that knows nothing doubts nothing.   =   Nerodul la orice fie, pe loc zice cã îl stie.
  79. He that labours and thrives spins gold.   =   Cu munca, frate, si din piatrã scoti lapte. / Munca e brãtarã de aur.
  80. He that learns a trade has a purchase made.   =   Omul cu mestesug nu piere. / Cine are o meserie are o mosie.
  81. He that leaves the highway to cut short, commonly goes about. / Who leaves the old way for the new, will find himself deceived.   =   Sã nu lasi drumul mare pentru cãrare. / De vei da ocol, vei ajunge mai curând, de vei merge de-a dreptul, vei zãbovi mai mult.
  82. He that lies upon the ground can fall no lower.   =   Cine doarme pe pãmânt n-are fricã sã cadã când se întoarce.
  83. All that lives must die. / He that is once born, once must die / all men are mortal.   =   Câte-n lume se nasc, mor toate. / Cine trãieste trebuie sã moarã.
  84. He that loses is merchant as well as he that gains.   =   De câstigi, de pãgubesti, tot negustor te numesti.
  85. He that makes himself a sheep shall be eaten by the wolf. / Make yourself all honey and the flies will devour you.   =   Cine se face oaie îl mãnâncã lupul.
  86. He that marries late, marries ill.   =   Însoarã-te pânã nu-ti trece vremea. / Mâncarea de dimineatã si însurãtoarea de tânãr sunt bune.
  87. He that measures oil shall anoint his fingers. / He that has to do with what is foul never comes away clean / He that touches pitch shall be defiled.   =   A bãga mâna în miere si a nu-ti linge degetele nu se poate. / Cine-si bagã mâna-n miere si nu-si linge degetele?
  88. He that mischief hatches, mischief catches. / He that hurts another hurts himself.   =   Cine seamana vant (ploaie), culege furtuna. / Cine samãnã rãutãti, iarã rãutãti va secera.
  89. He that mocks a cripple, ought to be whole. / If you mock the lame, you will go so yourself in time.   =   Pânã a nu râde de cel ce schiopãteazã, bagã de seamã bine, dacã tu umbli cu mult mai bine. / Nu râde de altii, uitã-te la tine.
  90. He that nothing questions, nothing learns.   =   Cine nu intreaba, nu invata.
  91. He that praises himself spatters himself. / A man`s praise in his own mouth stinks / self-praise is no recommendation.   =   Cine se laudã pe sine, mai tare se înjoseste. / Cine se laudã singur, se ocãrãste pe sine.
  92. He that promises too much means nothing.   =   Cine promite mult dã putin.
  93. He that reckons without his host must reckon twice.   =   Face socoteala fãrã birtas. / Socoteala de acasã nu se potriveste cu cea din târg.
  94. He that runs fast will not run long.   =   Cine se grãbeste curând osteneste.
  95. He that runs into danger must expect to perish therein. / He that brings himself into needless dangers, dies the devil`s martyr.   =   Cel care iubeste primejdia va cãdea într-însa.
  96. He that seeks finds. / The dog that trots finds a bone.   =   Cine cautã gaseste. / Cel ce cautã, va afla.
  97. He that seeks trouble, never misses. / Harm watch, harm catch.   =   Cine cautã ceartã gãseste bãtaie. / Cine cautã pe dracu întotdeauna îl gãseste.
  98. He that serves at the altar ought to live by the altar.   =   Cine slujeste altarului din altar mãnâncã. / Lucrãtorul mãnâncã de unde lucreazã.
  99. All that shakes falls not. / Better bend than break.   =   Trestia care se pleacã vântului, niciodatã nu se frânge.
  100. He that soweth good seed shall reap good corn.   =   Sãmânta bunã, bun rod îti dã.
  101. He that sows thistles shall reap prickles.   =   Cine seamãnã spini, spini culege.
  102. He that speaks sows and he that holds his peace gathers.   =   Cine vorbeste seamãnã, cine ascultã culege.
  103. He that speaks the thing he should not hears the thing he would not. / He who says what he likes shall hear what he does not like.   =   Cine vorbeste ce-i place, acela sã audã si ce-l supãrã.
  104. He that takes the raven for his guide will light on carrion.   =   Cine se ia dupã muscã ajunge la bãlegar.
  105. That that comes of a cat will catch mice. / Cat after kind, good mouse-hunt. / He that comes of a hen must scrape.   =   Ce naste din pisicã soareci mãnâncã.
  106. He that too much embraceth holds little. / Grasp all, lose all. / All covet, all lose.   =   Cine îmbrãtiseazã multe putine adunã.
  107. He that touches pitch shall be defiled. / He that has to do with what is foul never comes away clean / he that measures oil shall anoint his fingers.   =   Nu poti umbla cu smoalã si sã nu te ungi. / Cine s-atinge de smoalã si nu se mânjeste? / Cu pãcurarul când trãiesti, trebuie sã te mânjesti.
  108. He that travels far knows much.   =   Nu cine trãieste mult stie multe, ci cine umblã mult stie multe.
  109. He that waits for dead men`s shoes may go long enough barefoot. / It`s ill waiting for dead men`s shoes. / He pulls with a long rope that waits for another`s death.   =   Cel ce asteaptã sã mosteneascã încãltãrile mortului, umblã toatã viata descult.
  110. He that washes an ass`s head loses both his lye (soap) and his labour.   =   Cine spalã capul mãgarului în zadar pierde osteneala si sãpunul.
  111. That which is crooked cannot be made straight.   =   Ce-i strâmb nu se poate îndrepta.
  112. He that will eat the kernel must crack the nut. / You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs. / He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree.   =   Cine va sã mãnânce miezul trebuie mai întâi sã spargã coaja. / Sparge întâi nuca ca sã-i mãnânci miezul.
  113. He that will enter into paradise must have a good key.   =   Cu chei de aur si de argint se deschid portile raiului.
  114. He that will lie will steal. / Show me a liar and i will show you a thief / lying and thieving go together.   =   Cine minte si furã. / Care spune minciuni e ca omul care furã.
  115. He that will not be counselled cannot be helped. / In vain he craves advice that will not follow it.   =   Cine nu primeste sfat nu e nici de ajutat.
  116. He that will not when he may, when he will he shall have nay.   =   Cine nu face când poate, nu face când vrea.
  117. He that will not work shall not eat. / If you won`t work, you shan`t eat. / No mill, no meal / a horse that will not carry the saddle must have no oats. / No pains, no gains / no sweet without some sweat.   =   Cine nu munceste, nu mãnâncã.
  118. He that will steal an egg will steal an ox. / He that will steal a pin will steal a better thing.   =   Cine furã azi un ou, mâine va fura un bou. / Cine furã azi o ceapã, mâine furã si o iapã. / Azi o ceapã, mâine o iapã, poimâine herghelia toatã.
  119. He that will steal a pin will steal a better thing. / He that will steal an egg will steal an ox.   =   Cine furã azi un ac mâine furã un gânsac.
  120. He that will swear will lie.   =   Cine jurã lesne, minte.
  121. He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree.   =   Pâinea nu vine singurã la tine, ci trebuie s-o cauti.
  122. He that would hang his dog gives out first that he is mad. / Give a dog a bad name and hang him. / It is easy to find a stick to beat a dog.   =   Cine vrea sã-si ucidã câinele sãu destul sã zicã cã e turbat.
  123. He that would learn to pray, let him go to sea.   =   Care nu stie rugãciunea meargã pe mare.
  124. He that would live in peace and rest, must hear, and see, and say the best. / Wide ears and a short tongue / hear and see and say nothing. / Hear much, speak little.   =   Cine vrea sã trãiascã în pace aude, vede si tace. / Sã auzi, sã vezi si sã taci, dacã vrei sã petreci cu pace.
  125. He that would the daughter win must with the mother first begin. / He that would the mistress win must with the maid first begin. / Praise the child, and you make love to the mother.   =   Cine vrea fata, sa ia aminte la mama. / Vezi mama, apoi fata.
  126. That’s about all   =   Asta-i tot.
  127. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. / Out of the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks. / What the heart thinks, the tongue speaks.   =   Din prisosul inimii grãieste gura.
  128. If the adder could hear, and the blindworm could see, neither man nor beast would ever go free.   =   Sã te fereascã Dumnezeu când o face râma ochi, cã-i mai rea decât sarpele. / Când ar fi dupã corbi, toti caii ar fi morti.
  129. Be on the air   =   A transmite. /A emite. (despre radio /tv)
  130. Act the ape   =   A se maimutari (a face pe prostul / bufonul)
  131. Act the ass, to   =   A se comporta prosteste
  132. At the back of beyond   =   La capatul lumii. (Unde a dus surdu iapa.)
  133. Be on the bargain counter   =   A se vinde sub valoare (la pret scazut).
  134. If the beard were all, the goat might preach. / The brains don`t lie in the beard.   =   Barbã lungã si capra are, dar minte nicicum nu are.
  135. If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.   =   Orbul pe orb povãtuind cad amândoi în groapã (mormânt).
  136. Be on the booze   =   A trage la masea. (A bea.)
  137. Be on the broad grin   =   A ranji cu gura pîn-la urechi.
  138. Be in the buff   =   A fi gol pusca.
  139. Be on the bum   =   A umbla cu cortul. (A hoinari.)
  140. Let the cobbler stick to his last. / Let not the cobbler (shoemaker) go beyond his last.   =   Cizmarul pentru cizme numai rãspunde, iar nu si pentru nãdragi.
  141. In the country of the blind the one-eyed man is king. / In the kingdom of blind men, the one-eyed is king.   =   În tara orbilor chiorul este împãrat. / Chiorul între orbi este împãrat (rege).
  142. All in the day`s   =   Normal (nimic deosebit)
  143. Let the dead bury their dead.   =   Lasã mortii sã-si îngroape mortii lor.
  144. Let the dead bury the dead and (let) the living lead a gay life. / We must live by the quick (living), not by the dead.   =   Morti cu mortii, iar viii cu viii.
  145. Woe to thee, o land, when thy king is a child!   =   Vai de tine, tarã, care ai un copil rege. / Vai de tara ce-o pun copiii la cale.
  146. It is the first step that is difficult. / The greatest step is that out of doors. / Every beginning is hard.   =   Începutu-i anevoie, urma vine de la sine. / Primul pas e mai greu.
  147. At the flood   =   La momentul oportun
  148. Do as the friar says, not as he does. / Do as i say, not as i do.   =   Fã ce zice popa, nu face ce face el.
  149. Out of the frying-pan into the fire.   =   A cadea din put in lac.
  150. Be on the gad   =   A fi mereu pe drumuri.
  151. At the hazard of his life   =   Cu riscu vietii.
  152. In the house of a fiddler all fiddle.   =   În casa lãutarului fiecare joacã.
  153. Be on the lam   =   A fugi mancand pamantul. (A fugi cat il tin picioarele.)
  154. Can the leopard change his spots?   =   Lupul îşi schimbă părul, dar năravul ba.
  155. If the lion`s skin cannot the fox`s shall. / Either by might or by sleight.   =   De multe ori unde nu ajunge pielea de leu, împlineste pielea vulpii. / Unde se sparge pielea de lup cârpeste-o cu piele de vulpe.
  156. Be at the lock   =   A fi in dilema.
  157. Use the means, and god will give the blessing.   =   Pune mâna si o sã punã si Dumnezeu mila.
  158. Be on the mend   =   A fi în curs de însanatosire.
  159. If the mountain will not come to mahomet, mahomet must go to the mountain.   =   Dacã nu vine muntele la mahomed, vine mahomed la munte.
  160. At the nick of time   =   In ultima clipa. (La tanc)
  161. If the old dog barks, he gives counsel. / If you wish good advice, consult an old man / an old dog barks not in vain.   =   Când latrã un câine bãtrân sã iesi afarã. / Câine bãtrân sã te pãzesti, din casa ta sã nu izgonesti.
  162. At the peep of day   =   La revarsarea zorilor. ; Cand se crapa de ziua.
  163. In the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be. / As a tree falls, so shall it lie.   =   Copacul unde a cãzut, acolo rãmâne.
  164. To the pure all things are pure.   =   Toate sunt curate pentru cei curati.
  165. Is there any world with in the world of me   =   Exista o lume in interiorul lumii mele.
  166. There are black sheep in every flock.   =   Nu e pãdure fãrã uscãturi.
  167. There are more men threatened than stricken.   =   Amenintarea fãrã putere e desartã.
  168. There are no birds of this year in last year`s nests.   =   Tot un cuc nu ne cântã în toatã vremea. / Nu mai bate vântul care bãtea.
  169. Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.   =   Întelept ca sarpele si curat ca porumbita, pururea sã te arãti! / Fii întelept ca sarpele, muncitor ca albina si doritor ca turturica.
  170. There is a limit to everything.   =   Toate au un hotar în lume.
  171. There is a limit to one`s patience. / Patience provoked turns to fury.   =   Rãbdarea are si ea marginile ei.
  172. There is a measure in all things. / Measure is treasure / moderation in all things.   =   Mãsurã la toate, cea mai bunã dreptate.
  173. There is a remedy for everything but death. / A deadly disease neither physician nor physic can ease / there is no medicine against death.   =   Moartea-i fãrã leac. / Numai moartea-i fãrã leac.
  174. There is a scorpion under every stone. / Snake in the grass.   =   Sub piatra cea mai frumoasã, scorpia ascunsã zace.
  175. There is a time for everything. / Everything has its time.   =   Tot lucrul la vremea lui. / Toate îsi au vremea lor.
  176. There is a time to be born, and a time to die.   =   Vreme este sã te nasti si vreme sã mori.
  177. There is a time to love, and a time to hate.   =   Vreme este sã iubesti si vreme sã urãsti.
  178. There is a time to speak, and a time to be silent.   =   Vreme este sã taci si vreme sã grãiesti.
  179. There is a time to weep, and a time to laugh.   =   Vreme e a râde, vreme e a plânge.
  180. There is great force hidden in a sweet command.   =   Vorbele cele dulci deschid usa cea de fier.
  181. There is no accounting for tastes. / Everyone as they like best / Tastes differ. / Every man to his taste.   =   Gustul disputã n-are. / Gusturile ne se discuta. / Fiecare cu gustul lui.
  182. There is no companion like the penny.   =   Prietenul omului este punga cu bani si sacul cu mãlai.
  183. There is no going to heaven in a sedan. / To go to heaven in a featherbed.   =   Pân-s-ajungi la Dumnezeu, mii de sfinti în drumul tãu, toti cu mâna-ntinsã ceu.
  184. There is no good accord where every man would be a lord. / Where every man is master the world goes to wreck.   =   Vai de casa cu multi stãpâni.
  185. There is no little enemy. / Though thy enemy seem a mouse, yet watch him like a lion.   =   Nu dispretui pe nici un inimic, fie cât de mic.
  186. There is no place like home. / East, west, home`s best / Home is home, though it be never so homely. / An englishman`s home is his castle / One`s own hearth is gowd`s worth.   =   Nicãieri nu-i mai bine ca acasa. / Ca acasã la tine nu-i nicãieri bine. / Mai bine in coliba ta decat in palatu altuia
  187. There is no remedy for fear.   =   Leac de fricã nu-i. / De fricã nu se descântã.
  188. There is nothing new under the sun. / Nothing new under the sun.   =   Totu-i nou si totu-i vechi. / Nu este nimic nou sub soare.
  189. There is nothing worse than an old lover.   =   Bãtrânul amorezat e ca pirosca cu pãsat.
  190. There is not so bad a gill, but there`s as bad a will. / Every jack mus have his jill.   =   Si-a gãsit hârbul capacul, tigva dopul si lelea bãrbatul.
  191. There is truth in wine. / In wine there is truth.   =   Arama omului la betie se aratã.
  192. There would be no great ones if there were no little ones.   =   Fara saraci nu exista bogati.
  193. There`s no great loss without some gain. / No great loss but some small profit.   =   Nu e câstig fãrã pagubã. / Unde e câstig e si pagubã.
  194. There`s none so blind as those who will not see. / None so blind as those who won`t see.   =   Nu e mai orb decât cel ce nu vrea sã vadã.
  195. There`s none so deaf as those who will not hear. / None so deaf as those who won`t hear.   =   Nu e mai surd decât cel care nu vrea sã audã. / Nu e mai surd ca surdul ce se face cã nu aude.
  196. Be on the right scent.   =   A fi pe drumul cel bun.
  197. Be in the running   =   A avea sanse de castig.
  198. Be on the shelf   =   A fi scos din uz.
  199. At the top of one`s throat (voice).   =   In gura mare. ; Cat il tine gura.
  200. At the very loose.   =   In ultimul moment; In ultima clipa.
  201. By the way   =   Apropo; Fiindcă veni vorba.
  202. As the work, so the pay.   =   Cum ti-e lucru, asa ti-e plata. / Cum muncesti, asa ti se plãteste.
  203. As they brew, so let them drink. / As they brew, so let them bake. / As you bake, so shall you eat / as you make your bed, so you must lie on it.   =   Cine face gãlusca trebuie s-o si-nghitã. / Precum faci, asa tragi. / Capul face, capul trage. / Cum dumicasi, asa mâncasi.
  204. They must hunger in frost that will not work in heat.   =   Cine vara petrece cântând, iarna rãmâne flãmând. / Cine vara stã si doarme, iarna, biet, moare de foame. / Cine n-are vara minte, iarna nu mãnâncã plãcinte.
  205. They must hunger in frost that will not work in heat.   =   Cine vara stã si doarme, iarna, biet, moare de foame.
  206. They need much whom nothing will content.   =   Lacomul, si sãtul, flãmând este.
  207. If the young man would and the old man could, there would be nothing undone.   =   Dã-mi, Doamne, puterea tânãrului si mintea bãtrânului.
  208. They shall beat their swords into ploughshares.   =   Preface-vor sãbiile în fiare de pluguri si lãncile lor în cosoare.
  209. They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.   =   Nu cei sãnãtosi au nevoie de doctor, ci cei bolnavi.
  210. They that have got good store of butter may lay it thick on their bread.   =   Cine are bea si mãnâncã, cine nu, stã si se uitã. / Cine poate oase roade, cine nu nici carne moale.
  211. They that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind.   =   Cine seamãnã vânt culege furtunã.
  212. All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. / He who lives by the sword dies by the sword.   =   Toti cei ce scot sabia, de sabie vor pieri.
  213. They think they`re it   =   Se cred buricul pamantului.
  214. The thief does fear each bush an officer. / A guilty conscience feels continual fear.   =   Omul nedrept se teme de toti. / Fricosu se sperie de umbra sa.
  215. A thief knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf.   =   Hot pe hot cunoaste. / Hotului de hot e frica.
  216. A thief passes for a gentleman when stealing has made him rich.   =   Hotul nedovedit (neprins) e negustor cinstit.
  217. Sow thin and mow thin.   =   Cel ce seamãnã putin, putin si secerã.
  218. All things are possible with god. / With god all things are possible.   =   La Dumnezeu toate sunt cu putintã.
  219. All things come to those who wait. / Everything comes to him who waits.   =   Cine poate astepta are tot ce vrea.
  220. One thing thinks the horse, and another he that saddles him. / The horse thinks one thing and he that rides him another. / One thing thinketh the bear, and another he that leadeth him.   =   Una gândeste cârciumarul si alta betivul.
  221. To thing twice before doing anything   =   A se gandi de doua ori inainte de a face ceva.
  222. Think on the end before you begin. / First think, and then speak.   =   Întâi gândeste, apoi porneste.
  223. To think that larks will fall into one`s mouth ready roasted. / He thinks that roasted larks will fall into his mouth. / You may gape long enough ere a bird fall in your mouth. / If the sky falls we shall catch larks.   =   Porumbii nu zboarã fripti în gurã. / Picã parã mãlãiatã în gura lui Nãtãfleatã. / Nimãnui nu-i picã mura-n gurã.
  224. Those that eat cherries with great persons shall have their eyes squirted out with the stones. / Eat peas with the king, and cherries with the beggar. / Share not pears with your master, either in jest or in earnest.   =   Nu mânca cirese cu unul mai mare la masã cã-ti aruncã sâmburii în nas. / Departe de cei mari, când cirese mãnâncã, cã toti sâmburii îi aruncã în obrazul tãu. / Cu cei mari nu mânca cirese, nici nu te trage-n degete.
  225. Thou art a bitter bird, said the raven to the starling. / The kettle calls the pot black-brows (burnt-arse) / the pot calls the kettle black. / The frying-pan said to the kettle, "avaunt, black brows!" / the kettle calls the pot black-brows (burnt-arse).   =   Râde dracul de porumbel si nu se vede pe el. / Râde dracul de porumbe negre si pe sine nu se vede.
  226. Though a lie be well dressed, it is ever overcome.   =   Si minciuna e vorbã, dar vremea descoperã adevãrul.
  227. Though old and wise, yet still advise.   =   Si trecut fiind în vârstã nu vei gresi ascultând.
  228. Though thou hast never so many counsellors, yet do not forsake the counsel of thy own soul.   =   Pe toti sã-i asculti, dar din mintea ta sã nu iesi. / Sã asculti de toatã lumea, dar dintr-ale tale sã nu iesi.
  229. Thought is free. / Thoughts be free from toll.   =   Gandirea e libera. / Pentru cugete nu ia nime vamã.
  230. If thou thyself canst do it, attend no other`s help or hand.   =   Ce poti face singur nu astepta sã-ti facã altii.
  231. The thread breaks where it is weakest. / The chain is no stronger than its weakest link.   =   Unde e ata mai subtire, acolo se rupe.
  232. A threefold cord is not quickly broken.   =   Sfoara pusã în trei nu se rupe degrabã. / Funia cea îndoitã cu mult mai mult tine decât cea dezdoitã.
  233. Three things drive a man out of his house - smoke, rain and a scolding wife. / Dicing, drabbing and drinking bring men to destruction / play, women, and wine undo men laughing. / Gaming, women and wine, while they laugh, they make men pine.   =   Trei lucruri te scot din casã: fumul, muierea rea si picãtura. / Fumul, femeia rea si picusul te scot din casã. / Trei lucruri nu lasã în pace pe om: vinul, femeia si banul.
  234. Three women and a goose make a market. / Many women, many words; many geese, many turds / where there are women and geese, there wants no noise.   =   Când trei femei se întâlnesc, mai mult decât o sutã de gâste gârâlesc. / Douã muieri si o gâscã fac târgul cucului. / Femeile, când se adunã, parcã-s gâstele la pârâu.
  235. Throw out a sprat to catch a mackerel. / Throw out a sprat to catch a salmon (herring, whale) / bait a sprat to catch a herring.   =   Pestele mare cu îmbucãtura micã se prinde. / Cu râma micã se prinde pestele mare.
  236. Tied up   =   Legat / Legati
  237. Eat till you sweat and work till you freeze.   =   Lucreazã de-ngheatã si mãnâncã de-asudã.
  238. At a time   =   Dintr-o data ; In acelasi timp
  239. Out of time   =   Demodat.
  240. Time, as he grows old, teaches many lessons. / Time shall teach thee all things.   =   Timpul, cu cat trece, te intelepteste. / Timpul (Vremea) este cel mai bun învãtãtor.
  241. Time and straw make medlars ripe. / With time and art the leaf of the mulberry-tree becomes satin.   =   Cu rãbdare si cu tãcere se face agurida miere. / Încetul cu încetul se face otetul.
  242. Time cures all things. / Time is a great healer.   =   Vremea vindecã toate.
  243. Time devours all things.   =   Timpul le rezolva pe toate. / Vremea toate le gãseste si toate le topeste. / Timpul face si desface.
  244. Time discloses all things. / Time will tell.   =   Timpul descoperã toate.
  245. Time flies. / Time flees away without delay. / Time has wings.   =   Vremea vine, vremea trece. / Vremea anevoie vine si fuge numaidecât. / Timpul trece.
  246. Time is a file that wears and makes no noise.   =   Timpul are dinti de otel.
  247. Time is money.   =   Timpul e bani.
  248. The time is up   =   Timpu s-a scurs.
  249. Time lost cannot be won again. / An occasion lost cannot be redeemed.   =   Timpul pierdut nu se mai întoarce.
  250. In time of prosperity friends will be plenty; in time of adversity not one amongst twenty. / Poverty parts fellowship / prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them. / A poor man has no friends.   =   Ai bani, ai prieteni; n-ai bani, n-ai prieteni. / La belsug ai prieteni cu duiumul, la vreme de restriste toti te pãrãsesc. / Pânã-i bine multi cu tine, dar la nevoi înapoi.
  251. Times change and we with them.   =   Cu timpul toate se schimbã.
  252. Time tries truth. / Time is the father of truth. / truth is time`s daughter.   =   Vremea descoperã adevãrul.
  253. Time works wonders.   =   Timpul îndreaptã toate.
  254. To tire of ...   =   A se plictisi de ...
  255. You go to an ass for wool. / Look not for musk in a dog`s kennel.   =   A cere lânã de la broascã.
  256. Be up to a thing or two   =   A se pricepe la cate ceva.
  257. I today, you tomorrow.   =   Azi mie, mâine tie.
  258. Tongue breaks bone and herself has none. / The tongue is not steel, yet it cuts.   =   Limba oase n-are, dar oase sfãrâmã. / Limba oase n-are, dar unde-atinge doare.
  259. The tongue ever turns to the aching tooth.   =   Limba izbeste în dintele ce te doare. / La mãseaua care te doare te loveste limba mai des.
  260. The tongue talks at the head`s cost.   =   Gura vorbeste, capul trage. / Cine-si pãzeste limba îsi pãzeste capul.
  261. It is too late to shut the stable-door after the horse has bolted. / It is too late to shut the stable-door when the steed is stolen. / When a thing is done, advice comes too late / when the house is burned down, you bring water / it is easy to be wise after the event.   =   Dupã ce au furat caii în zadar încui grajdul.
  262. It is too much of a good thing.   =   Ce este prea mult strica.
  263. Trade is the mother of money. / A trade is better than service.   =   Cu mestesugul nu mori de foame. / Mestesugarul e totdeauna cu banul în mânã.
  264. A traveller may lie with authority. / Old men (soldiers) and travellers may lie by authority / long ways, long lies.   =   Cel din tarã strãinã poate spune câte-i va plãcea.
  265. Treachery will come home to the traitor.   =   Cine pe altul cautã sã însele el mai întâi se însealã. / Cine vrea sã însele se însealã.
  266. A tree is known by its fruit.   =   Pomul dupã roade se cunoaste. / Copacul dupã fruct se cunoaste.
  267. In trust is treason. / Quick believers need broad shoulders / distrust is the mother of safety / trust is the mother of deceit / he who trusteth not is not deceived.   =   Cine mult se încrede în altii adeseori se si însealã.
  268. Trust not a horse`s heel, nor a dog`s tooth.   =   Femeia, pusca si calul n-are crezãmânt.
  269. Truth and oil are ever above. / Truth is mighty and will prevail / Truth will out.   =   Adevãrul iese ca untdelemnul la suprafatã.
  270. Truth finds foes, where it makes none.   =   Adevãrul a spune, vrãjmasi dobândesti. / Gura aduce ura.
  271. Truth has a scratched face. / Follow not truth too near the heels, lest it dash out thy teeth.   =   Adevãrul umblã cu capul spart.
  272. Truth is mighty and will prevail. / Truth and oil are ever above / truth will out.   =   Adevãrul decât toate mai tare este.
  273. Truth may be blamed, but cannot be shamed.   =   Dreptatea niciodatã nu piere.
  274. Truth needs not many words. / In many words the truth goes by.   =   Adevãrul într-un cuvânt, iar minciuna în mii si sute.
  275. All truths are not to be told.   =   Orice adevãr nu e bun de spus.
  276. Truth will out. / Truth and oil are ever above / truth is mighty and will prevail.   =   Adevãrul pe la sfârsit pururea se cunoaste.
  277. To try out   =   A incerca. / A experimenta.
  278. Of two disputants, the warmer is generally in the wrong.   =   Cine nu are dreptate, acela tipã mai tare. / Vinovatul mai mare gurã face.
  279. Of two evils choose the least (less).   =   Din douã rele alege pe cel mai mic.

Un Test simplu in fiecare zi

Ce tag se foloseste pentru a adauga liste in elemente <ul> si <ol>?
<dt> <dd> <li>
Care valoare a proprietatii "display" seteaza elementul ca tip bloc si afiseaza un punct in fata?
block list-item inline-block
.some_class {
  display: list-item;
Care instructiune JavaScript transforma un obiect in sir JSON.
JSON.parse() JSON.stringify eval()
var obj = {
 "courses": ["php", "javascript", "ajax"]
var jsonstr = JSON.stringify(obj);
alert(jsonstr);    // {"courses":["php","javascript","ajax"]}
Indicati clasa PHP folosita pentru a lucra cu elemente HTML si XML in PHP.
stdClass PDO DOMDocument
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$dochtml = new DOMDocument();
$elm = $dochtml->getElementById("dv1");
echo $elm->nodeValue;    //
Indicati forma de Prezent Continuu a verbului "to live" (a trai /a locui)
lived living liveing
I`m living here.
- Traiesc /Locuiesc aici.
Care este forma de Gerunziu (sau Participiu Prezent) a verbului "vivir" (a trai /a locui)?
vivió vivido viviendo
Estoy viviendo aquí.
- Traiesc /Locuiesc aici.

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