Curs Engleza

- Cautati in toate listele proverbe si expresii ce contin cuvantul:


  1. Years know more than books.   =   Ca vremea nici un dascãl mai bun.
  2. Yesterday will not be called again.   =   Toate sunt trecãtoare ca ziua de ieri.
  3. As you bake, so shall you eat. / As they brew, so let them bake. / As you make your bed, so you must lie on it / as they brew, so let them drink   =   Cum iti asterni asa dormi. / Cum îti vei gãti, asa vei prânzi.
  4. Can you beat it/that!   =   Asta-i culmea! / Asta-i buna! / ! S-a mai pomenit una ca asta !
  5. If you cannot bite, never show your teeth.   =   Dacã n-ai putere, nu întãrâta gâlceava.
  6. Did you ever hear an ass play on a harp? / A sow to a fiddle.   =   Ce stie mãgarul ce e cântarea privighetoarei. / Ce are de a face scripca si cu iepurele.
  7. Do you get that?   =   Ai priceput? / Ai bagat la cap?
  8. If you had all the wit in the world fools would fell you.   =   Intre multi nebuni si cel mai întelept se pierde.
  9. If you have no enemies it`s a sign fortune has forgot you.   =   Cine n-are dusmani nu-i om.
  10. If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas. / He that sleeps with dogs must rise up with fleas.   =   Cine doarme cu câinii se scoalã plin de purici.
  11. If you lie upon roses when young, you`ll lie upon thorns when old. / An idle youth, a needy age.   =   Cine la tinerete e lenes suferã la bãtrânete.
  12. If you love the boll, you cannot hate branches.   =   Pentru fragã si frunza ti-e dragã.
  13. As you make your bed, so you must lie on it. / As they brew, so let them bake. / As you bake, so shall you eat / as they brew, so let them drink.   =   Cum îti vei face patul, asa vei dormi. / Cum îti vei asterne, asa vei dormi.
  14. Do as you may if you can`t do as you would. / If we can`t as we would, we must do as we can / he that may not do as he would, must do as he may.   =   Când nu putem face ce voim, trebuie sã voim ce putem. / Fã ce poti, când n-ai alta de fãcut.
  15. If you play with fire you get burnt. / He warms too near that burns.   =   Cine se joacã cu focul se frige. / Nu te juca cu focul, cã îndatã te pârlesti.
  16. Cut your coat according to your cloth. / Stretch your arm no further than your sleeve will reach. / Stretch your legs according to your coverlet.   =   Întinde petecul numai cât ajunge, cã se rupe.
  17. If you run after two hares, you will catch neither. / Dogs that put up many hares kill none.   =   Cine aleargã dupã doi iepuri nu prinde niciunul. / Cine doi iepuri goneste, nici unul nu dobândeste.
  18. As you sow, so you reap.   =   Cum sameni, asa culegi. / Cum vei semãna, asa vei si secera. / Ce semeni aia culegi.
  19. Youth will have its course.   =   Tineretele, vremea nebuniilor. / Omul la tinerete ca calul fãrã frâu.
  20. If you want a thing well done, do it yourself.   =   Vrei ceva bine facut, fa-l cu mana ta.
  21. If you wish good advice, consult an old man. / If the old dog barks, he gives counsel.   =   Cine nu are batrani, sa-si cumpere.
  22. Do as you would be done by. / Do unto others as you would they should do unto you.   =   Ce tie nu-ti place altuia nu face.
  23. If you would make an enemy, lend a man money, and ask it of him again. / When i lent, i had a friend; but when i asked, he was unkind. / Lend your money and lose your friend.   =   Cui îi dai pe datorie, nu-l mai vezi în prãvãlie; pierzi prieteni, pierzi si bani, ba îti capeti si dusmani. / Când îi dai îi fatã vaca, când îi ceri îi moare vitelul.
  24. If you would not live to be old, you must be hanged when you are young.   =   Cine nu vrea sã îmbãtrâneascã, sã se spânzure.
  25. You’d never know   =   Nu se stie niciodata (ce poate fi).

Un Test simplu in fiecare zi

Ce tag se foloseste pentru a adauga liste in elemente <ul> si <ol>?
<dt> <dd> <li>
Care valoare a proprietatii "display" seteaza elementul ca tip bloc si afiseaza un punct in fata?
block list-item inline-block
.some_class {
  display: list-item;
Care instructiune JavaScript transforma un obiect in sir JSON.
JSON.parse() JSON.stringify eval()
var obj = {
 "courses": ["php", "javascript", "ajax"]
var jsonstr = JSON.stringify(obj);
alert(jsonstr);    // {"courses":["php","javascript","ajax"]}
Indicati clasa PHP folosita pentru a lucra cu elemente HTML si XML in PHP.
stdClass PDO DOMDocument
$strhtml = '<body><div id="dv1"></div></body>';
$dochtml = new DOMDocument();
$elm = $dochtml->getElementById("dv1");
echo $elm->nodeValue;    //
Indicati forma de Prezent Continuu a verbului "to live" (a trai /a locui)
lived living liveing
I`m living here.
- Traiesc /Locuiesc aici.
Care este forma de Gerunziu (sau Participiu Prezent) a verbului "vivir" (a trai /a locui)?
vivió vivido viviendo
Estoy viviendo aquí.
- Traiesc /Locuiesc aici.

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