Curs Engleza

- Cautati in toate listele proverbe si expresii ce contin cuvantul:


  1. Cele din auzire, cam minciuni pe jumãtate.   =   "they say so" is half a lie. / Almost and very (well) nigh saves many a lie.
  2. Cam cherchelit (cam cu chef)   =   Bit on / Tipsy
  3. Cinstit ; pe fata   =   Above-board
  4. In capul mesei   =   Above the salt
  5. Celor ce duc mai mult dorul, le pare mai dulce odorul.   =   Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.
  6. Cine cunoaste pe prost e si mai prost decât el.   =   He is a fool (ass) that brayeth against another fool (ass).
  7. In conditii extrem de grele (vitrege)   =   Against heavy
  8. Cu chiu cu vai (fara tragere de inima)   =   Against the collar
  9. Cine adunã la tinerete are la bãtrânete. / Seamãnã la tinerete ca sã ai ce culege la bãtrânete.   =   For age and want save while you may: no morning sun lasts a whole day. / Spare when you`re young and spend when you`re old.
  10. A fi complet dezorientat.   =   Be all at sea.
  11. A fi cu totii de acord.   =   Be all in one story
  12. Când adevãrul lipseste, "asa mi se pare" s-apropie de adevãr.   =   Almost and very (well) nigh saves many a lie. / "they say so" is half a lie.
  13. In curand. (In viitorul apropiat.)   =   By and by
  14. Catã Nenea iapa, cãlare pe ea.   =   You are like the man that sought his mare, and he riding on her. / The butcher looked for his knife and it was in his mouth / you look for the horse you ride on.
  15. Cel care aruncã piatrã în sus, peste capul sãu o aruncã.   =   An arrow shot upright falls on the shooter`s head.
  16. Vai de casa unde cotcorogesc gãinile si cocosul tace. / Vai de casa în care gãina cântã cocoseste.   =   It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock.
  17. Cereti si vi se va da.   =   Ask, and it shall be given you.
  18. Cât de mult sã împodobesti cu aur si cu argint pe cel mai frumos mãgar, tot mãgar se socoteste.   =   An ass is but an ass, though laden with gold. / An ape`s an ape, a varlet`s a varlet, though they be clad in silk or scarlet.
  19. Casa cu douã usi e greu de pãzit.   =   The back door robs the house. / A postern door makes a thief / ease makes thief / the hole calls the thief. / An open door may tempt a saint / opportunity makes the thief.
  20. Chelul lesne se tunde. / Pe chel usor îl tunzi.   =   A bald head is soon shaven.
  21. Câinele care latrã nu muscã. / Câinele ce mult latrã niciodatã nu muscã.   =   A barking dog never bites. / Barking dogs seldom bite. / His bark is worse than his bite / great barkers are no biters / brag`s a good dog, but dares not bite.
  22. A fi cu bagare de seama. (A avea scaun la cap.)   =   Bear a brain
  23. A cuceri lauri.   =   Bear the palm
  24. Cine se însoarã trebuie sã aibã de moarã.   =   Before you marry, be sure of a house, wherein to tarry.
  25. La cuvântul vrãjmasului nici cum sã pui temei, cã-n viclenie te pândeste.   =   Believe no tales from an enemy`s tongue.
  26. Si cel mai bun cãrãus rãstoarnã carul pe cel mai bun drum.   =   The best cart may overthrow.
  27. Cine bea în datorie se îmbatã îndoit.   =   The best wine is that a body drinks of another man`s cost.
  28. Când te apuci de vreo treabã n-o lãsa fãrã ispravã. / Cine nu poate sãvârsi un lucru, sã nu se apuce de dânsul.   =   Better never to begin than never to make an end. / Let him that beginneth the song make an end.
  29. Cine sade pe douã scaune, cade. / Cine umblã în douã luntri cade în apã.   =   Between two stools one falls to the ground.
  30. Cine se aseamana se aduna. / Cioarã lângã cioarã zboarã. / Cine se potriveste, lesne se-nsoteste.   =   Birds of a feather flock together. / Likeness causes liking. / Like will to like.
  31. Ce-i în gusã, si-n cãpusã.   =   Blab is wist and out it must.
  32. Când ai pisicã bãtrânã, soarecii-n casã fac stânã.   =   A blate cat makes a proud mouse.
  33. La calul nãrãvit, pinten ascutit.   =   A boisterous horse must have a rough bridle.
  34. A fi capul (conducatorul) unei actiuni   =   Boss the show
  35. Copilul trebuie sã fie copil.   =   Boys will be boys.
  36. Colac peste pupaza. (Picatura care a umplut paharul.)   =   Break the camel`s back
  37. Creste puii tãi, cã de ei ai sã piei.   =   Breed up a crow and he will tear out your eyes. / He has brought up a bird to pick out his own eyes. / To nourish a snake (viper) in one`s bosom.
  38. Cine si-a mãritat fata si-si clãdeste o casã cunoaste greutãtile vietii.   =   Building and marrying of children are great wasters. / Building is a sweet impoverishing.
  39. Cine s-a ars cu ciorbã suflã si în iaurt. / Pe cine l-a ars pãsatul suflã si în apã rece.   =   A burnt child dreads the fire. / Once bitten twce shy. / A scalded cat fears cold water / a scalded dog fears cold water / he that has been bitten by a serpent is afraid of a rope / whom a serpent has bitten, a lizard alarms.
  40. Coadã lungã, minte scurtã. / Plete lungi si minte scurtã, judecatã mai mãruntã.   =   Bush natural; more hair than wit. / Long hair and short wit.
  41. Cautã luleaua si el cu ea-n gurã.   =   The butcher looked for his knife and it was in his mouth. / You look for the horse you ride on.
  42. Cine deschide ochii dupã ce cumpãrã, cumpãrã totdeauna marfã proastã. / Cine nu deschide ochii deschide punga.   =   The buyer needs a hundred eyes, the seller but one. / Let the buyer beware.
  43. Ciorba încãlzitã mult stricã la stomac. / Ciorba încãlzitã nu-i bunã de mâncare.   =   Cabbage twice cooked is death. / Take heed of reconciled enemies and of meat twice boiled. / A broken friendship may be soldered, but will never be sound.
  44. Cãmila vrând sã dobândeascã coarne si-a pierdut urechile. / Nemultumitului i se ia darul.   =   The camel going to seek horns, lost his ears.
  45. Ce-i prea mult nu-i sãnãtos. / Ce-i mult nu-i bun. / Ce-i prea mult stricã.   =   You can have too much of a good thing. / More than enough is too much / Too much breaks the bag. / Covetousness breaks the bag .
  46. Din coadã de câine sitã de mãtase nu se mai face. / Din coada pisicii sitã de mãtase nu se face.   =   You cannot make a silk purse of a sow`s ear. / You cannot make a horn of a pig`s tail / you cannot make a sieve of an ass`s tail.
  47. Calul bãtrân cu greu se învatã la ham.   =   You cannot teach an old dog new tricks. / It is hard to teach an old dog tricks.
  48. A cauta cearta cu lumanarea.   =   Carry a chip on one`s shoulder
  49. A căra apă la fîntană (puţ). / A căra pietre la munte.   =   Carry coals to newcastle
  50. Cine se razimã de umbrã dã-ndatã peste cap tumbã.   =   Catch not at the shadow and lose the substance.
  51. Fie ce-o fi.   =   Chance the ducks
  52. A se căsători. / A-si schimba starea.   =   Change one`s condition
  53. Camasa e mai aproape decit haina   =   Charily begins at home
  54. Cine defaimã pe altul înaintea ta, el si pe tine o sã te defaime înaintea altuia. / Cine înaintea noastrã grãieste pe altii de rãu, si pe noi înaintea altora ne va grãi de rãu.   =   Who chatters to you will chatter of you.
  55. A se cufunda in ganduri.   =   Chew the cud (food) of reflection
  56. Copilul alintat e om stricat.   =   A child may have too much of his mother`s blessing. / Give a child till he craves, and a dog while his tail doth wave, and you`ll have a fair dog, but a foul knave.
  57. Copiii si nebunii spun adevãrul.   =   Children and fools tell the truth. / Children and fools cannot lie. / Drunkards and fools cannot lie.
  58. Copii mici, griji mici, copii mari, griji mari.   =   Children when they are little make parents fools, when they are great they make them mad. / Children when little make parents fool, when great, mad.
  59. Cine umblã la Crãciun în cãmase, la Pasti umblã cu cojoc.   =   Christmas in mud, easter in snow. / Green christmas brings white easter.
  60. Ca cugetul cel bun, nimic mai bun..   =   Clean hand wants no washing
  61. Cugetul cel bun, cea mai moale pernă.   =   Clear conscience is a good card
  62. A curata (purifica, improspata). / A lămuri lucrurile. / A pune lucrurile la punct.   =   Clear the air
  63. A fi cu capul în nori.   =   Be in cloudland
  64. Tot cocosul pe gunoiul lui cântã. / Cocosul stãpân pe gunoiul sãu.   =   A cock is bold on his own dunghill. / Every cock crows on his own dunghill. / Every dog is a lion at home / every dog is valiant at his own door. / Every man is a king in his own house.
  65. A da chix. / A o face de oaie.   =   Come out at/of the little end of the horn
  66. A cadea in mana (cuiva). / A ajunge sa fie inmanata (scrisoare, colet).   =   Come to hand(s), to
  67. Cine are tovarãs nerod ajunge din pod în glod.   =   Ill company brings many a man to the gallows.
  68. Cine cuteazã sã spunã adevãrul poate lesne umbla bãtut ca mãrul.   =   Confess and be hanged.
  69. Calm.   =   Cool-headed
  70. Cine doreste mult pierde si pe cel putin.   =   All covet, all lose. / Grasp all, lose all. / He that too much embraceth holds little.
  71. Capul cel tâmpit odorogeste ca un butoi dogit.   =   A cracked bell can never sound well.
  72. Carul care scârtîie acela tine mai mult.   =   A creaking cart goes long on the wheels. / A creaking door hangs long on its hinges.
  73. Cine dã nu uitã; uitã cel care ia.   =   Creditors have better memories than debtors.
  74. Crestin cu crucea-n sân, cu dracu de-a spinare. / A umbla cu crucea-n sân si cu dracu în inimã.   =   The cross on his breast and the devil in his heart. / The beads in the hand and the devil in capuch. / Beads about the neck and the devil in the heart.
  75. Corbul în zadar se spalã, cã negreata nu si-o pierde. / Pe arap, cât de mult îl vei spãla tot negru va rãmânea.   =   A crow is never the whiter for washing herself often.
  76. Corb la corb nu scoate ochii. / Cioarã la cioarã nu-si scoate ochii.   =   Crows will not pick out crows` eyes. / Hawks will not pick out hawks` eyes.
  77. Ciorii i se par puii ei de pãun. / Si cioara îsi laudã puii.   =   The crow thinks her own bird fairest. / The owl thinks her own young fairest. / Fair is not fair, but that which pleases.
  78. Vai de casa unde bãrbatul e muere.   =   The cunning wife makes her husband her apron.
  79. Cine pe altii blesteamã, urgii asupra îsi cheamã.   =   Curses, like chickens, come home to roost.
  80. Câinele mort nu mai muscã.   =   Dead dogs bite not.
  81. Cine moare nu mai miscã.   =   Dead men don`t bite.
  82. Cine n-a gustat amarul, nu stie ce e zaharul (dulcele).   =   He deserves not the sweet that will not taste the sour. / He knows best what good is that has endured evil.
  83. Câte cruci vei face dracul tot la spate sade.   =   The devil lurks behind the cross.
  84. Câine pe câine nu mãnâncã. / Lupii nu se mãnâncã între dânsii.   =   Dog does not eat dog.
  85. Câinii latrã, caravana trece.   =   Dogs bark, but the caravan goes on. / The moon does not heed the barking of dogs.
  86. Când doi se ceartã al treilea câstigã.   =   Two dogs strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it.
  87. Doi câini se nãrãvesc la un os.   =   Two dogs to one bone, may never accord in one. / Two dogs over one bone seldom agree.
  88. Copiii, nebunii si omul beat vorbesc adevãrul. / De la nebun si de la beat adevãrul este lesne de aflat.   =   Drunkards and fools cannot lie. / Drunkards and fools speak truth. / Children and fools tell the truth.
  89. Cine se scoalã de dimineatã departe ajunge. / Cine pleacã mai de dimineatã ajunge mai-nainte.   =   The early bird catches the worm.
  90. Cine vrea sã-si batã câinele, bâtã gãseste.   =   It is easy to find a stick to beat a dog. / A staff is quickly found to beat a dog. / He that would hang his dog gives out first that he is mad.
  91. Ceea ce s-a mâncat s-a si uitat.   =   Eaten bread is soon forgotten. / When good cheer is lacking, our friends will be packing.
  92. Cine învatã la tinerete se odihneste la bãtrânete.   =   Eident youth makes easy age.
  93. Cine are ochi pizmasi si lui însusi e vrãjmas. / Pizma este ca cariul în inima copacului. / Invidia-l vatama pe invidios.   =   Envy shoots at others, and wounds herself.
  94. În casa lenesului întotdeauna e sãrbãtoare.   =   Every day is holiday with sluggards. / He that does nothing always finds helpers.
  95. Din crestet pana-n talpi. ; Din tot corpu.   =   At every pore
  96. Capacul, dupã oalã.   =   Every pot has its cover.
  97. Ce-si face omul singur, nici dracul nu poate sã-i desfacã.   =   The evils we bring on ourselves are the hardest to bear.
  98. O cãutãturã dulce la dragoste te duce. / Ochii si sprâncenele fac toate pãcatele si leagã dragostele. / Dragostea de un` se-ncepe? / De la ochi, de la sprâncene, / De la sân cu drãgãnele.   =   The eye lets in love. / Looks breed love. / The heart`s letter is read in the eye.
  99. Mai credinciosi ochii decât urechile. / Ochii au mai multã crezare decât urechile. / Mai lesne se cred ochii decât urechile.   =   One eyewitness is better than ten hear-so`s. / Seeing is believing.
  100. Chipul omului e oglinda sufletului.   =   The face is the index of the mind.
  101. Asa e cum te vãd si cum mã vezi.   =   Face to face, the truth comes out.
  102. La chip frumos si la inimã gãunos.   =   A fair face, foul heart. / Fair without, foul within.
  103. Cine se teme de moarte si-a pierdut viata.   =   Fear of death is worse than death itself.
  104. Câmpu-i cu ochi, pãdurea cu urechi. / Pãdurea are urechi si câmpul nu putini ochi. / Peretii au urechi.   =   Fields have eyes, and woods have ears. / The day has eyes, the night has ears. / Walls have ears.
  105. Când te-a înselat cineva o datã, e de vinã el; când te-a înselat a doua oarã, esti de vinã singur.   =   The first faults are theirs that commit them, the second theirs that permit them. / He that deceives me once, shame fall him; if he deceives me twice, shame fall me.
  106. Carne tânãrã si peste bãtrân.   =   Old fish and young flesh do feed men best.
  107. Cine-mi place eu nu-i plac, cui plac eu nu-mi place mie.   =   Follow love and it will flee thee; flee love and it will follow thee.
  108. Cine se teme de vrãbii nu seamãnã mãlai. / Cine vrea sã semene mãlai nu se teme de vrãbii.   =   Forbear not sowing because of birds.
  109. Capra roade unde o legi.   =   The goat must browse where she is tied.
  110. Cine se culcã nemâncat codri viseazã. / Flãmândul codri viseazã.   =   Who goes to bed supperless, all night tumbles and tosses.
  111. Cheia de aur deschide toate usile (portile). / Aurul e cheia ce merge la toate încuietorile.   =   A golden key can open any door. / There is no lock but a golden key will open it. / No lock will hold against the power of gold.
  112. Care începe bine sfârseste frumos.   =   A good beginning makes a good ending.
  113. Cugetul bun e cea mai moale pernã. / Cugetul linistit odihna buna aduce.   =   A good conscience is a soft pillow. / A good conscience is a continual feast.
  114. Chiar omul cu judecatã greseste câteodatã.   =   A good marksman may miss.
  115. Cuvântul bun unge si cel rãu împunge.   =   Good words anoint us, and ill do unjoint us.
  116. Pe cãrarea bãtutã nu creste iarbã.   =   Grass grows not upon the highway.
  117. Era cat pe aci sa spun.   =   I had almost said
  118. Când leul e mort, iepurii-i sar în spinare. / Pe leul mort si soarecii se catãrã.   =   Hares may pull dead lions by the beard.
  119. Cãteaua de pripã îsi naste cãteii fãrã ochi.   =   The hasty bitch brings forth blind whelps. / Haste makes waste / too hasty burned his lips.
  120. Cine se pripeste, adesea se poticneste.   =   Too hasty burned his lips. / The hasty bitch brings forth blind whelps / haste makes waste.
  121. Cine sare cam sus îndatã cade jos.   =   Hasty climbers have sudden falls. / The bigger they are, the harder they fall / the higher standing, the lower fall / the higher the mountain, the greater descent.
  122. Cine n-are cal, sã urce pe jos la deal.   =   Who hath no horse may ride on a staff.
  123. Categoria grea   =   Heavyweight
  124. Cine nu primeste sfat nu e ajutat.   =   He that will not be counselled cannot be helped.
  125. Calea dreaptã este cea mai scurtã (bunã).   =   The highway is never about.
  126. Vai de cel ce merge singur! cã, când va aluneca, n-are cine-l ridica.   =   Woe to him that is alone.
  127. Cinstea e mai scumpã decât toate. / Omenia-i mai scumpã decât avutia.   =   Honesty may be dear bought, but can never be an ill pennyworth.
  128. Calul cã e cu patru picioare si tot se poticneste.   =   A horse may stumble that has four legs. / It is a good horse that never stumbles.
  129. Un ceas dimineata plãteste cât trei dupã prânz.   =   An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.
  130. Cele rele sã le scrii pe apa, iar facerea de bine în piatrã sã o sapi. / Nedreptãtile scrie-le pe nisip, iar binefacerile pe marmurã.   =   The hurt man writes with steel on a marble stone. / Injuries are written in brass.
  131. Nu crede, bãrbate, ce vezi cu ochii, ci crede ce-ti spun eu.   =   Husband, don`t believe what you see, but what i tell you.
  132. Fa cum iti spun.   =   Do as I command you
  133. Pe cine primesti în casã, te scoate din casã afarã.   =   Let an ill man lie in thy straw, and he looks to be thy heir. / I gave the mouse a hole and she is become my heir.
  134. Cumpãtarea tine sãnãtatea omului si hãrnicia tine averea.   =   Industry is fortune`s right hand, and frugality her left.
  135. E ciudat si totusi adevarat.   =   It`s strange and yet true
  136. Cine se bagã între lupi trebuie sã urle.   =   Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl. / One must howl with the wolves.
  137. Cunoaste-te pe tine însuti.   =   Know thyself.
  138. Cine astãzi râde, mâine plânge, cã vremea e nestatornicã. / Râsul peste fire aduce plâns dupã fire.   =   Laugh before breakfast, you`ll cry before supper. / He that laughs in the morning, weeps at night / if you sing before breakfast, you`ll cry before night / / he that sings on friday, will weep on sunday. / Sorrow treads upon the heels of mirth. / Sadness and gladness succeed each other.
  139. Cine râde la urmã râde mai bine.   =   He laughs best who laughs last. / He who laughs last, laughs longest. / Let them laugh that win / He laughs who wins / Better the last smile than the first laughter.
  140. Cine seamãnã cu lacrimi culege cu bucurie.   =   Learn weeping, and you shall gain laughing.
  141. Cine dã împrumut îsi face dusmani. / Nu împrumuta pe cel ce voiesti prieten sã-l dobândesti.   =   Lend your money and lose your friend. / When i lent, i had a friend; but when i asked, he was unkind. / If you would make an enemy, lend a man money, and ask it of him again.
  142. Când spui minciuna sã o crezi pe jumãtate. / Minciuna te dã de gol.   =   Liars have need of good memories.
  143. Câinele sade pe fân: nici mãnâncã, nici va sã lase calul mãcar sã-l miroase. / Câinele osul nu-l roade si nici pe altul nu-l lasã sã-l roadã.   =   Like the gardener`s dog, that neither eats cabbages himself, nor lets anybody else.
  144. Cine se aseamãnã se adunã. / Asemenea cu asemenea lesne se însoteste.   =   Like will to like. / Likeness causes liking. / Birds of a feather flock together.
  145. Cine împarte parte-si face.   =   The lion`s share.
  146. Care ascultã la usã îsi aude defaima.   =   Listeners never hear any good of themselves. / Eavesdroppers never hear any good of themselves. / He who peeps through a hole, may see what will vex him.
  147. Cine înconjoarã ajunge mai curând.   =   The longest way round is the shortest way home.
  148. A cerceta o chestiune.   =   To look into a matter
  149. La casa aprinsã si vecinul vrãjmas aleargã sã o stingã.   =   Look to thyself when thy neighbour`s house is on fire.
  150. Cu cât mai dulce limba dragostei la început, cu atât mai amarã pe la sfârsit.   =   Love is sweet in the beginning but sour in the ending.
  151. Cine la dragoste cade, întâi mintea i se scade.   =   Love is without reason. / No folly like being in love.
  152. Cât de rãu omul sã fie, dacã la dragoste cade, îndatã se îmblânzeste.   =   Love makes all hearts gentle.
  153. Cinsteste pe câine pentru al sãu stãpân. / Pentru stãpân si pe câine mângâi.   =   Love me, love my dog.
  154. Cine cautã prieteni fãrã cusur, fãrã prieteni rãmâne.   =   Love your friend with his fault.
  155. Cel care întinde cursã se va prinde în ea.   =   To make a snare for another and fall into it oneself. / He who digs a pit for others falls in himself.
  156. Cine se bagã în tãrâte îl mãnâncã porcii.   =   Make yourself all honey and the flies will devour you. / He that makes himself a sheep shall be eaten by the wolf.
  157. Chiar si înteleptii smintesc câteodatã.   =   No man is wise at all times. / Every man is a fool sometimes and none at all times / every man is mad on some point.
  158. Casa fãrã femeie e pustie pe dinãuntru. / Casa fãrã muiere, ca o floare fãrã miros.   =   A man without a wife is but half a man. / It is not good that the man should be alone.
  159. Copilul cu multe moase rãmâne cu buricul netãiat. / Unde sunt douã cumnate, rãmân vase nespãlate. / Unde sunt nouã fete, moare pisica de sete. / Unde sunt popi multi, moare pruncul nebotezat.   =   Too many cooks spoil the broth.
  160. Câte tãri, atâtea obiceie. / Câte bordeie, atâtea obiceie.   =   So many countries, so many customs. / Every land has its own law.
  161. Câte capete, atâtea pãreri.   =   So many heads, so many minds. / So many men, so many opinions.
  162. Cate capete, atatea idei (pareri)   =   So many men, so many opinions. / Many men have many minds. / So many heads, so many minds.
  163. Câte slugi ai, atâtia dusmani hrãnesti.   =   So many servants, so many enemies.
  164. Cãsãtoriile sunt scrise în cer.   =   Marriages are made in heaven.
  165. Când stãpânul nu-ngrijeste, starea i se primejduieste.   =   Master absent and house dead.
  166. Calea de mijloc e cea mai bunã.   =   The mean is the best. / The middle way of measure is ever golden.
  167. Cine nu se aflã la nunta-i acasã atunci altu-n locu-i joacã cu mireasa.   =   It is meet that a man be at his own bridal.
  168. Câte flori sunt pe pãmânt, toate se duc în mormânt.   =   All men are mortal. / It is as natural to be born as to die. / He that is once born, once must die / all that lives must die.
  169. Capul solului nu se taie.   =   Messengers should neither be headed nor hanged.
  170. Nu da cãmasa pentru altii, ca tu sã rãmâi în pielea goalã.   =   Mind other men, but most yourself.
  171. Câinele latrã la lunã toatã noaptea si luna nu-l ascultã niciodatã. / De lãtratul unui câine sã nu-ti pese.   =   The moon does not heed the barking of dogs. / The dog (wolf) barks in vain at the moon. / Dogs bark, but the caravan goes on.
  172. Cine se încãlzeste la soare nu-i pasã de lunã. / Soarele sã-mi fie bun, luna sã o mãnânce vârcolacii. / Luna mi s-a mâniat, soarele sã-mi trãiascã.   =   The moon is not seen where the sun shines. / Stars are not seen where the sun shines.
  173. Cine a bãut o sã bea; cine a furat o sã fure.   =   The more one drinks, the more one may.
  174. Cine cheltuie peste ce câstigã, n-are-n casã mãmãligã.   =   Who more than he is worth doth spend, he makes a rope his life to end.
  175. Cin-va mânca multã miere, el o sã verse si fiere. / Când dai peste miere, nu mânca peste mãsurã.   =   Too much honey cloys the stomach.
  176. Cere mult ca sã poti cãpãta putin.   =   Ask much to have a little.
  177. Sã cumperi vecinii întâi si apoi casa. / Atâta tine pacea, pânã vrea vecinul.   =   You must ask your neighbour if you shall live in peace.
  178. Cui pe cui se scoate. / Cuiul cel nou scoate pe cel vechi afarã.   =   One nail drives out another. / One poison drives out another. / One devil drives out another / like cures like.
  179. Ce-a câstigat într-o varã, a bãut într-o searã.   =   Narrow gathered, widely spent.
  180. Carnea de lângã os e cea mai dulce.   =   The nearer the bone, the sweeter the flesh.
  181. Cãmasa e mai aproape de piele decât haina. / Mai aproape-i cãmasa decât haina. / Mai aproape-i pielea decât cãmasa.   =   Near is my coat, but nearer is my shirt. / Near is my doublet (kirtle, petticoat), but nearer is my smock. / Near is my shirt, but nearer is my skin.
  182. Nu cumpãra pisica în traistã.   =   Never buy a pig in a poke.
  183. Când seacã apa se cunoaste pretul fântânii.   =   We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. / You never miss the water till the well runs dry. / The cow knows not what her tail is worth till she hath lost it / a good thing lost is a good thing valued.
  184. Calul de dar nu se cautã la dinti.   =   Never look a gift horse in the mouth. / Look not a gift (given) horse in the mouth / No man ought to look a gift horse in the mouth.
  185. Cizmarul umblã cu ghetele rupte si croitorul cu haina descusutã. / Croitorul umblã rupt si ciubotarul umblã descult. / Cizmarul umblã cu cizmele sparte.   =   None more bare than the shoemaker`s wife and the smith`s mare.
  186. Cine nu se poate stãpâni pe sine, cum sã stãpâneascã pe altul?   =   He is not fit to command others that cannot command himself. / He that is master of himself will soon be master of others.
  187. Creste sarpele în sân, ca mai bine sã te muste.   =   To nourish a snake in one`s bosom. / Breed up a crow and he will tear out your eyes.
  188. Copacul nu cade dintr-o loviturã. / Numai c-o loviturã copacul nu cade.   =   An oak is not felled at one stroke. / Many strokes fell great (tall) oaks.
  189. A cumpara haine de gata.   =   Buy off the peg
  190. Câinele bãtrân nu latrã degeaba.   =   An old dog barks not in vain. / If the old dog barks, he gives counsel.
  191. Cine furã o datã e fur totdeauna.   =   Once a thief, always a thief. / Once a knave, and ever a knave / he that has done ill once will do it again.
  192. La copacul fãrã poame nimenea nu aruncã piatra.   =   It is only at the tree loaded with fruit that people throw stones.
  193. Câinele nu intrã dacã nu-i usa deschisã.   =   At open doors dogs come in.
  194. Când cei rãi nu se pedepsesc, cei buni se nãpãstuiesc.   =   Pardoning the bad is injuring the good. / Who pardons the bad, injures the good. / He that helps the evil hurts the good / mercy to the criminal may be cruelty to the people.
  195. Când n-ai, cãmila de un ban e scumpã.   =   A penny at a pinch is worth a pound.
  196. Cosciugul acoperã greselile doctorilor.   =   Physicians` faults are covered with earth. / If the doctor cures, the sun sees it; but if he kills, the earth hides it.
  197. A cumpara orbeste.   =   Buy a pig in a poke
  198. Cine voieste sã se îmbogãteascã din plug trebuie sã-l poarte de coarne.   =   The plough gets not well if the ploughman hold it not.
  199. Cu conditia ca.   =   Provided that
  200. Când corabia se îneacã, soarecii fug.   =   Rats desert a sinking ship. / Rats desert a falling house.
  201. Cine cautã nevastã fãrã cusur neînsurat rãmâne.   =   Refuse a wife with one fault, and take one with two.
  202. Cine nu cârpeste spãrtura micã are necaz sã dreagã borta mare.   =   Who repairs not his gutter repairs his whole house. / He that repairs not a part builds all / the tailor that makes not a knot loses a stitch. / A stitch in time saves nine.
  203. Cãinta târzie-i de prisos. / Cãinta de pe urmã vine tot cam cu daunã.   =   Repentance comes too late.
  204. Cu cât averea ti se înmulteste, cu atât si griji mai mari te topeste. / De ai turme mari de oi, ai si turme de nevoi.   =   Riches bring care and fears. / Much coin, much care.
  205. La calul cel bun, numai o loviturã îi este de ajuns.   =   A running horse needs no spur. / Do not spur a free horse / a good horse should be seldom spurred. / The beast that goes always never wants blows.
  206. Pe cel ce nu-l lasi sã moarã, acela te omoarã. / Pe cine nu-l lasi sã moarã, nu te lasã sã trãiesti. / Scapã-l din foc, ca sã te bage în foc.   =   Save a thief from the gallows and he will help to hang you. / Save a thief from the gallows and he will hate you. / Save a stranger from the sea, and he`ll turn your enemy. / Let an ill man lie in thy straw, and he looks to be thy heir.
  207. Cine zice una trebuie sã zicã si douã.   =   Who says a must say b. / You cannot say a without saying b.
  208. Calul râios se scarpinã de copacul scorburos.   =   Scabbed horse cannot abide the comb.
  209. Cãrbunele acoperit pe nesimtite te arde. / Fereste-te de cãrbunele acoperit.   =   A secret foe gives a sudden blow.
  210. Care se agita.   =   Seething
  211. Cine imparte, parte-si face. / Cine face, siesi face. / Cine face, lui îsi face.   =   Self do, self have.
  212. Cine tace primeste. / Tacerea e un sfatuitor bun.   =   Silence means consent. / Silence gives consent.
  213. A fi claie peste gramada /brambura /alandala.   =   Be at sixes and sevens. (Be off the hinges)
  214. Cine doarme nu-i e foame.   =   A sleeping man is not hungry.
  215. Cine ce pofteste lesne crede. / Tot ce cu mare poftã iubim, acela cu mare lesnire credem.   =   We soon believe what we desire.
  216. Cine nu se îndurã de vargã pierde copilul. / Copilul nepedepsit ajunge neprocopsit.   =   Spare the rod and spoil the child. / The man who has not been flogged is not educated / a pitiful mother makes a scabby daughter. / Better children weep than old men.
  217. Cine nu crutã când are va rãbda la lipsã mare.   =   Spare well and have well.
  218. Cine scuipã în sus îi cade în obraz. / Cine scuipã împotriva vântului îsi scuipã mustãtile (barba).   =   Who spits against the wind, it falls in his face. / Who spits against the heaven, it falls in his face. / Evil that comes out of thy mouth flieth into thy bosom.
  219. Asa cum stau lucrurile. ; Asa cum se prezinta situatia.   =   As it stands
  220. Cine tace merge-n pace.   =   Be still, and have thy will.
  221. Cine nu munceste, nu mãnâncã.   =   No sweet without some sweat. / If you won`t work, you shan`t eat. / No mill, no meal / a horse that will not carry the saddle must have no oats. / No pains, no gains / he that will not work shall not eat.
  222. Cine-ncalecã mãgarul sã-i sufere nãravul.   =   Take the bit and the buffet with it.
  223. Când înveti pe altul, tu atunci mai mult înveti. / Învãtînd pe altul, tu atunci mai mult înveti.   =   Teaching others teacheth yourself. / One learns in teaching.
  224. Cine suflã-n foc îi sar scânteile în ochi.   =   He that blows in the dust fills his eyes with it.
  225. Cine vine prea târziu la masã acela roade oasele. / Cine vine târziu la masã i se atârnã lingurile de gât.   =   He that comes last to the pot is soonest wroth.
  226. Cine socoteste câte foi intrã-n plãcintã niciodatã nu mãnâncã plãcintã. / Dacã socoti plãcinta din câte pãturi îi, n-o mai mãnânci.   =   He that counts all costs will never put plough in the earth.
  227. Cine sparge sticlele, le plãteste.   =   He that doth amiss may do well.
  228. Cine mãnâncã putin mãnâncã de mai multe ori.   =   He that eats least, eats most.
  229. Cine se teme de brumã nu pune vitã de vie.   =   He that fears every grass must not walk in a meadow. / He that fears leaves, let him not go into the wood.
  230. Cine merge incet, in siguranta ajunge. / Cine merge încet departe ajunge.   =   He that goes softly goes safely. / Fair and softly goes far. / Soft pace goes far / slow but sure.
  231. Cine culege trandafiri, trebuie sã se-nghimpe.   =   He that handles thorns shall prick his fingers. / Who remove stones bruise their fingers.
  232. Cine are cap de sticlã, sã nu arunce în nimeni.   =   He that has a head of glass must not throw stones at another. / He that has a house of glass must not throw stones at another / people who live in glass houses shouldn`t throw stones. / He that has a head of wax must not walk in the sun.
  233. Calu bun si nevasta frumoasã îti pun capu. / Vinul bun, nevasta frumoasã sunt douã veninuri dulci.   =   He that has a white horse and a fair wife never wants trouble.
  234. Pe cine l-a muscat câinele se teme si de lãtrãturã.   =   He that has been bitten by a serpent is afraid of a rope. / Once bitten, twice shy. / A scalded cat fears cold water / a burnt child dreads the fire / a scalded dog fears cold water / whom a serpent has bitten, a lizard alarms.
  235. Cinci câstig, sapte mãnânc, ce rãmâne bag în pungã. / Cine cheltuieste peste ceea ce câstigã n-are-n casã mãmãligã.   =   He that has but four and spends five, has no need of a purse.
  236. Cine are bani are de toate. / Cu bani cumperi si brânzã de iepuri. / Cu bani gãsesti si lapte de pasãre.   =   He that has money has what he wants.
  237. De la cel ce n-are nu vei lua.   =   He that has nothing need fear to lose nothing. / You cannot lose what you never had. / A man cannot give what he hasn`t got / where nothing is, the king must lose his right.
  238. Cine cautã vreme pierde vremea. / Cine are vreme sã n-o piarzã.   =   He that has time and looks for time, loses time.
  239. Cine umblã cu fier se umple de ruginã.   =   He that has to do with what is foul never comes away clean. / He that measures oil shall anoint his fingers / he that touches pitch shall be defiled.
  240. Cine dã sãracilor împrumutã pe Dumnezeu. / Cel ce miluieste pe sãrac, dã împrumut lui Dumnezeu.   =   He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the lord.
  241. În care cãmasã s-a mâniat într-aceea s-a desmânia.   =   He that is angry without a cause shall be pleased without amends.
  242. Cine moare spânzurat nu moare înecat.   =   He that is born to be hanged shall never be drowned. / No flying from fate / the fated will happen / what must be, must be.
  243. Cine bea apã din pumni strãini nu se saturã niciodatã.   =   He that is fed at another`s hand may stay long ere he be full.
  244. Cine nu este cu mine este împotriva mea.   =   He that is not with me is against me.
  245. Cine vede nasterea vede si moartea. / Ce naste moare.   =   He that is once born, once must die. / It is as natural to die as to be born / our lives are but our marches to the grave. / As soon as a man is born he begins to die / all that lives must die / all men are mortal.
  246. Celui ce se pune chezas pentru un strãin îi merge rãu.   =   He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for it.
  247. Cine doarme pe pãmânt n-are fricã sã cadã când se întoarce.   =   He that lies upon the ground can fall no lower.
  248. Câte-n lume se nasc, mor toate. / Cine trãieste trebuie sã moarã.   =   All that lives must die. / He that is once born, once must die / all men are mortal.
  249. De câstigi, de pãgubesti, tot negustor te numesti.   =   He that loses is merchant as well as he that gains.
  250. Cine se face oaie îl mãnâncã lupul.   =   He that makes himself a sheep shall be eaten by the wolf. / Make yourself all honey and the flies will devour you.
  251. Cine seamana vant (ploaie), culege furtuna. / Cine samãnã rãutãti, iarã rãutãti va secera.   =   He that mischief hatches, mischief catches. / He that hurts another hurts himself.
  252. Cine nu intreaba, nu invata.   =   He that nothing questions, nothing learns.
  253. Cine se laudã pe sine, mai tare se înjoseste. / Cine se laudã singur, se ocãrãste pe sine.   =   He that praises himself spatters himself. / A man`s praise in his own mouth stinks / self-praise is no recommendation.
  254. Cine promite mult dã putin.   =   He that promises too much means nothing.
  255. Cine se grãbeste curând osteneste.   =   He that runs fast will not run long.
  256. Cel care iubeste primejdia va cãdea într-însa.   =   He that runs into danger must expect to perish therein. / He that brings himself into needless dangers, dies the devil`s martyr.
  257. Cine cautã gaseste. / Cel ce cautã, va afla.   =   He that seeks finds. / The dog that trots finds a bone.
  258. Cine cautã ceartã gãseste bãtaie. / Cine cautã pe dracu întotdeauna îl gãseste.   =   He that seeks trouble, never misses. / Harm watch, harm catch.
  259. Cine slujeste altarului din altar mãnâncã. / Lucrãtorul mãnâncã de unde lucreazã.   =   He that serves at the altar ought to live by the altar.
  260. Cine seamãnã spini, spini culege.   =   He that sows thistles shall reap prickles.
  261. Cine vorbeste seamãnã, cine ascultã culege.   =   He that speaks sows and he that holds his peace gathers.
  262. Cine vorbeste ce-i place, acela sã audã si ce-l supãrã.   =   He that speaks the thing he should not hears the thing he would not. / He who says what he likes shall hear what he does not like.
  263. Cine se ia dupã muscã ajunge la bãlegar.   =   He that takes the raven for his guide will light on carrion.
  264. Cine îmbrãtiseazã multe putine adunã.   =   He that too much embraceth holds little. / Grasp all, lose all. / All covet, all lose.
  265. Nu cine trãieste mult stie multe, ci cine umblã mult stie multe.   =   He that travels far knows much.
  266. Cine spalã capul mãgarului în zadar pierde osteneala si sãpunul.   =   He that washes an ass`s head loses both his lye (soap) and his labour.
  267. Ce-i strâmb nu se poate îndrepta.   =   That which is crooked cannot be made straight.
  268. Cine va sã mãnânce miezul trebuie mai întâi sã spargã coaja. / Sparge întâi nuca ca sã-i mãnânci miezul.   =   He that will eat the kernel must crack the nut. / You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs. / He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree.
  269. Cu chei de aur si de argint se deschid portile raiului.   =   He that will enter into paradise must have a good key.
  270. Cine minte si furã. / Care spune minciuni e ca omul care furã.   =   He that will lie will steal. / Show me a liar and i will show you a thief / lying and thieving go together.
  271. Cine nu primeste sfat nu e nici de ajutat.   =   He that will not be counselled cannot be helped. / In vain he craves advice that will not follow it.
  272. Cine nu face când poate, nu face când vrea.   =   He that will not when he may, when he will he shall have nay.
  273. Cine nu munceste, nu mãnâncã.   =   He that will not work shall not eat. / If you won`t work, you shan`t eat. / No mill, no meal / a horse that will not carry the saddle must have no oats. / No pains, no gains / no sweet without some sweat.
  274. Cine furã azi un ou, mâine va fura un bou. / Cine furã azi o ceapã, mâine furã si o iapã. / Azi o ceapã, mâine o iapã, poimâine herghelia toatã.   =   He that will steal an egg will steal an ox. / He that will steal a pin will steal a better thing.
  275. Cine furã azi un ac mâine furã un gânsac.   =   He that will steal a pin will steal a better thing. / He that will steal an egg will steal an ox.
  276. Cine jurã lesne, minte.   =   He that will swear will lie.
  277. Cine vrea sã-si ucidã câinele sãu destul sã zicã cã e turbat.   =   He that would hang his dog gives out first that he is mad. / Give a dog a bad name and hang him. / It is easy to find a stick to beat a dog.
  278. Care nu stie rugãciunea meargã pe mare.   =   He that would learn to pray, let him go to sea.
  279. Cine vrea sã trãiascã în pace aude, vede si tace. / Sã auzi, sã vezi si sã taci, dacã vrei sã petreci cu pace.   =   He that would live in peace and rest, must hear, and see, and say the best. / Wide ears and a short tongue / hear and see and say nothing. / Hear much, speak little.
  280. Cine vrea fata, sa ia aminte la mama. / Vezi mama, apoi fata.   =   He that would the daughter win must with the mother first begin. / He that would the mistress win must with the maid first begin. / Praise the child, and you make love to the mother.
  281. A se comporta prosteste   =   Act the ass, to
  282. La capatul lumii. (Unde a dus surdu iapa.)   =   At the back of beyond
  283. Cizmarul pentru cizme numai rãspunde, iar nu si pentru nãdragi.   =   Let the cobbler stick to his last. / Let not the cobbler (shoemaker) go beyond his last.
  284. A cadea din put in lac.   =   Out of the frying-pan into the fire.
  285. În casa lãutarului fiecare joacã.   =   In the house of a fiddler all fiddle.
  286. Când latrã un câine bãtrân sã iesi afarã. / Câine bãtrân sã te pãzesti, din casa ta sã nu izgonesti.   =   If the old dog barks, he gives counsel. / If you wish good advice, consult an old man / an old dog barks not in vain.
  287. Copacul unde a cãzut, acolo rãmâne.   =   In the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be. / As a tree falls, so shall it lie.
  288. Tot un cuc nu ne cântã în toatã vremea. / Nu mai bate vântul care bãtea.   =   There are no birds of this year in last year`s nests.
  289. Vai de casa cu multi stãpâni.   =   There is no good accord where every man would be a lord. / Where every man is master the world goes to wreck.
  290. Nu e câstig fãrã pagubã. / Unde e câstig e si pagubã.   =   There`s no great loss without some gain. / No great loss but some small profit.
  291. Cine face gãlusca trebuie s-o si-nghitã. / Precum faci, asa tragi. / Capul face, capul trage. / Cum dumicasi, asa mâncasi.   =   As they brew, so let them drink. / As they brew, so let them bake. / As you bake, so shall you eat / as you make your bed, so you must lie on it.
  292. Cine vara petrece cântând, iarna rãmâne flãmând. / Cine vara stã si doarme, iarna, biet, moare de foame. / Cine n-are vara minte, iarna nu mãnâncã plãcinte.   =   They must hunger in frost that will not work in heat.
  293. Cine vara stã si doarme, iarna, biet, moare de foame.   =   They must hunger in frost that will not work in heat.
  294. Nu cei sãnãtosi au nevoie de doctor, ci cei bolnavi.   =   They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.
  295. Cine are bea si mãnâncã, cine nu, stã si se uitã. / Cine poate oase roade, cine nu nici carne moale.   =   They that have got good store of butter may lay it thick on their bread.
  296. Cine seamãnã vânt culege furtunã.   =   They that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind.
  297. Se cred buricul pamantului.   =   They think they`re it
  298. Cine poate astepta are tot ce vrea.   =   All things come to those who wait. / Everything comes to him who waits.
  299. Când trei femei se întâlnesc, mai mult decât o sutã de gâste gârâlesc. / Douã muieri si o gâscã fac târgul cucului. / Femeile, când se adunã, parcã-s gâstele la pârâu.   =   Three women and a goose make a market. / Many women, many words; many geese, many turds / where there are women and geese, there wants no noise.
  300. A cere lânã de la broascã.   =   You go to an ass for wool. / Look not for musk in a dog`s kennel.
  301. Cine pe altul cautã sã însele el mai întâi se însealã. / Cine vrea sã însele se însealã.   =   Treachery will come home to the traitor.
  302. Cine mult se încrede în altii adeseori se si însealã.   =   In trust is treason. / Quick believers need broad shoulders / distrust is the mother of safety / trust is the mother of deceit / he who trusteth not is not deceived.
  303. Cine nu are dreptate, acela tipã mai tare. / Vinovatul mai mare gurã face.   =   Of two disputants, the warmer is generally in the wrong.
  304. Ceea ce vreti sã vã facã vouã oamenii, faceti si voi lor.   =   Do unto others as you would they should do unto you. / Do as you would be done by.
  305. Cine nu înmulteste se vestejeste. / Pomul neroditor se taie si în foc s-aruncã.   =   He is unworthy of life that causes not life in another.
  306. Era cat pe ce.   =   It was a near touch
  307. Ce-o fi, o fi.   =   What must be, must be. / Whatever happens, all happens as it should. / No flying from fate / the fated will happen / he that is born to be hanged shall be never drowned.
  308. Ce-i în gusã, si-n cãpusã. / Inima o am pe limbã. / Ce are pe inimã are pe buze.   =   What the heart thinks, the tongue speaks. / He wears his heart upon his sleeve / His heart is in his mouth. / Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
  309. Ce-i al tãu e si al meu, tu la mine parte n-ai.   =   What`s yours is mine, and what`s mine is my own.
  310. Care-i scopul? / Ce rost are?   =   What’s the good?
  311. Când mãrãcinii vor scoate rodii, atunci si muierile cuvinte de ispravã.   =   When an ass climbs a ladder, we may find wisdom in women.
  312. Când vrea Dumnezeu sã piardã pe om, mai întâi îi ia mintile. / Pe cine vrea sã piardã, Dumnezeu mai întâi îi ia mintile.   =   When god will punish, he will first take away the understanding. / Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad. / Whom fortune wishes to destroy, she first makes mad.
  313. Când nenorocirea doarme, fereste-te s-o destepti.   =   When sorrow is asleep, wake it not.
  314. Când pisica nu-i acasã, soarecii joacã pe masã.   =   When the cat`s away, the mice will play.
  315. Capul când te doare, tot trupul boleste.   =   When the head aches all the body is the worse.
  316. La copacul cãzut toti aleargã sã taie crengi. / Copacul când cade jos, toti cu topoarele pe el se pun.   =   When the tree is fallen every one runs to it with his axe.
  317. Corabia cu doi cârmaci se îneacã.   =   Where every man is master the world goes to wreck. / There is no good accord where every man would be a lord.
  318. Când banul cuteazã, cuvântul înceteazã. / Când bogatul vorbeste, lumea amuteste.   =   Where gold speaks every tongue is silent. / You may speak with your gold and make other tongues dumb.
  319. Cinstea cu rusinea nu pot sta împreunã.   =   Where there is no honour, there is no grief.
  320. Ori cu capu-n piatrã, ori cu piatra de cap, totuna e.   =   Whether the pitcher strikes the stone, or the stone the pitcher, it is bad for the pitcher.
  321. Cine pe lângã drum zideste multi stãpâni dobândeste.   =   He who builds by the roadside has many masters. / A house built by the wayside is either too high or too low.
  322. Cine se apucã de multe, putine terminã. / Când de multe de apuci, mai pe toate le încurci.   =   He who commences many things finishes but few. / He who begins many things finishes but few. / Overdoing is doing nothing to purpose.
  323. Cine sapã groapa altuia cade singur in ea.   =   He who digs a pit for others falls in himself. / To make a snare for another and fall into it oneself.
  324. Cine se scuzã, se acuzã.   =   He who excuses himself, accuses himself.
  325. Ai carte, ai parte. / Cine are carte are si parte.   =   He who has an art has everywhere a part. / Who has a trade, has a share everywhere.
  326. Cine are urechi de auzit sã audã.   =   He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
  327. Cine are piper mult bagã si în terci.   =   He who has plenty of pepper will pepper his cabbage.
  328. Cine scoate sabia, de sabie va pieri.   =   He who lives by the sword dies by the sword. / He that strikes with the sword shall be stricken with the scabbard. / All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.
  329. Cine e muscat de sarpe se pãzeste si de sopârlã.   =   Whom a serpent has bitten, a lizard alarms. / Once bitten, twice shy. / A scalded cat fears cold water / a burnt child dreads the fire / a scalded dog fears cold water / he that has been bitten by a serpent is afraid of a rope..
  330. Când vrea Domnul vine si dracu cu colaci.   =   Whom god loves, his bitch brings forth pigs. / Good things come to some when they are asleep.
  331. Pe cine îl iubeste Domnul îl ceartã.   =   Whom the lord loveth, he chasteneth.
  332. Cine cautã cal fãrã cusur merge pe jos.   =   He who wants a mule without a fault, must walk on foot.
  333. Cine nu pretuieste filerul nu va numãra nici florinul.   =   Who will not keep a penny, never shall have many. / Take care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves.
  334. Cine tace, acela e mai întelept.   =   No wisdom to silence. / Silence is often the best answer / speak fitly, or be silent wisely / a wise head makes a close mouth.
  335. Casa e casã, când ai o gospodinã în casã. / Omul fãrã sotie e ca o casã pustie.   =   Woeful is the household that wants a woman.
  336. Cade pe spate si-si frânge nasul.   =   He would fall on his back and break his nose. / An unfortunate man would be drowned in a tea-cup.
  337. Cine n-are dusmani nu-i om.   =   If you have no enemies it`s a sign fortune has forgot you.
  338. Cine doarme cu câinii se scoalã plin de purici.   =   If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas. / He that sleeps with dogs must rise up with fleas.
  339. Cine la tinerete e lenes suferã la bãtrânete.   =   If you lie upon roses when young, you`ll lie upon thorns when old. / An idle youth, a needy age.
  340. Când nu putem face ce voim, trebuie sã voim ce putem. / Fã ce poti, când n-ai alta de fãcut.   =   Do as you may if you can`t do as you would. / If we can`t as we would, we must do as we can / he that may not do as he would, must do as he may.
  341. Cine se joacã cu focul se frige. / Nu te juca cu focul, cã îndatã te pârlesti.   =   If you play with fire you get burnt. / He warms too near that burns.
  342. Cine aleargã dupã doi iepuri nu prinde niciunul. / Cine doi iepuri goneste, nici unul nu dobândeste.   =   If you run after two hares, you will catch neither. / Dogs that put up many hares kill none.
  343. Cine nu are batrani, sa-si cumpere.   =   If you wish good advice, consult an old man. / If the old dog barks, he gives counsel.
  344. Cine nu vrea sã îmbãtrâneascã, sã se spânzure.   =   If you would not live to be old, you must be hanged when you are young.

Un Test simplu in fiecare zi

Care tag se foloseste in <table> pentru a crea celula de tip "header"?
<thead> <th> <td>
  <th>Title 1</th>
  <th>Title 2</th>
Ce proprietate CSS seteaza distanta dintre randuri?
line-height word-spacing margin
.some_class {
  line-height: 150%;
Care functie deschide o noua fereastra.
alert() confirm() open()
document.getElementById("id_button").onclick = function(){"");
Indicati functia PHP care returneaza un array cu numele fisierelor si directoarelor dintr-un director.
mkdir() scandir() readdir()
$ar_dir = scandir("dir_name");
Care din urmatoarele forme a verbului "sleep" (a dormi) se foloseste pentru viitor?
sleeping slept will sleep
He will sleep there.
- El va dormi acolo.
Care din urmatoarele forme a verbului "dormir" (a dormi) se foloseste pentru viitor?
dormido dormirá durmiendo
Él dormirá allí.
- El va dormi acolo.

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