Curs Engleza

- Cautati in toate listele proverbe si expresii ce contin cuvantul:


  1. Scânteile pe paie cum cad le aprind.   =   It is a dangerous fire that begins in the bed straw.
  2. Se sperie de umbra lui, si se uitã-n urma lui.   =   He is afraid of his own shadow.
  3. Om sfânt nu se poate. / Nu-i nime sfânt pe pãmânt. / Nimeni nu e usã de bisericã.   =   Men are not angels. / Every man has his faults.
  4. A sovai. / A fi nehotarât. / A naviga in deriva.   =   Back and fill
  5. A striga in gura mare.   =   Bawl and squall
  6. Sãracul nu se teme de tâlhari. / Cel gol trebuintã n-are d-a-si pãzi hainele sale.   =   The beggar may sing before the thief. / A beggar can never be bankrupt. / No naked man is sought after to be rifled.
  7. Sacul cersetorului n-are fund.   =   A beggar`s purse is bottomless. / A beggar`s purse is always empty / A beggar`s scrip is never filled.
  8. Stomacul când chiorãieste la demâncare gândeste.   =   His belly cries cupboard.
  9. Sacul de la gurã se pãstreazã. / Leagã sacu pânã-i rotund, nu când îi dai de fund.   =   Better spare at brim than at bottom.
  10. Sângele apã nu se face.   =   Blood is thicker than water. / Blood is not water.
  11. A sta mult (timp) nemişcat pe loc (in acelasi loc).   =   Burn the planks
  12. A schimba subiectul conversatiei.   =   Call off the dogs
  13. A scoate apã (lapte) din piatrã.   =   You cannot get blood from a stone. / You cannot get milk (water) from a stone.
  14. Si sãtul si cu punga plinã nu se poate.   =   You cannot have your cake and eat it.
  15. Sârguinta e muma norocului. / Prin muncã si stãruintã vei ajunge la dorintã.   =   Care and diligence bring luck.
  16. Nu scuipa în put, cãci se poate întâmpla sã bei din el. / Nu turbura fântâna ce te-a îndestulat.   =   Cast no dirt into the well that hath given you water.
  17. A strica orzul pe gaste.   =   Cast pearls before swine
  18. Sterge-o ! (ce mai stai)   =   Chase yourself !
  19. Schimbator ca luna.   =   Chop and change
  20. Sarac lipit. / Falit.   =   Clean broke
  21. Sterge cu buretele.   =   Clean the slate
  22. Scapa ieftin.   =   Come off cheap
  23. A stagna. / A se opri (tren, motor, persoana). / A inceta temporar (munca, productia).   =   Come to a standstill
  24. Singur cine îsi gãteste, el mai cu poftã prânzeste.   =   Command your man and do it yourself.
  25. Nu scumpul stãpâneste banii, ci banii stãpânesc pe scump. / Scumpul nu e stãpân pe banii lui, ci banii îl stãpânesc pe el.   =   A covetous man serves his riches, not they him. / The rich are rather possessed by their money than possessors.
  26. Scumpul mai mult pãgubeste si lenesul mai mult aleargã.   =   The covetous spends more than the liberal.
  27. Sectiune moarta.   =   Dummy coil
  28. Scoalã-te de dimineatã, dacã vrei sã-ti lungesti viata.   =   Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
  29. Sacul gol nu stã în picioare.   =   An empty sack cannot stand upright. / Empty sacks will never stand upright.
  30. Sfârsitul laudã începutul. / La toate urma alege.   =   The end crowns the work. / The end tries all / the evening crowns the day.
  31. Scopul scuzã mijloacele.   =   The end justifies the means. / He that wills the end, wills the means.
  32. Un singur dusman e destul sã dãrâme ce au lucrat o mie de prieteni.   =   One enemy can do more hurt than ten friends can do good. / One enemy is too many; and a hundred friends too few.
  33. Tot sacul îsi gãseste peticul.   =   Every jack must have his jill.
  34. La stup de miere, roi de muste.   =   A fly follows the honey.
  35. Sã-ti aduci aminte de cuvintele nebunului. / Cel întelept si de la cel nebun multe aflã si învatã.   =   A fool may give a wise man counsel. / A fool may sometimes speak to the purpose.
  36. A scapa de sub control.   =   To get out of hands
  37. A strica orzul pe gaste.   =   Give honey for the ass`s mouth.
  38. Nu da sfat, neîntrebat. / Nu da povatã celui ce nu ti-o cere, cãci nu te ascultã. / Sare, pânã nu cere, sã nu-i dai cuiva.   =   Give neither counsel nor salt till you are asked for it. / Come not to counsel uncalled.
  39. Suficient   =   As good as a feast
  40. Sãnãtatea e cea mai bunã avutie. / E mai bunã sãnãtatea, decât toatã bogãtia.   =   Health is better than wealth. / Health is great riches.
  41. Sufletul bucuros este sã intre în rai, numai pãcatele nu-l lasã.   =   Hell is paved with good intentions. / The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
  42. Nu stie bãrbatul ce stie satul.   =   The husband is always the last to know. / The cuckold is the last that knows of it.
  43. Nu da sabia în mâna vrãjmasului. / Nu da ciomag cui nu-i esti drag, nici sabia în mâna vrãjmasului.   =   It is ill putting a sword in a madman`s hand. / Do not put a sword into your enemy`s hands / it is ill putting a sword in a child`s hand.
  44. Strânge bani albi pentru zile negre.   =   Keep something for a rainy day. / Lay up against a rainy day. / Keep something for him that rides on the white horse.
  45. Sade hârbul în drum si râde de cei ce trec.   =   The kettle calls the pot black-brows (burnt-arse). / The pot calls the kettle black. / Thou art a bitter bird, said the raven to the starling / the frying-pan said to the kettle, "avaunt, black brows!"
  46. Nu stiti ce se va întâmpla mâine.   =   Ye know not what shall be on the tomorrow.
  47. N-o sã iei lumea cu tine, ci tot o para legatã de deget.   =   Our last garment is made without pockets. / Shrouds have no pockets / to the grave a pall, and that`s all.
  48. A scapa de fantoma   =   To lay the ghost
  49. Cum s-a câstigat, asa s-a mâncat.   =   Lightly gained, quickly lost. / Quickly come, quickly go / so got, so gone. / Easy come, easy go / come with the wind, go with the water.
  50. Cum e stãpânul si sluga. / Cum e boierul si sluga.   =   Like master, like man. / Like king, like people.
  51. Cum e sfântul asa si tãmâia.   =   Like saint, like offering.
  52. Mic la stat, mare la sfat. / Si pitulicea este micã, dar printre pãsãri e voinicã.   =   A little body often harbours a great soul.
  53. O scânteie e de ajuns ca sã ardã toata sira.   =   A little fire burns up a great deal of corn. / Of a small spark a great fire.
  54. Sãtulul nu crede flãmândului.   =   Little knows the fat man (sow) what the lean does mean.
  55. Sede pe mãgar si cautã mãgarul.   =   You look for the horse you ride on. / The butcher looked for his knife and it was in his mouth / you are like the man that sought his mare, and he riding on her.
  56. Scumpul pentru bani ar lua si pe fata dracului. / Pentru bani iei si fata dracului.   =   Many a one for land takes a fool by the hand.
  57. Sãrutã mâna pe care n-o poti tãia. / Mâna care nu o poate musca o sãrutã.   =   Many kiss the hand they wish cut off.
  58. Sã-ti iei nevasta de potriva ta.   =   Marry your equal. / Marry your like (match). / Like blood, like good, and like age, make the happiest marriage.
  59. Scârna, de ce o scormonesti mai mult, mai mult si pute.   =   The more you stir a turd, the worse it stinks.
  60. Soacra cu nora ca pisica cu soarecele.   =   Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are a tempest and hail storm.
  61. S-a scremut muntele si a nãscut un soarece.   =   The mountains have brought forth a mouse.
  62. Soarecele cu o gaurã numai, îndatã îl prinde pisica.   =   The mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken.
  63. O sutã de tâlhari nu pot despuia pe un sãrac gol. / Cel ce nu are nimic, nu va fi talharit.   =   No naked man is sought after to be rifled. / The beggar may sing before the thief.
  64. A sta ca pe ghimpi.   =   Be on nettles
  65. Nu spune tot ce stii, nu crede tot ce auzi.   =   Do not all you can; spend not all you have; believe not all you hear; and tell not all you know.
  66. Sare, pânã nu cere, sã nu-i dai cuiva.   =   Do not offer salt or brains. / Help you to salt, help you to sorrow.
  67. Nu se-ntelege sãrac cel ce are mai putin, ci cel ce nu se multumeste cu putin si râvneste la mai mult.   =   He is not poor that has little, but he that desires much.
  68. Scoala face pe omul, om si altoiul pomul, pom.   =   Nurture passes nature. / Art improves nature.
  69. Steagul cel vechi, cinstea osteanului. / Steagul cel mai zdrentuit, cinstea oastei.   =   An old ensign is a captain`s honour.
  70. Singur (Singurel)   =   By oneself
  71. Secretul a fost dezvăluit. / Taina s-a aflat.   =   Cat is out of the bag
  72. Scump la tãrâte si ieftin la fãinã.   =   Penny wise and pound foolish. / Spare at the spigot, and let it out at the bung-hole.
  73. Sãracul nici frate, nici prieteni n-are.   =   A poor man has no friends. / Poor folk`s friends soon misken them / poverty parts fellowship / prosperity makes freinds, adversity tries them. / In time of prosperity friends will be plenty; in time of adversity not one amongst twenty.
  74. Sãracul cumpãrã mai scump.   =   The poor man`s shilling is but a penny.
  75. Sãrãcia nu-i rusine. / A fi sãrac nu e rusine, ci a fi necinstit.   =   Poverty is not a shame; but the being ashamed of it is. / Poverty is no disgrace.
  76. Sãrãcia nu-i pãcat.   =   Poverty is no vice but an inconvenience. / Poverty is no sin (crime).
  77. Sãrãcia aflã mestesuguri. / Dãscãlita sãrãcie învatã pe om meserie.   =   Poverty is the mother of all arts. / The belly teaches all arts / hunger is the teacher of all arts. / Necessity is the mother of invention.
  78. Straniu   =   Quaint
  79. Cel ce sfãrâmã pietre se poate rãni cu ele.   =   Who remove stones bruise their fingers. / He that handles thorns shall prick his fingers.
  80. Sarea-i bunã în fierturã, însã nu peste mãsurã.   =   Salt seasons all things.
  81. A speria pe cineva ingrozitor   =   To scare someone out of his wits
  82. Socoteala deasã e frãtie aleasã. / Cârnatul lung e bun, dar socoteala lungã nu e bunã.   =   Short reckonings make long friends. / Even reckoning makes long friends.
  83. Pur si simplu adevarul.   =   Simply and badly true
  84. Somnul e oglinda mortii. / Somnul e rupt din moarte.   =   Sleep is the image of death. / Sleep is the brother of death.
  85. Din scânteia micã se aprinde focul mare. / Adesea scânteia micã face flacãrã mare.   =   Of a small spark a great fire. / A little spark kindles a great fire. / A little fire burns up a great deal of corn.
  86. Sãrace bãrbate, cã asearã murisi si nu te mai putui uita.   =   Sorrow for a husband is like a pain in the elbow, sharp and short.
  87. Nu scuipa impotriva vantului.   =   Puff not against the wind. / Piss not against the wind.
  88. Spãrtura pânã e micã trebuie cârpitã.   =   A stitch in time saves nine. / He that repairs not a part, builds all. / The tailor that makes not a knot loses a stitch. / Who repairs not his gutter, repairs his whole house.
  89. Strecurati tântarul si înghititi cãmila. / Strecoarã tântarul, înghite armãsarul.   =   To strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.
  90. Strict confidential.   =   In strict confidence
  91. Nu s-a mai vazut asa ceva.   =   Such a thing has never been known
  92. Soarele cã e soare si tot nu poate lumina toate vãile.   =   The sun does not shine on both sides of the hedge at once.
  93. Soarele nu rãsare numai pentru un om. / Soarele încãlzeste si pe buni si pe rãi.   =   The sun shines upon all alike.
  94. A scoate castanele din foc cu mâna altuia.   =   Take the chestnuts out of the fire with the cat`s paw. / To take the nuts from the fire with the dog`s foot. / It is good to strike the serpent`s head with your enemy`s hand.
  95. Spune-mi cu cine te însotesti, ca sã-ti spun cine esti.   =   Tell me with whom thou goest, and i`ll tell thee what thou doest. / A man is known by the company he keeps.
  96. Cu schiopul împreunã de vei locui, te-nveti si tu a schiopãta. / Cu schiopii la un loc de sezi, te înveti sã schiopãtezi.   =   He that dwells next door to a cripple will learn to halt.
  97. Ori sã fii cu miere-n gurã, ori cu mâna-n buzunar.   =   He that has no honey in his pot, let him have it in his mouth. / He that has not silver in his purse should have silk on his tongue.
  98. Sãracului nu-i trebuie pungã.   =   He that has no money needs no purse.
  99. Sãmânta bunã, bun rod îti dã.   =   He that soweth good seed shall reap good corn.
  100. Sãracul nu se teme de hoti.   =   The beggar may sing before the thief.
  101. Si-a gãsit hârbul capacul, tigva dopul si lelea bãrbatul.   =   There is not so bad a gill, but there`s as bad a will. / Every jack mus have his jill.
  102. A fi scos din uz.   =   Be on the shelf
  103. Cel ce seamãnã putin, putin si secerã.   =   Sow thin and mow thin.
  104. Sfoara pusã în trei nu se rupe degrabã. / Funia cea îndoitã cu mult mai mult tine decât cea dezdoitã.   =   A threefold cord is not quickly broken.
  105. Cu susul in jos.   =   Upside down
  106. Sfatul dupã faptã e manta dupã ploaie.   =   When a thing is done, advice comes too late. / When the house is burned down, you bring water / It is too late to shut the stable -door after the horse has bolted / It is easy to be wise after the event.
  107. Sãrãcia intrã pe usã si dragostea iese pe fereastrã.   =   When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out of the window. / Love lasts as long as money endures.
  108. Ia seama la gâste când vulpea tine predici. / Pãzeste gâstele când vezi cã le descântã vulpea.   =   When the fox preaches then beware your geese.
  109. Sã nu stie stânga ce face dreapta.   =   When thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth.
  110. Sãtulul nu crede flãmândului.   =   He whose belly is full believes not him who is fasting. / Little knows the fat man (sow) what the lean does mean.
  111. O singurã vorbã e de ajuns celui ce va sã te înteleagã.   =   A word to a wise man is enough. / Half a word is enough for a wise man. / Few words to the wise suffice.
  112. Ce stie mãgarul ce e cântarea privighetoarei. / Ce are de a face scripca si cu iepurele.   =   Did you ever hear an ass play on a harp? / A sow to a fiddle.
  113. Cum sameni, asa culegi. / Cum vei semãna, asa vei si secera. / Ce semeni aia culegi.   =   As you sow, so you reap.
  114. Nu se stie niciodata (ce poate fi).   =   You’d never know

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