Curs Engleza

- Cautati in toate listele proverbe si expresii ce contin cuvantul:


  1. Zarurile au fost aruncate.   =   The die is cast.
  2. De la zis pân-la facut, tot mai este o bucatã. / De la vorba pa-n la fapta, cale lunga. / De la vorbã pânã la faptã, ca de la pãmânt la cer.   =   From word to deed is a great space. / Saying and doing are two things / saying is one thing, and doing another.
  3. Zgârcitul e totdeauna sãrac.   =   The miser is always in want.
  4. Nu zi: hop! pânã n-ai sãrit. / Nu zice "hop" pânã nu treci santu (puntea).   =   Don`t cross the bridge till you come to it. / Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. / Count not four, except you have them in the wallet. / Do not halloo till you are out of the wood. / It is not good praising a ford till a man be over.
  5. În zadar gugulesti coada de câine, cã tot aceea rãmâne.   =   Cut off a dog`s tail and he will be a dog still.
  6. Ziua bunã se laudã seara. / Sã nu zici "ce zi frumoasã" pânã nu va însera. / Nu preamãri ziua pânã nu apune soarele.   =   Praise a fair day at night. / Praise day at night, and life at the end. / The evening crowns the day. / Say no ill of the year till it be past.
  7. A zice si a face nu-i totuna.   =   Saying and doing are two things. / Saying is one thing, and doing another / from word to deed is a great space.
  8. A zice e una, a face e alta.   =   Saying is one thing, and doing another. / Saying and doing are two things / from word to deed is a great space.
  9. Fã ce zice popa, nu face ce face el.   =   Do as the friar says, not as he does. / Do as i say, not as i do.
  10. In zadar bate toaca pentru baba surdã.   =   In vain is the mill-clock if the miller his hearing lack.
  11. Zadarnic se întind curse în vãzul pãsãrilor!   =   In vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird.
  12. Zidurile au urechi. / Peretii au urechi si ferestrele ochi.   =   Walls have ears. / Fields have eyes, and woods have ears.
  13. Zidul alb e hârtia nebunilor.   =   A white wall is a fool`s paper.

Un Test simplu in fiecare zi

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  <th>Title 1</th>
  <th>Title 2</th>
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.some_class {
  line-height: 150%;
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sleeping slept will sleep
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- El va dormi acolo.
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dormido dormirá durmiendo
Él dormirá allí.
- El va dormi acolo.

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