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Easy Difficult
- Easy (Usor) - Cuvantul lipsa si traducerea pot fi alese din liste cu raspunsurile corecte.
- Difficult (Dificil) - Cuvantul lipsa trebuie scris intr-o caseta de text. Raspunsul corect la traducere nu e sters din lista de raspunsuri.
[{"ro":"Ele vin cu palarii.","en":"come","f":64,"q":{"en":"They ___ with hats. (feminine)","es":"Ellas ___ con sombrero."}},{"ro":"Port un costum albastru.","en":"wear","f":65,"q":{"en":"I ___ a blue outfit.","es":"Yo ___ un traje azul."}},{"ro":"Ne trebuie mai multe umerase.","en":"We","f":54,"q":{"en":"___ need more clothes hangers.","es":"___ necesitamos m\u00e1s perchas."}},{"ro":"Pantalonii sunt sifonati.","en":"pants","f":63,"q":{"en":"The ___ are wrinkled.","es":"Los ___ est\u00e1n arrugados."}},{"ro":"Imi voi pune haina.","en":"will put","f":52,"q":{"en":"I ___ on my coat.","es":"Yo me ___ el abrigo."}},{"ro":"Sandaua e neagra.","en":"sandal","f":61,"q":{"en":"The ___ is black.","es":"La ___ es negra."}},{"ro":"Bluza este verde.","en":"blouse","f":55,"q":{"en":"The ___ is green.","es":"La ___ es verde."}},{"ro":"Pantofii mei de tenis sunt foarte vechi.","en":"shoes","f":58,"q":{"en":"My tennis ___ are very old.","es":"Mis ___ tenis est\u00e1n muy viejos. "}},{"ro":"Laura poarta o fusta galbena.","en":"wearing","f":59,"q":{"en":"Laura is ___ a yellow skirt.","es":"Laura ___ una falda amarilla."}},{"ro":"Sosetele sunt murdare.","en":"socks","f":56,"q":{"en":"The ___ are dirty.","es":"Los ___ est\u00e1n sucios."}},{"ro":"Poti sa speli camasile?","en":"wash","f":57,"q":{"en":"Can you ___ the shirts?","es":"\u00bfPuede ___ las camisas?"}},{"ro":"Halatul (Mantia) e din bumbac.","en":"robe","f":60,"q":{"en":"The ___ is cotton.","es":"La ___ es de algod\u00f3n."}},{"ro":"Sunt niste pantofi sau niste cizme.","en":"some","f":62,"q":{"en":"It's either ___ shoes or some boots.","es":"Son o ___ zapatos o unas botas."}},{"ro":"Camasa galbena e draguta.","en":"shirt","f":53,"q":{"en":"The yellow ___ is pretty.","es":"La ___ amarilla es bonita."}},{"ro":"Ea va umbla cu papuci ei.","en":"with","f":66,"q":{"en":"She will walk ___ her slippers.","es":"Ella caminar\u00e1 ___ sus pantuflas."}}]