Choose the Level:
Easy Difficult
Easy Difficult
- Easy (Usor) - Dupa ce e dat raspunsul corect, acesta va fi sters din lista de raspunsuri.
- Difficult (Dificil) - Raspunsul corect nu e sters din lista de raspunsuri.
[{"ro":"Nu inteleg. Repetati va rog.","en":"I don\u2019t understand. Please repeat.","f":67},{"ro":"Aratati-mi, va rog.","en":"Show me please.","f":68},{"ro":"Urmati-ma, va rog.","en":"Follow me, please?","f":69},{"ro":"Scuzati-ma pentru intarziere.","en":"I apologize for the delay.","f":70},{"ro":"Nu e nevoie sa va scuzati.","en":"There's no need to apologize.","f":71},{"ro":"Intelegeti?","en":"Do you understand?","f":72},{"ro":"Puteti sa-mi aduceti o lingura?","en":"Could you bring me a spoon?","f":73},{"ro":"Cineva sa ne ajute va rog!","en":"Someone help us please!","f":74},{"ro":"Ati putea sa-mi aratati pe harta?","en":"Could you show it to me on the map?","f":75},{"ro":"Imi pare rau, dar nu sunt liber.","en":"I'm very sorry, but I'm not free.","f":76},{"ro":"Puteti sa-mi aduceti nota de plata (factura) va rog?","en":"Can you bring me the bill please?","f":77},{"ro":"Asi dori un pahar cu apa.","en":"I would like a glass of water.","f":78},{"ro":"Scuzati-ma, \u00eemi puteti spune ce ora e?","en":"Excuse me, can you tell me the time?","f":79},{"ro":"Multumesc foarte mult.","en":"Thank you very much.","f":80},{"ro":"Multumesc, la revedere.","en":"Thanks, goodbye.","f":81}]