Choose the Level:
Easy Difficult
Easy Difficult
- Easy (Usor) - Dupa ce e dat raspunsul corect, acesta va fi sters din lista de raspunsuri.
- Difficult (Dificil) - Raspunsul corect nu e sters din lista de raspunsuri.
[{"ro":"Buna, numele meu e Roberta.","en":"Hi, my name is Roberta.","f":13},{"ro":"Cum te cheama?","en":"What's your name?","f":14},{"ro":"Ma numesc Maria.","en":"My name is Maria.","f":15},{"ro":"De unde esti?","en":"Where are you from?","f":16},{"ro":"Cum iti merge?","en":"How's it going?","f":17},{"ro":"Ce mai faci?","en":"How are you?","f":18},{"ro":"Cum te simti azi?","en":"How are you today?","f":19},{"ro":"Bine, si tu ce mai faci?","en":"Fine, and how are you?","f":20},{"ro":"Incantat de cunostinta.","en":"Pleased to meet you.","f":21},{"ro":"Ce mai faceti? Bine?","en":"How are you all? Well?","f":22},{"ro":"Ma bucura.","en":"It pleases me.","f":23},{"ro":"Foarte bine.","en":"Very good (well).","f":24}]