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Easy Difficult
Easy Difficult
- Easy (Usor) - Dupa ce e dat raspunsul corect, acesta va fi sters din lista de raspunsuri.
- Difficult (Dificil) - Raspunsul corect nu e sters din lista de raspunsuri.
[{"ro":"El e aviator si ea e turista.","en":"He is an aviator and she is a tourist.","f":151},{"ro":"Sunt casnica.","en":"I'm a housewife.","f":152},{"ro":"Tatal meu e bucatar.","en":"My dad is a cook.","f":153},{"ro":"Profesorul este in birou.","en":"The teacher is in the office.","f":154},{"ro":"Esti sofer de taxi (taximetrist)?","en":"Are you a taxi driver?","f":155},{"ro":"Ea este asistenta medicala.","en":"She is a nurse.","f":156},{"ro":"Tu esti secretara.","en":"You are a secretary.","f":157},{"ro":"Ei sunt chelneri.","en":"They are waiters.","f":158},{"ro":"Sunt gradinar.","en":"I'm a gardener.","f":159},{"ro":"Juan e un tamplar bun.","en":"Juan is a good carpenter.","f":160},{"ro":"Esti portarul?","en":"Are you the goalie?","f":161},{"ro":"Ginerele meu e avocat.","en":"My son-in-law is a lawyer.","f":162},{"ro":"Socrul meu e doctor.","en":"My father-in-law is a doctor.","f":163},{"ro":"Stewardesele sunt foarte dragute.","en":"The stewardesses are very nice.","f":164},{"ro":"Ea este o actrita faimoasa.","en":"She is a famous actress.","f":165}]