Choose the Level:
Easy Difficult
Easy Difficult
- Easy (Usor) - Cuvantul lipsa si traducerea pot fi alese din liste cu raspunsurile corecte.
- Difficult (Dificil) - Cuvantul lipsa trebuie scris intr-o caseta de text. Raspunsul corect la traducere nu e sters din lista de raspunsuri.
[{"ro":"Ei au tema facuta.","en":"They","f":49,"q":{"en":"___ have the homework ready. (masculine)","es":"___ tienen preparada la tarea."}},{"ro":"De unde sunt ele?","en":"are","f":50,"q":{"en":"Where ___ they from? (feminine)","es":"\u00bfDe d\u00f3nde ___ ellas?"}},{"ro":"Vreau o masina rapida.","en":"I","f":42,"q":{"en":"___ want a fast car.","es":"___ quiero un auto r\u00e1pido."}},{"ro":"Vreti sa mancati?","en":"want","f":48,"q":{"en":"Do you ___ to eat?","es":"\u00bfUstedes ___ comer?"}},{"ro":"Unde te duci?","en":"going","f":43,"q":{"en":"Where are you ___?","es":"\u00bfAd\u00f3nde ___?"}},{"ro":"Ea e vegetariana.","en":"She","f":45,"q":{"en":"___ is a vegetarian.","es":"___ es vegetariana."}},{"ro":"Noi luam un taxi.","en":"We","f":46,"q":{"en":"___ take a taxi. (masculine)","es":"___ tomamos un taxi."}},{"ro":"Voi ati auzit un pian.","en":"You","f":47,"q":{"en":"___ heard a piano. (masculine, plural)","es":"___ o\u00edsteis un piano."}},{"ro":"El are nevoie de o carte.","en":"He","f":44,"q":{"en":"___ needs a book.","es":"___ necesita un libro."}},{"ro":"Dumneata esti pasager.","en":"passenger","f":51,"q":{"en":"You are a ___.","es":"Usted es ___."}}]