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- Easy (Usor) - Cuvantul lipsa si traducerea pot fi alese din liste cu raspunsurile corecte.
- Difficult (Dificil) - Cuvantul lipsa trebuie scris intr-o caseta de text. Raspunsul corect la traducere nu e sters din lista de raspunsuri.
[{"ro":"Acest hotel are un bun serviciu de camera.","en":"good","f":133,"q":{"en":"This hotel has ___ room service.","es":"Ese hotel tiene un ___ servicio de habitaciones."}},{"ro":"Pentru orice aveti nevoie, sunati la receptie.","en":"call","f":134,"q":{"en":"For anything you need, ___ the reception.","es":"Para cualquier cosa que necesite, ___ a recepci\u00f3n"}},{"ro":"Ce fel de camere aveti?","en":"rooms","f":123,"q":{"en":"What types of ___ do you have?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 tipos de ___ tienen?"}},{"ro":"Schimbati prosoapele.","en":"Change","f":131,"q":{"en":"___ the towels.","es":"___ las toallas."}},{"ro":"Cina este inclusa?","en":"dinner","f":132,"q":{"en":"Is ___ included?","es":"\u00bfLa ___ va incluida?"}},{"ro":"Camerele sunt accesibile pentru persoane cu handicap?","en":"accessible","f":126,"q":{"en":"Are the rooms handicapped ___?","es":"\u00bfSon las habitaciones ___ para discapacitados?"}},{"ro":"Are apa foarte fierbinte.","en":"water","f":127,"q":{"en":"It has very hot ___.","es":"Tiene ___ muy caliente."}},{"ro":"Camera aceasta nu are lumina.","en":"not","f":128,"q":{"en":"This room does ___ have a light.","es":"Este cuarto ___ tiene luz."}},{"ro":"Pretul e foarte rezonabil.","en":"price","f":129,"q":{"en":"The ___ is very reasonable.","es":"El ___ est\u00e1 muy razonable."}},{"ro":"Deschide apa.","en":"the","f":130,"q":{"en":"Turn on ___ water.","es":"Abra ___ agua."}},{"ro":"Asi vrea sa fac o rezervare.","en":"make","f":124,"q":{"en":"I would like to ___ a reservation.","es":"Quisiera ___ una reservaci\u00f3n."}},{"ro":"Oferiti vreo reducere pentru sezur prelungit?","en":"discount","f":125,"q":{"en":"Do you offer an extended stay ___?","es":"\u00bfOfrecen alg\u00fan ___ por estancia prolongada?"}},{"ro":"La ce ora vei pleca din hotel?","en":"time","f":121,"q":{"en":"What ___ will you leave the hotel?","es":"\u00bfA qu\u00e9 ___ saldr\u00e1s del hotel?"}},{"ro":"Voi pleca din hotel la ora unu.","en":"leave","f":122,"q":{"en":"I will ___ the hotel at one o'clock.","es":"Yo ___ del hotel a la una."}},{"ro":"Voi sta doua nopti.","en":"two","f":135,"q":{"en":"I will stay for ___ nights.","es":"Me quedar\u00e9 por ___ noches."}}]