Curs Engleza

Luna nu se poate Fura - 6 Questions

Ryokan was living the simplest kind of life, in a little hut at the foot of a mountain. One evening a thief went into the hut only to discover there was nothing in it to steal.
Ryokan had just returned and found him in the house.
- You may have come a long way to visit me, he told him, and it would be unfair to return empty-handed. Please take my clothes as a gift.
The thief was bewildered. He took the clothes and went away.
Ryokan sat naked on the floor, contemplating the moon.
- Poor fellow, he was saying, I wish I could give him this beautiful moon.

Ryokan traia cel mai simplu mod de viata, intr-o coliba la poalele unui munte.
Intr-o seara un hot a intrat in coliba doar sa descopere ca nu era nimic de furat.
Ryokan tocmai se intorcea si la gasit in casa.
Ai facut un drum lung ca sa ma vizitezi, i-a spus, si nu ar fi corect sa te intorci cu mana goala. Te rog primeste hainele mele ca un dar.
Hotul a ramas uluit. A luat hainele si a plecat.
Ryokan s-a asezat gol pe podea, contempland luna.
- Sarmanul, isi spunea. Asi vrea sa fi putut sa-i dau aceasta minunata luna.

Exercitii si teste audio de engleza si traducere. Intrebari din textul de mai sus (Dati clic pe butonul audio daca vreti sa ascultati citirea textului).
Choose the Level:
Easy   Difficult

- Easy (Usor) - Puteti vedea traducerea povestirii inca de la inceput, si la fiecare intrebare cand puneti mouse-ul pe ea. Raspunsul corect e sters din lista de raspunsuri.

- Difficult (Dificil) - Traducerea povestirii si a intrebarilor se poate vedea doar dupa finalizarea testului. Raspunsul corect nu e sters din lista de raspunsuri.

[{"ro":"cel mai simplu mod de viata","en":"the simplest kind of life","f":25,"q":{"ro":"Cum traia Ryokan?","en":"How was Ryokan living?"}},{"ro":"intr-o coliba","en":"in a hut","f":26,"q":{"ro":"Unde locuia Ryokan?","en":"Where was Ryokan living?"}},{"ro":"nimic de furat","en":"nothing to steal","f":27,"q":{"ro":"Ce a gasit hotul in coliba?","en":"What did the thief find in the hut?"}},{"ro":"hainele lui","en":"his clothes","f":28,"q":{"ro":"Ce i-a darruit Ryokan?","en":"What has Ryokan given?"}},{"ro":"luna","en":"the moon","f":29,"q":{"ro":"Ce contempla Ryokan?","en":"What was Ryokan contemplating?"}},{"ro":"seara","en":"in the evening","f":30,"q":{"ro":"Cand se petrece actiunea din povestire?","en":"When is the action happening in the story?"}}]

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<thead> <th> <td>
  <th>Title 1</th>
  <th>Title 2</th>
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line-height word-spacing margin
.some_class {
  line-height: 150%;
Care functie deschide o noua fereastra.
alert() confirm() open()
document.getElementById("id_button").onclick = function(){"");
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sleeping slept will sleep
He will sleep there.
- El va dormi acolo.
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Él dormirá allí.
- El va dormi acolo.
The Moon cannot be Stolen - English Audio Tests

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