Curs Html

Simboluri matematice
Caractere Latine cu accent
Litere grecesti
Simboluri tipografice (au doar cod Decimal si Hex)
Simboluri muzicale (au doar cod Decimal si Hex)
Piese de sah (au doar cod Decimal si Hex)
Alte entitati HTML

In aceasta pagina sunt prezentate tabele cu diferite coduri pentru simboluri si caractere mai putin uzuale care pot fi adauate in pagini HTML (denumite si Elemente de simbol HTML), cum sunt: simboluri matematice, litere cu accent, sageti, si altele; cu prezentarea codului HTML, Decimal si Hex.
Toate aceste caractere pot fi afisate in pagina web folosind un cod specific fiecarui simbol.

• Ca sa afisati un simbol /caracter in documentul HTML folosind Numarul Decimal (Decimal Number), adaugati: &# in fata numarului decimal, apoi semnul punct-virgula ; la sfarsit.
(∅ = ∅ ).
• Ca sa afisati un simbol /caracter in documentul HTML folosind Codul Hex (Hex Code), adaugati: &#x in fata codului Hex, si punct-virgula ; la sfarsit.
(∅ = ∅ ).

De exemmplu:
  - Ca sa afisati "©" (copyright) in pagina web, puteti adauga acest cod: © (sau cu numarul Decimal:   © , ori cod Hex:   © ).
  - ca sa adaugati simbolul "&" in adrese din pagina web (folosit in adrese URL), se adauga acest cod: & (sau cu numar Decimal:   & , ori cod Hex:   & ).
  - Ca sa adaugati un semn "<" astfel incat browser-ul sa nu-l interpreteze ca un caracter de inceput de tag HTML, puteti adauga codul:   &lt;

Codul Hex poate fi folosit si in CSS, ca valoare la proprietatea "content".
Urmatorull exemplu afisaza simbolul ( » ) ca marcator de liste in elemente <ul>:
ul { list-style: none; }
ul li:before {
content: '\00BB'; /* Hex code notation */
padding-right: 8px;

<li>Free Courses and Tutorials</li>
<li>HTML course</li>

Simboluri matematice

Character Decimal Number Hex Code Entity Code Description
8704 2200 &forall; for all
8706 2202 &part; part
8707 2203 &exist; exists
8709 2205 &empty; empty
8711 2207 &nabla; nabla
8712 2208 &isin; isin
8713 2209 &notin; notin
8715 220b &ni; ni
8719 220f &prod; prod
8721 2211 &sum; sum
8722 2212 &minus; minus
8727 2217 &lowast; lowast
8730 221a &radic; square root
8733 221d &prop; proportional to
8734 221e &infin; infinity
8736 2220 &ang; angle
8743 2227 &and; and
8744 2228 &or; or
8745 2229 &cap; cap
8746 222a &cup; cup
8747 222b &int; integral
8756 2234 &there4; therefore
8764 223c &sim; similar to
8773 2245 &cong; congruent to
8776 2248 &asymp; almost equal
8800 2260 &ne; not equal
8801 2261 &equiv; equivalent
< 60 3c &lt; less than
> 62 3e &gt; greater than
8804 2264 &le; less or equal
8805 2265 &ge; greater or equal
8834 2282 &sub; subset of
8835 2283 &sup; superset of
8836 2284 &nsub; not subset of
8838 2286 &sube; subset or equal
8839 2287 &supe; superset or equal
8853 2295 &oplus; circled plus
8855 2297 &otimes; cirled times
8869 22a5 &perp; perpendicular
8901 22c5 &sdot; dot operator
8240 2030 &permil; per mille 
¹ &sup1; 185 b9 superscript one
² &sup2; 178 b2 superscript two
³ &sup3; 179 b3 superscript three
¼ &frac14; 188 bc fraction one quarter
½ &frac12; 189 bd fraction one half
¾ &frac34; 190 be fraction three quarters
± &plusmn; 177 b1 plus-minus sign
× &times; 215 d7 multiplication sign
÷ &divide; 247 f7 division sign

Caractere Latine cu accent

Character Decimal Number Hex Code Entity Code Description
À 192 C0 &Agrave; A, accent grave
Á 193 C1 &Aacute; A, accent acute
 194 C2 &Acirc; A, circumflex
à 195 C3 &Atilde; A, tilde
Ä 196 C4 &Auml; A, umlaut or dieresis
Å 197 C5 &Aring; A, ring
Æ 198 C6 &AElig; A-E ligature
Ç 199 C7 &Ccedil; C, cedilla
È 200 C8 &Egrave; E, accent grave
É 201 C9 &Eacute; E, accent acute
Ê 202 CA &Ecirc; E, circumflex
Ë 203 CB &Euml; E, umlaut or dieresis
Ì 204 CC &Igrave; I, accent grave
Í 205 CD &Iacute; I, accent acute
Î 206 CE &Icirc; I, circumflex
Ï 207 CF &Iuml; I, umlaut or dieresis
Ð 208 D0 &ETH; Eth, capital (Icelandic)
Ñ 209 D1 &Ntilde; N, tilde
Ò 210 D2 &Ograve; O, accent grave
Ó 211 D3 &Oacute; O, accent acute
Ô 212 D4 &Ocirc; O, circumflex
Õ 213 D5 &Otilde; O, tilde
Ö 214 D6 &Ouml; O, umlaut or dieresis
Ø 216 D8 &Oslash; O, slash
Π338 152 &OElig; O-E ligature
Š 352 160 &Scaron; S, with caron
Ù 217 D9 &Ugrave; U, accent grave
Ú 218 DA &Uacute; U, accent acute
Û 219 DB &Ucirc; U, circumflex
Ü 220 DC &Uuml; U, umlaut or dieresis
Ý 221 DD &Yacute; Y, accent acute
Ÿ 376 178 Y, umlaut or dieresis
Ž 381 17D Z, with caron
Þ 222 DE &THORN; Thorn, capital (Icelandic)
ß 223 DF &szlig; Sharp s (German s-z ligature)
à 224 E0 &agrave; a, accent grave
á 225 E1 &aacute; a, accent acute
â 226 E2 &acirc; a, circumflex
ã 227 E3 &atilde; a, tilde
ä 228 E4 &auml; a, umlaut or dieresis
å 229 E5 &aring; a, ring
æ 230 E6 &aelig; a-e ligature
ç 231 E7 &ccedil; c, cedilla
è 232 E8 &egrave; e, accent grave
é 233 E9 &eacute; e, accent acute
ê 234 EA &ecirc; e, circumflex
ë 235 EB &euml; e, umlaut or dieresis
ì 236 EC &igrave; i, accent grave
í 237 ED &iacute; i, accent acute
î 238 EE &icirc; i, circumflex
ï 239 EF &iuml; i, umlaut or dieresis
ð 240 F0 &eth; eth, lower-case (Icelandic)
ñ 241 F1 &ntilde; n, tilde
ò 242 F2 &ograve; o, accent grave
ó 243 F3 &oacute; o, accent acute
ô 244 F4 &ocirc; o, circumflex
õ 245 F5 &otilde; o, tilde
ö 246 F6 &ouml; o, umlaut or dieresis
ø 248 F8 &oslash; o, slash
œ 339 153 &oelig; o-e ligature
š 353 161 &scaron; s, with caron
ù 249 F9 &ugrave; u, accent grave
ú 250 FA &uacute; u, accent acute
û 251 FB &ucirc; u, circumflex
ü 252 FC &uuml; u, umlaut or dieresis
ý 253 FD &yacute; y, accent acute
ÿ 255 FF &yuml; y, umlaut or dieresis
ž 382 17E z, with caron
þ 254 FE &thorn; thorn, lower-case (Icelandic)

Litere grecesti

Character Decimal Number Hex Code Entity Code Description
Α 913 391 &Alpha; Alpha
Β 914 392 &Beta; Beta
Γ 915 393 &Gamma; Gamma
Δ 916 394 &Delta; Delta
Ε 917 395 &Epsilon; Epsilon
Ζ 918 396 &Zeta; Zeta
Η 919 397 &Eta; Eta
Θ 920 398 &Theta; Theta
Ι 921 399 &Iota; Iota
Κ 922 39a &Kappa; Kappa
Λ 923 39b &Lambda; Lambda
Μ 924 39c &Mu; Mu
Ν 925 39d &Nu; Nu
Ξ 926 39e &Xi; Xi
Ο 927 39f &Omicron; Omicron
Π 928 3a0 &Pi; Pi
Ρ 929 3a1 &Rho; Rho
Σ 931 3a3 &Sigma; Sigma
Τ 932 3a4 &Tau; Tau
Υ 933 3a5 &Upsilon; Upsilon
Φ 934 3a6 &Phi; Phi
Χ 935 3a7 &Chi; Chi
Ψ 936 3a8 &Psi; Psi
Ω 937 3a9 &Omega; Omega
α 945 3b1 &alpha; alpha
β 946 3b2 &beta; beta
γ 947 3b3 &gamma; gamma
δ 948 3b4 &delta; delta
ε 949 3b5 &epsilon; epsilon
ζ 950 3b6 &zeta; zeta
η 951 3b7 &eta; eta
θ 952 3b8 &theta; theta
ι 953 3b9 &iota; iota
κ 954 3ba &kappa; kappa
λ 955 3bb &lambda; lambda
μ 956 3bc &mu; mu
ν 957 3bd &nu; nu
ξ 958 3be &xi; xi
ο 959 3bf &omicron; omicron
π 960 3c0 &pi; pi
ρ 961 3c1 &rho; rho
ς 962 3c2 &sigmaf; sigmaf
σ 963 3c3 &sigma; sigma
τ 964 3c4 &tau; tau
υ 965 3c5 &upsilon; upsilon
φ 966 3c6 &phi; phi
χ 967 3c7 &chi; chi
ψ 968 3c8 &psi; psi
ω 969 3c9 &omega; omega
ϑ 977 3d1 &thetasym; theta symbol
ϒ 978 3d2 &upsih; upsilon symbol
ϖ 982 3d6 &piv; pi symbol

Simboluri tipografice

Character Decimal Number Hex Code Description
9985 2701 Scissors
9986 2702 Scissors
9987 2703 Scissors
9988 2704 Scissors
9990 2706 Telephone sign
9991 2707 Tape drive
9992 2708 Airplane
9993 2709 Envelope
9996 270C Victory or peace sign
9997 270D Writing hand
9998 270E Pencil
9999 270F Pencil
10000 2710 Pencil
10001 2711 White nib
10002 2712 Black nib
10003 2713 Check mark
10004 2714 Heavy check mark
10005 2715 Multiplication X
10006 2716 Heavy multiplication X
10007 2717 Ballot X
10008 2718 Heavy ballot X
10009 2719 Outlined Greek cross
10010 271A Heavy Greek cross
10011 271B Open center cross
10012 271C Heavy open center cross
10013 271D Latin cross
10014 271E Shadowed white Latin cross
10015 271F Outlined Latin cross
10016 2720 Maltese cross (cross formé)
10017 2721 Star of David
10018 2722 Four teardrop-spoked asterisk
10019 2723 Four balloon-spoked asterisk
10020 2724 Heavy four balloon-spoked asterisk
10021 2725 Four club-spoked asterisk
10022 2726 Black four-pointed star
10023 2727 White four-pointed star
10025 2729 Stress outlined white star
10026 272A Circled white star
10027 272B Open center black star
10028 272C Black center white star
10029 272D Outlined black star
10030 272E Heavy outlined black star
10031 272F Pinwheel star
10032 2730 Shadowed white star
10033 2731 Heavy asterisk
10034 2732 Open center asterisk
10035 2733 Eight-spoked asterisk
10036 2734 Eight-pointed black star
10037 2735 Eight-pointed pinwheel star
10038 2736 Six-pointed black star
10039 2737 Eight-pointed rectilinear black star
10040 2738 Heavy eight-pointed rectilinear black star
10041 2739 Twelve-pointed black star
10042 273A Sixteen-pointed asterisk
10043 273B Teardrop-spoked asterisk
10044 273C Open-center teardrop-spoked asterisk
10045 273D Heavy teardrop-spoked asterisk
10046 273E Six-petalled black-and-white florette
10047 273F Black florette
10048 2740 White florette
10049 2741 Eight-petalled outlined black florette
10050 2742 Circled open-center eight-pointed star
10051 2743 Heavy teardrop-spoked pinwheel asterisk
10052 2744 Snowflake
10053 2745 Tight trifoliate snowflake
10054 2746 Heavy chevron snowflake
10055 2747 Sparkle
10056 2748 Heavy sparkle
10057 2749 Balloon-spoked asterisk
10058 274A Eight teardrop-spoked propeller asterisk
10059 274B Heavy eight teardrop-spoked propeller asterisk
10061 274D Shadowed white circle
10063 274F Lower-right drop-shadowed white square
10064 2750 Upper-right drop-shadowed white square
10065 2751 Lower-right shadowed white square
10066 2752 Upper-right shadowed white square
10070 2756 Black diamond minus white X
10072 2758 Light vertical bar
10073 2759 Medium vertical bar
10074 275A Heavy vertical bar
10075 275B Heavy single turned comma quotation mark ornament
10076 275C Heavy single comma quotation mark ornament
10077 275D Heavy double turned comma quotation mark ornament
10078 275E Heavy double comma quotation mark ornament
10081 2761 Curved stem paragraph sign ornament
10082 2762 Heavy exclamation mark ornament
10083 2763 Heavy heart exclamation mark ornament
10084 2764 Heavy black heart
10085 2765 Rotated heavy black heart bullet
10086 2766 Floral heart
10087 2767 Rotated floral heart bullet
10102 2776 Dingbat negative circled digit one
10103 2777 Dingbat negative circled digit two
10104 2778 Dingbat negative circled digit three
10105 2779 Dingbat negative circled digit four
10106 277A Dingbat negative circled digit five
10107 277B Dingbat negative circled digit six
10108 277C Dingbat negative circled digit seven
10109 277D Dingbat negative circled digit eight
10110 277E Dingbat negative circled digit nine
10111 277F Dingbat negative circled number 10
10112 2780 Dingbat circled sans-serif digit one
10113 2781 Dingbat circled sans-serif digit two
10114 2782 Dingbat circled sans-serif digit three
10115 2783 Dingbat circled sans-serif digit four
10116 2784 Dingbat circled sans-serif digit five
10117 2785 Dingbat circled sans-serif digit six
10118 2786 Dingbat circled sans-serif digit seven
10119 2787 Dingbat circled sans-serif digit eight
10120 2788 Dingbat circled sans-serif digit nine
10121 2789 Dingbat circled sans-serif number ten
10122 278A Dingbat negative circled sans-serif digit one
10123 278B Dingbat negative circled sans-serif digit two
10124 278C Dingbat negative circled sans-serif digit three
10125 278D Dingbat negative circled sans-serif digit four
10126 278E Dingbat negative circled sans-serif digit five
10127 278F Dingbat negative circled sans-serif digit six
10128 2790 Dingbat negative circled sans-serif digit seven
10129 2791 Dingbat negative circled sans-serif digit eight
10130 2792 Dingbat negative circled sans-serif digit nine
10131 2793 Dingbat negative circled sans-serif number ten

Simboluri muzicale

Character Decimal Number Hex Code Description
9833 2669 Quarter note
9834 266A Eighth note
9835 266B Beamed eighth notes
9836 266C Beamed sixteenth notes
9837 266D Flat sign
9838 266E Natural sign
9839 266F Sharp sign

Piese de sah

Character Decimal Number Hex Code Description
9812 2654 White king
9813 2655 White queen
9814 2656 White rook
9815 2657 White bishop
9816 2658 White knight
9817 2659 White pawn
9818 265A Black king
9819 265B Black queen
9820 265C Black rook
9821 265D Black bishop
9822 265E Black knight
9823 265F Black pawn


Character Decimal Number Hex Code Entity Code Description
8592 2190 &larr; Leftward arrow
8594 2192 &rarr; Rightward arrow
8593 2191 &uarr; Upward arrow
8595 2193 &darr; Downward arrow
8596 2194 &harr; Left right arrow
8629 21b5 &crarr; carriage return arrow
8656 21D0 &lArr; Leftward double arrow
8658 21D2 &rArr; Rightward double arrow
8657 21D1 &uArr; Upward double arrow
8659 21D3 &dArr; Downward double arrow
8660 21D4 &hArr; Left right double arrow
10132 2794 Heavy wide-headed rightwards arrow
10136 2798 Heavy southeast arrow
10137 2799 Heavy rightwards arrow
10138 279A Heavy northeast arrow
10139 279B Drafting point rightwards arrow
10140 279C Heavy round-tipped rightwards arrow
10141 279D Triangle-headed rightwards arrow
10142 279E Heavy triangle-headed rightwards arrow
10143 279F Dashed triangle-headed rightwards arrow
10144 27A0 Heavy dashed triangle-headed rightwards arrow
10145 27A1 Black rightwards arrow
10146 27A2 Three-D top-lighted rightwards arrowhead
10147 27A3 Three-D bottom-lighted rightwards arrowhead
10148 27A4 Black rightwards arrowhead
10149 27A5 Heavy black curved downwards and rightwards arrow
10150 27A6 Heavy black curved upwards and rightwards arrow
10151 27A7 Square black rightwards arrow
10152 27A8 Heavy concave-pointed black rightwards arrow
10153 27A9 Right-shaded white rightwards arrow
10154 27AA Left-shaded white rightwards arrow
10155 27AB Back-tilted shadowed white rightwards arrow
10156 27AC Front-tilted shadowed white rightwards arrow
10157 27AD Heavy lower right-shadowed white rightwards arrow
10158 27AE Heavy upper right-shadowed white rightwards arrow
10159 27AF Notched lower right-shadowed white rightwards arrow
10161 27B1 Notched upper right-shadowed white rightwards arrow
10162 27B2 Circled heavy white rightwards arrow
10163 27B3 White-feathered rightwards arrow
10164 27B4 Black-feathered southeast arrow
10165 27B5 Black-feathered rightwards arrow
10166 27B6 Black-feathered northeast arrow
10167 27B7 Black-feathered southeast arrow
10168 27B8 Heavy black-feathered rightwards arrow
10169 27B9 Heavy black-feathered northeast arrow
10170 27BA Teardrop-barbed rightwards arrow
10171 27BB Heavy teardrop-shanked rightwards arrow
10172 27BC Wedge-tailed rightwards arrow
10173 27BD Heavy wedge-tailed rightwards arrow
10174 27BE Open-outlined rightwards arrow

Alte entitati HTML

Character Decimal Number Hex Code Entity Code Description
ˇ 161 a1 &iexcl; inverted exclamation mark
˘ 162 a2 &cent; cent sign
Ł 163 a3 &pound; pound sign
¤ 164 a4 &curren; currency sign
¥ 165 a5 &yen; yen sign
¦ 166 a6 &brvbar; broken vertical bar
§ 167 a7 &sect; section sign
¨ 168 a8 &uml; diaeresis
© 169 a9 &copy; copyright sign
ª 170 aa &ordf; feminine ordinal indicator
« 171 ab &laquo; left-pointing double angle quotation mark
¬ 172 ac &not; not sign
® 174 ae &reg; registered trade mark sign
¯ 175 af &macr; overline
° 176 b0 &deg; degree sign
´ 180 b4 &acute; acute accent
µ 181 b5 &micro; micro sign
182 b6 &para; pilcrow sign
· 183 b7 &middot; middle dot
¸ 184 b8 &cedil; cedilla
º 186 ba &ordm; masculine ordinal indicator
» 187 bb &raquo; right-pointing double angle quotation mark
¿ 191 bf &iquest; turned question mark
Π338 152 &OElig; capital ligature OE
œ 339 153 &oelig; small ligature oe
Š 352 160 &Scaron; capital S with caron
š 353 161 &scaron; small S with caron
Ÿ 376 178 &Yuml; capital Y with diaeres
ƒ 402 192 &fnof; f with hook
ˆ 710 2c6 &circ; modifier letter circumflex accent
˜ 732 2dc &tilde; small tilde
8211 2013 &ndash; en dash
8212 2014 &mdash; em dash
8216 2018 &lsquo; left single quotation mark
8217 2019 &rsquo; right single quotation mark
8218 201a &sbquo; single low-9 quotation mark
8220 201c &ldquo; left double quotation mark
8221 201d &rdquo; right double quotation mark
8222 201e &bdquo; double low-9 quotation mark
8224 2020 &dagger; dagger
8225 2021 &Dagger; double dagger
8226 2022 &bull; bullet
8230 2026 &hellip; horizontal ellipsis
8242 2032 &prime; minutes
8243 2033 &Prime; seconds
8249 2039 &lsaquo; single left angle quotation
8250 203a &rsaquo; single right angle quotation
8254 203e &oline; overline
8364 20ac &euro; euro
8482 2122 &trade; trademark
8968 2308 &lceil; left ceiling
8969 2309 &rceil; right ceiling
8970 230a &lfloor; left floor
8971 230b &rfloor; right floor
9674 25ca &loz; lozenge
9824 2660 &spades; spade
9827 2663 &clubs; club
9829 2665 &hearts; heart
9830 2666 &diams; diamond

Un Test simplu in fiecare zi

Ce tag adauga imagine in pagina web?
<div> <img> <span>
<img src="" width="191" height="63" alt="Courses-Web" />
Care din aceste coduri CSS afiseaza textul inclinat?
font-style: italic; text-decoration: underline; font-weight: 500;
#id {
  font-style: italic;
Clic pe functia jQuery care ascunde animat un element HTML.
click() hide() show()
$(document).ready(function() {
  $(".a_class").click(function(){ $(this).hide("slow"); });
Clic pe functia definita corect in PHP.
fname function() {} function fname() {} function $fname() {};
function fname($a, $b) {
  echo $a * $b;
Indicati forma pentru Prezent Perfect Continuu a verbului "to walk" (a merge).
have walked have been walking be walking
I have been walking for 5 hours.
- Merg pe jos de 5 ore.
Indicati Trecutul Nedefinit pentru verbul "ser" (a fi) la forma Yo.
será sería fui
Yo fui entrenador.
- Am fost antrenor.
Caractere speciale - Entitati HTML

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