Urmatorul script are ca efect deschiderea paginii web in marime maxima, maximize.
Pentru a folosi acest script, adaugati urmatorul cod in sectiunea HEAD a documentului HTML.
<script type="text/javascript">
if (document.all) {
else if (document.layers || document.getElementById) {
if (top.window.outerHeight<screen.availHeight || top.window.outerWidth<screen.availWidth) {
top.window.outerHeight = screen.availHeight;
top.window.outerWidth = screen.availWidth;
<div>Web Programming and Development</div>
h2 { text-decoration: underline; }
function someFunction() { alert("CoursesWeb.net"); } setTimeout("someFunction()", 2000);
$food =["fruits" =>["banana", "mar"), "veggie" =>["ceapa", "rosie")); $nr_food = count($food, 1); echo $nr_food; // 6
The child will haven't played by Sunday. - Copilul nu s-ar fi jucat pana duminica.
Él no habrá contado el cuento. - El nu ar fi spus povestea.