Pentru comenzi SQL care afecteaza datele din baza de date MySQL, este indicata folosirea inlocuitorilor in sirul SQL (semne de intrebare sau nume), iar valorile asociate lor sa fie adaugate /transmise intr-un array. Astfel datele vor fi filtrate automat de PHP si adaugate in Siguranta in MySQL.
<?php // datele pt. conectare la baza de date MYSQL $mysql = array( 'host'=> 'localhost', 'user'=> 'nume', 'pass'=> 'parola', 'bdname'=> 'baza_date' ); include('class.pdo_mysqli.php'); // include fisierul cu clasa pdo_mysqli // creaza obiectul cu conexiunea la MySQL $conn = new pdo_mysqli($mysql);3. Definiti instructiunea SQL (optional, array cu valori pentru inlocuitorii din comanda SQL), si apelati metoda sqlExec(), cu sirul SQL, si optional array-ul cu valori. Se pot folosi inlocuitori cu nume sau cu semnul intrebarii.
// Select folosind inlocuitor cu nume $sql = "SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column = :val"; $values = array('val'=>'value'); $rows = $conn->sqlExec($sql, $values); // SAU, Select fara inlocuitor $sql = "SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE id = 8"; $rows = $conn->sqlExec($sql); // parcurge randurile selectate foreach($rows AS $row) { echo $row['coloana']; }
// Select ca sa obtina datele pe coloane $sql = "SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column = :val"; $values = array('val'=>'value'); $conn->fetch = 'assoc'; //sa returneze datele asociate numai la nume-coloana $conn->group = 'cols'; //sa returneze valorile grupate pe coloane $cols = $conn->sqlExec($sql, $values); // SAU, Select fara inlocuitor $sql = "SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE id = 8"; $cols = $conn->sqlExec($sql); // parcurge valorile din coloana 'col_name' foreach($cols['col_name'] AS $val) { echo $val; } //reset $group la valoarea initiala, daca vreau ca urmatoarele Select sa returneze datele pe randuri $conn->group = '';
<?php define('CONN_MOD', 'mysqli'); //sets default connection method: 'pdo', or 'mysqli' // class to connect to MySQL, and perform easily and safe SQL queries // From - class pdo_mysqli { protected $conn_mod =''; // 'pdo', or 'mysqli' protected $conn = false; // stores the connection to mysql protected $conn_data = []; // to store data for connecting to database public $mysql_version =''; // mysql server version public $fetch =''; // 'assoc' - columns with named index, 'num' - columns numerically indexed, Else - both public $group =''; //If 'cols': returns data grouped by columns; Otherwise, return Select results grouped by Rows. public $affected_rows =0; // number affected rows for Insert, Update, Delete public $num_rows =0; // number of rows from Select /Show results public $num_cols =0; // number of columns from Select /Show results public $last_insertid; // stores the last ID in an AUTO_INCREMENT column, after Insert query public $nr_queries =0; // to store number of sql queries public $error = false; // to store and check for errors function __construct($conn_data){ $this->conn_data = $conn_data; //stores connection data to MySQL database } // to set the connection to mysql, with PDO, or MySQLi protected function setConn($conn_data) { // sets the connection method, check if can use pdo or mysqli (with MySQLnd) if(CONN_MOD == 'mysqli') { if(extension_loaded('mysqli') === true && function_exists('mysqli_get_client_stats')) $this->conn_mod ='mysqli'; else if(extension_loaded('PDO') === true) $this->conn_mod ='pdo'; } else if(CONN_MOD == 'pdo') { if(extension_loaded('PDO') === true) $this->conn_mod ='pdo'; else if(extension_loaded('mysqli') === true && function_exists('mysqli_get_client_stats')) $this->conn_mod ='mysqli'; } if($this->conn_mod == 'mysqli') $this->connMySQLi($conn_data); else if($this->conn_mod == 'pdo') $this->connPDO($conn_data); else $this->setSqlError('Unable to use PDO or MySQLi'); //if error, output it if($this->error !== false) echo 'Error: '. $this->error; } // for connecting to mysql with PDO protected function connPDO($conn_data) { try { // Connect and create the PDO object $this->conn = new PDO("mysql:host=".$conn_data['host']."; dbname=".$conn_data['bdname'], $conn_data['user'], $conn_data['pass']); // Sets to handle the errors in the ERRMODE_EXCEPTION mode $this->conn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $this->mysql_version = str_replace('.', '', $this->conn->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION)); // Sets transfer with encoding UTF-8 $this->conn->exec('SET character_set_client="utf8",character_set_connection="utf8",character_set_results="utf8";'); } catch(PDOException $e) { $this->setSqlError($e->getMessage()); } } // method that create the connection to mysql with MySQLi protected function connMySQLi($conn_data) { // if the connection is successfully established $this->conn = new mysqli($conn_data['host'], $conn_data['user'], $conn_data['pass'], $conn_data['bdname']); if(mysqli_connect_errno()){ $this->setSqlError('MySQL connection failed: '. mysqli_connect_error()); $this->conn = false; } else { $this->mysql_version = strval($this->conn->server_version); $this->conn->query('SET character_set_client="utf8",character_set_connection="utf8",character_set_results="utf8";'); } } // Performs SQL queries // $sql - SQL query with prepared statement // $param - array of values for SQL query public function sqlExec($sql, $param=[]) { if($this->conn === false || $this->conn === NULL) $this->setConn($this->conn_data); // sets the connection to mysql // resets previous regstered data $this->affected_rows = 0; $this->num_rows = 0; $this->num_cols = 0; // if there is a connection set ($conn property not false) if($this->conn !== false){ // gets the first word in $sql, to determine when SELECT query $mode = explode(' ', trim(preg_replace('/[^A-z ]+/i', '', str_ireplace(PHP_EOL, ' ', $sql))), 2); $mode = strtolower($mode[0]); $this->error = false; // to can perform current $sql if previous has error $nr_p = count($param); // number of elements for placeholders // code to replace ":placeholder" with "?" (for MySQLi) if($this->conn_mod == 'mysqli') { // check if number of :placeholders match number of items in $param. If they match, replace :placeholder with ? (for MySQLi) // else, replace :placeholder with its value, and empty $param if(preg_match_all('/:[^,|"|\'|;|\)\} ]*/i', $sql, $mt)){ $nr_m = count($mt[0]); if($nr_p == $nr_m) $sql = preg_replace('/:[^,|"|\'|;|\)\} ]*/i','?', $sql); else { foreach($param AS $k => $v) { if(is_string($v)) $v = "'". str_replace("'", "\\'", $v) ."'"; $sql = str_ireplace(':'. $k, $v, $sql); } $param = []; $nr_p = 0; } } } $sqlre = $this->conn->prepare($sql); // prepares statement // if successfully prepared execute query if(is_object($sqlre)){ if($this->conn_mod == 'mysqli'){ // if values in $param, sets to use "bind_param" before execute() if($nr_p >0){ // stores in $args[0] the type of the value of each value in $param, the rest of items in $args are the values $args = ['']; foreach($param AS $k=>$v) { if(is_int($v)) $args[0] .= 'i'; else if(is_double($v)) $args[0] .= 'd'; else $args[0] .= 's'; $args[] = &$param[$k]; } // binds the values with their types in prepared statement call_user_func_array([$sqlre,'bind_param'], $args); } if(!$sqlre->execute()) { if(isset($this->conn->error_list[0]['error'])) $this->setSqlError($this->conn->error_list[0]['error']); else $this->setSqlError('Unable to execute the SQL query, check if values are passed to sqlExec()'); } } else if($this->conn_mod == 'pdo'){ try { $sqlre->execute($param); } catch(PDOException $e) { $this->setSqlError($e->getMessage()); } } $this->nr_queries++; // to know number of sql queries } else { if(isset($this->conn->error_list[0]['error'])) $this->setSqlError($this->conn->error_list[0]['error']); else $this->setSqlError('Unable to prepare the SQL query, check if SQL query data are correctly'); } // if no error if($this->error === false) { // if $mode is 'select' or 'show', gets the result_set to return if($mode == 'select' || $mode == 'show') { $re = ($this->conn_mod == 'mysqli') ? $this->getSelectMySQLi($sqlre) : $this->getSelectPDO($sqlre); // gets select results //set number of rows and items $nr_i = count($re); // number of items in results if(isset($re[0])) { $nr_i2 = ($this->fetch != 'assoc' && $this->fetch != 'num') ? count($re[0]) /2 : count($re[0]); } else $nr_i2 =0; if($this->group !='cols') {$this->num_rows = $nr_i; $this->num_cols = $nr_i2;} else {$this->num_rows = $nr_i2; $this->num_cols = $nr_i;} } else { $re = true; $this->affected_rows = ($this->conn_mod == 'mysqli') ? $sqlre->affected_rows : $sqlre->rowCount(); } // affected rows for Insert, Update, Delete // if Insert query, stores the last insert ID if($mode == 'insert') $this->last_insertid = ($this->conn_mod == 'mysqli') ? $this->conn->insert_id : $this->conn->lastInsertId(); } } // sets to return false in case of error if($this->error !== false) $re = false; return $re; } // gets and returns Select results performed with PDO // receives the object created with prepare() statement protected function getSelectPDO($sqlre) { $re = []; // if fetch() returns at least one row (not false), adds the rows in $re, according to $fetch property $fetch = $this->fetch =='assoc' ? PDO::FETCH_ASSOC :($this->fetch =='num' ? PDO::FETCH_NUM : PDO::FETCH_BOTH); if($row = $sqlre->fetch($fetch)){ do { // check each column if it has numeric value, to convert it from "string" foreach($row AS $k=>$v){ if(is_numeric($v)) $row[$k] = $v + 0; if($this->group =='cols'){ //store by cols if(!isset($re[$k])) $re[$k] =[]; $re[$k][] = $v; } } if($this->group !='cols') $re[] = $row; //store by rows } while($row = $sqlre->fetch($fetch)); } return $re; } // gets and returns Select results performed with MySQLi // receives the object created with prepare() statement protected function getSelectMySQLi($sqlre) { $re = []; $result = $sqlre->get_result(); //get result set from a prepared /execute statement // gets array with results according to $fetch $fetch = $this->fetch =='assoc' ? MYSQLI_ASSOC :($this->fetch =='num' ? MYSQLI_NUM : MYSQLI_BOTH); while($row = $result->fetch_array($fetch)){ if($this->group !='cols') $re[] = $row; //get by rows else { //get by columns foreach($row AS $k=>$v){ if(!isset($re[$k])) $re[$k] =[]; $re[$k][] = $v; } } } return $re; } // set sql error in $error protected function setSqlError($err) { $this->error = $err ; } }
<table><tr> <th>Title 1</th> <th>Title 2</th> </tr></table>
.some_class { line-height: 150%; }
document.getElementById("id_button").onclick = function(){""); }
$ar_dir = scandir("dir_name"); var_export($ar_dir);
He will sleep there. - El va dormi acolo.
Él dormirá allí. - El va dormi acolo.