parseCSV e o clasa PHP gratuita pentru citire si scriere usor a datelor in format CSV.
Download parseCSV 0.4.3 beta.
• Suporta valori inchise, virgule inchise, ghilimele duble si linii noi.
• Detectare automata caracter de delimitare.
• Sortare /filtrare dupa anumite campuri /coloane.
• Comenzi SQL de baza, limitare date returnate.
• Retine datele CSV in array, transforma array in format CSV.
• Detectare erori intr-un mod "inteligent", dar depinde si de structura continutului CSV.
• Suporta conversia caracterelor, folosind functia PHP iconv().
- Urmatoarele doua exemple folosesc acest CSV, salvat in "books.csv":
0,The Third Secret,Steve Berry,Book,0340899263,,need to find time to read this book
3,The Last Templar,Raymond Khoury,Book,0752880705,,
4,The Da Vinci Code (Hardcover),Dan Brown," Book ",0385504209,book movie danbrown bestseller davinci,
1. Citire fisier CSV (cu auto-detectare caracter de delimitare) si retine datele in array:
// include clasa parseCSV
// creaza obiect parseCSV
$csv = new parseCSV();
// Citeste si analizeaza 'books' folosind detectarea automata a delimitarii
// daca stiti caracterul de delimitare (daca nu e cel standard, virgula ','), il puteti adauga
// $csv->delimiter = "\t"; // delimitator tab
$csvdata = $csv->data; // retine datele csv in array
// afiseaza rezultatul
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
[0] => Array
[rating] => 0
[title] => The Third Secret
[author] => Steve Berry
[type] => Book
[asin] => 0340899263
[tags] =>
[review] => need to find time to read this book
[1] => Array
[rating] => 3
[title] => The Last Templar
[author] => Raymond Khoury
[type] => Book
[asin] => 0752880705
[tags] =>
[review] =>
[2] => Array
[rating] => 4
[title] => The Da Vinci Code (Hardcover)
[author] => Dan Brown
[type] => Book
[asin] => 0385504209
[tags] => book movie danbrown bestseller davinci
[review] =>
2. Citeste fisierul CSV, sorteaza datele dupa "title".
// include clasa parseCSV.
// creaza obiect parseCSV
$csv = new parseCSV();
$csv->sort_by = 'title';
// Citeste si analizeaza 'books' folosind detectarea automata a delimitarii
$csvdata = $csv->data; // retine datele din csv in array
// afiseaza rezultatul
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
[The Da Vinci Code (Hardcover)] => Array
[rating] => 4
[title] => The Da Vinci Code (Hardcover)
[author] => Dan Brown
[type] => Book
[asin] => 0385504209
[tags] => book movie danbrown bestseller davinci
[review] =>
[The Last Templar] => Array
[rating] => 3
[title] => The Last Templar
[author] => Raymond Khoury
[type] => Book
[asin] => 0752880705
[tags] =>
[review] =>
[The Third Secret] => Array
[rating] => 0
[title] => The Third Secret
[author] => Steve Berry
[type] => Book
[asin] => 0340899263
[tags] =>
[review] => need to find time to read this book
3. Transforma array 2D in CSV, si-l trimite ca fisier la browser ca sa fie descarcat.
// include clasa parseCSV.
$csvHeader = array('category', 'link'); // csv header
// array bi-dimensional cu datele pt csv (dupa cum e setat la header)
$csvData = array(
array('tutorials', 'http://www.coursesweb.net/php-mysql/tutorials_t'),
array('scripts', 'http://www.coursesweb.net/php-mysql/scripts_s2'),
array('resources', 'http://www.coursesweb.net/php-mysql/download_l2')
// creaza obiect parseCSV.
$csv = new parseCSV();
// transforma array-ul bi-dimensional in CSV, si-l trimite ca fisier la browser ca sa fie descarcat
// (nume_fisier, date-csv, csv-header, delimitator)
$csv->output('coursesweb.csv', $csvData, $csvHeader, ',');
Rezulta acest CSV:
- In arhiva cu clasa parseCSV veti gasi mai multe exemple.
parseCSV Web Site.