Iata cum puteti trimite date prin POST cu file_get_contents() la o pagina php si sa obtineti continutul returnat. Se foloseste file_get_contents() impreuna cu functia: stream_context_create().
Functia stream_context_create($opt) creaza si returneaza un continut Stream cu datele din $opt.
- $opt e un array cu array-uri asociative de forma: $arr['wrapper']['option'] = $value.
$postdata = http_build_query(['name'=>'some name', 'pass'=>'password']); //data to send 'name=some+name&pass=password' $opts = [ 'http' => [ 'method'=> 'POST', // GET or POST 'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. PHP_EOL .'Content-Length: '. strlen($postdata). PHP_EOL, 'content' => $postdata ] ]; $send_data = stream_context_create($opts); $cnt = file_get_contents('http://domain.net/page.php', false, $send_data); //send data and get the returned content echo $cnt;- Functia http_build_query($arr) genereaza un sir URL-encoded cu datele din $arr, returneaza un sir de forma: 'key1=val1&key2=val2'.
<p>Adresa: <strong>http://CoursesWeb.net/</strong> - Tutoriale.</p>
#id { font-weight: 800; }
function someFunction() { alert("CoursesWeb.net"); } setInterval("someFunction()", 2000);
$vname = 8; echo $vname;
We have traveled in space. - Noi am calatorit (deja) in spatiu.
La niña pintaba un arco iris. - Fetita picta un curcubeu.