Curs Spaniola

Cu acest joc de Trivia va puteti testa cunostintele gramaticale de limba spaniola.
Incepeti initial cu nivelul usor (Level 1) la fiecare set de intrebari (de la Trivia Category); dupa ce raspundeti corect la toate testele incercati si nivelul dificil (Level 2).
De asemenea, va puteti juca cu modul Random si "Countdown Timer".

Welcome to Trivia Game

- Choose the set of Spanish questions from the "Trivia Category".

  • Level 1 - Easy - It is displayed a list of answers to each quiz. Click the correct answer.
  • Level 2 - Difficult - You write the answer into a text field, then click on Send button. The last letter from the possible answers is deleted.
  • Consecutive - The quiestions start from the quiz with index number added into a text field, and are added in their order till the last quiz.
  • Random - The quizzes are choosed randomly, till the last quiz, without repeat.
- Countdown Timer - If that button is checked, you have 15 seconds to answer till the next quiz is added automatically.

- Click the Start button to start the quizzes. The Reset button resets the Trivia.
Trivia Category


From to

Quizzes: 0 of

0 - Correct
0 - Incorrect

Un Test simplu in fiecare zi

Care tag este element de tip bloc?
<div> <img> <span>
<div>Web Programming and Development</div>
Care cod CSS afiseaza textul subliniat?
font-style: italic; text-decoration: underline; font-weight: 500;
h2 {
  text-decoration: underline;
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insertBefore() setTimeout() querySelector()
function someFunction() { alert(""); }
setTimeout("someFunction()", 2000);
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count($array) count($array, 1) strlen()
$food =["fruits" =>["banana", "mar"), "veggie" =>["ceapa", "rosie"));
$nr_food = count($food, 1);
echo $nr_food;       // 6
Indicati Viitorul Perfect la negativ al verbului din paranteze, in propozitia: "The child (to not play) by Sunday".
has't played haven't been playing will haven't played
The child will haven't played by Sunday.
- Copilul nu s-ar fi jucat pana duminica.
Indicati Viitorul Perfect pentru verbul "contar" (a povesti) la forma "Él".
habrá contado va a contar contaba
Él no habrá contado el cuento.
- El nu ar fi spus povestea.
Teste Trivia Spaniola

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