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[{"ro":"Va ninge.","es":"nevar","f":148,"q":{"en":"It's going ___.","es":"Va a ___."}},{"ro":"Va fi inorat.","es":"nublado","f":149,"q":{"en":"It's going to be ___.","es":"Va a estar ___."}},{"ro":"Vine un uragan?","es":"Viene","f":138,"q":{"en":"Is a hurricane ___?","es":"\u00bf___ un hurac\u00e1n?"}},{"ro":"E adevarat ca vine o furtuna puternica?","es":"cierto","f":139,"q":{"en":"Is it ___ that a strong storm is coming?","es":"\u00bfEs ___ que viene una tormenta fuerte?"}},{"ro":"Vremea e buna.","es":"tiempo","f":143,"q":{"en":"The ___ is good.","es":"Hace buen ___."}},{"ro":"Cerul e senin.","es":"cielo","f":144,"q":{"en":"The ___ is clear.","es":"El ___ est\u00e1 despejado."}},{"ro":"Pentru decembrie, vremea e buna.","es":"diciembre","f":142,"q":{"en":"For ___, the weather is nice.","es":"Para ___, hace buen tiempo."}},{"ro":"Cum e vremea?","es":"C\u00f3mo","f":145,"q":{"en":"___ is the weather?","es":"\u00bf___ est\u00e1 el tiempo?"}},{"ro":"O sa fie frig.","es":"fr\u00edo","f":146,"q":{"en":"It's going to be ___.","es":"Va a hacer ___."}},{"ro":"Deoarece vremea \/clima e mai buna acolo.","es":"mejor","f":140,"q":{"en":"Because the weather is ___ there.","es":"Porque el clima es ___ all\u00e1."}},{"ro":"Am fi iesit, dar ploua.","es":"pero","f":141,"q":{"en":"We would go out, ___ it is raining.","es":"Saldr\u00edamos, ___ est\u00e1 lloviendo."}},{"ro":"E mult vant.","es":"viento","f":147,"q":{"en":"It's very ___.","es":"Hay mucho ___."}},{"ro":"Nu-mi place anotimpul umed (ploios).","es":"gusta","f":136,"q":{"en":"I don't ___ the wet season.","es":"No me ___ la estaci\u00f3n de las lluvias."}},{"ro":"De aseara, e asa cald.","es":"Desde","f":137,"q":{"en":"___ last night, it is so hot.","es":"___ anoche, hace mucho calor."}},{"ro":"E foarte insorit.","es":"sol","f":150,"q":{"en":"It's very ___.","es":"Hay mucho ___."}}]