Curs Engleza

- Scrieti la fiecare propozitie pronumele corespunzator corect: I sau Me.
[ "Who will be coming along with Tim and ___? (Cine va veni impreuna cu Tim si cu mine?)", "He wants you to give the gifts to Emy and ___. (El te vrea sa dai darurile lui Emy si mie.)", "The old man and ___ were sitting on the park bench. (Batranul si eu stateam pe banca din parc.)", "Jim, Ted and ___ were all supposed to be going to the cinema. (Jim, Ted si eu trebuia sa mergem toti la cinema.)", "You can leave the children with Tim or ___. (Puteti lasa copii cu Tim sau cu mine.)", "He shares the joy with my mother, ___ and my dad. (El impartaseste bucuria cu mama, cu mine si cu tata.)", "Both my father and ___ would love to visit India. (Amandoi, tata si eu ne-ar place sa vizitam India.)", "My girlfriend and ___ want together to share the happiness of the life. (Prietena mea si eu vrem impreuna sa impartasim fericire vietii.)", "She wanted to come camping with ___ and my brother. (Ea a vrut sa vina in camping cu mine si cu fratele meu.)", "My friend and ___ live with our family simple and healthy. (Prietenul meu si eu locuim cu familia noastra simplu si sanatos.)", "Rose spent the day with Jake and ___. (Rose a petrecut ziua cu Jake si cu mine.)", "Both Clare and ___ are living in a quiet and nice place. (Amandoi Clare si eu traim intr-un loc linistit si frumos.)", "The bird followed John and ___ till to the door. (Pasarea ne-a urmat pe John si pe mine pana la usa.)" ]

Un Test simplu in fiecare zi

Care tag este element de tip bloc?
<div> <img> <span>
<div>Web Programming and Development</div>
Care cod CSS afiseaza textul subliniat?
font-style: italic; text-decoration: underline; font-weight: 500;
h2 {
  text-decoration: underline;
Clic pe functia JavaScript care apeleaza o alta functie dupa un anumit timp.
insertBefore() setTimeout() querySelector()
function someFunction() { alert(""); }
setTimeout("someFunction()", 2000);
Clic pe instructiunea care returneaza numarul total de elemente dintr-un array asociativ.
count($array) count($array, 1) strlen()
$food =["fruits" =>["banana", "mar"), "veggie" =>["ceapa", "rosie"));
$nr_food = count($food, 1);
echo $nr_food;       // 6
Indicati Viitorul Perfect la negativ al verbului din paranteze, in propozitia: "The child (to not play) by Sunday".
has't played haven't been playing will haven't played
The child will haven't played by Sunday.
- Copilul nu s-ar fi jucat pana duminica.
Indicati Viitorul Perfect pentru verbul "contar" (a povesti) la forma "Él".
habrá contado va a contar contaba
Él no habrá contado el cuento.
- El nu ar fi spus povestea.
I sau Me - Test Engleza

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