Curs Engleza

- Adaugati la fiecare propozitie cuvantul corespunzator corect dintre: less si fewer.
[ "These days you seem to work ___ hours. (Zilele acestea se pare ca lucrezi mai putine ore.)", "These days you bought ___ chocolate. (Zilele acestea ati cumparat mai putina ciocolata.)", "I`ve got ___ apples than he has. (Am mai putine mere decat are el.)", "He should watch ___ the TV. (El ar trebui sa se uite mai putin la televizor.)", "She spends ___ hours at the computer. (Ea petrece mai putine ore la calculator.)", "Can you put ___ salt in the soup, please? (Puteti sa puneti mai putina sare in supa, va rog?)", "Did you plant ___ flowers this year? (Ati plantat mai putine flori in acest an?)", "You should read ___ fairy tales. (Ar trebui sa cititi mai putine basme.)", "The high of that tree is ___ than 10 meters. (Inalta acelui copac este mai mica de 10 de metri.)", "Last night I drank ___ orange juice than Tim. (Aseara am baut mai putin suc de portocale decat Tim.)", "There is ___ sunshine in the west of England. (Este mai putin soare in vestul Angliei.)", "There are ___ hours of sunshine in the west of England. (Sunt mai putine ore de soare in vestul Angliei.)", "As I get wiser, I find myself talking ___ and less. (Pe masura ce devin mai intelept, ma aflu vorbind din ce in ce mai putin.)", "We want to work ___ hours. (Vrem sa muncim mai putine ore.)", "We want to work ___. (Vrem sa muncim mai putin.)" ]

Un Test simplu in fiecare zi

Care tag este element de tip bloc?
<div> <img> <span>
<div>Web Programming and Development</div>
Care cod CSS afiseaza textul subliniat?
font-style: italic; text-decoration: underline; font-weight: 500;
h2 {
  text-decoration: underline;
Clic pe functia JavaScript care apeleaza o alta functie dupa un anumit timp.
insertBefore() setTimeout() querySelector()
function someFunction() { alert(""); }
setTimeout("someFunction()", 2000);
Clic pe instructiunea care returneaza numarul total de elemente dintr-un array asociativ.
count($array) count($array, 1) strlen()
$food =["fruits" =>["banana", "mar"), "veggie" =>["ceapa", "rosie"));
$nr_food = count($food, 1);
echo $nr_food;       // 6
Indicati Viitorul Perfect la negativ al verbului din paranteze, in propozitia: "The child (to not play) by Sunday".
has't played haven't been playing will haven't played
The child will haven't played by Sunday.
- Copilul nu s-ar fi jucat pana duminica.
Indicati Viitorul Perfect pentru verbul "contar" (a povesti) la forma "Él".
habrá contado va a contar contaba
Él no habrá contado el cuento.
- El nu ar fi spus povestea.
Less or Fewer - Exercitii Engleza

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