Curs Engleza

- Scrieti verbul din paranteze la timpul Trecut perfect continuu, in acord cu subiectul.
Ex.: "I ___ (to learn)" - had been learning

[ "I ___ (to walk)", "You ___ (to look for)", "We ___ (to work)", "He ___ (to write)", "They ___ (to read)", "She ___ (to crochet)", "I ___ over there (to go)", "Your sisters ___ here. (to play)", "The whale ___ a lot. (to eat)", "The cheetah ___ very fast. (to run)", "You ___ in the street. (to laugh)", "He ___ a book. (to buy)", "She ___ for 3 hours. (to wait)", "I ___ this morning. (to jog)", "You ___ every evening. (to run)", "We ___ all week. (to travel)" ]
["had been walking","had been looking for","had been working","had been writing","had been reading","had been crocheting","had been going","had been playing","had been eating","had been running","had been laughing","had been buying","had been waiting","had been jogging","had been running","had been traveling"]

Un Test simplu in fiecare zi

Care tag adauga rand nou in paragraf?
<b> <br> <p>
Prima linie ...<br>
Alta linie...
Ce proprietate CSS seteaza spatiu dintre litere?
text-size word-spacing letter-spacing
#id {
  letter-spacing: 2px;
Ce functie obtine accesul la un element HTML cu un anumit ID?
getElementById() getElementsByTagName() createElement()
var elm = document.getElementById("theID");
var content = elm.innerHTML;
Clic pe instructiunea "echo" utilizata corect.
echo "" echo ""; echo """;
echo "Adresa URL:";
Care din urmatoarele expresii cu "paint" (a picta) se foloseste pentru forma Negativa?
will paint not paint have painted
She does not paint that landscape.
- Ea nu picteaza acel peisaj.
Care din urmatoarele expresii cu "cantar" (a canta) se foloseste pentru propozitie Negativa?
ir a cantar cantaba no cantar
Ella no canta esa canciĆ³n.
- Ea nu canta acel cantec.
Trecut perfect continuu - Exercitii si teste incepatori

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