cu inspect-ul din Chrome si apoi tab-ul Performance se pot vedea timpii de incarcare ai unei pagini web.
Am cate o pagina principala pe cate un site: una are idle de vreo 6 secunde iar cealalta de mai putin de o secunda.
Ce reprezinta in realitate idle, ca nu e o inactivitate care sa nu deranjeze - si cum poate fi redus cat mai mult?
Am comparat cu un alt site facut pe aceeasi tip de platforma (la acelasi furnizor de gazduire VPS Ubuntu cu Shopware) si diferentele sunt mari.
Multumesc anticipat!
load time - idle mare - pagina principala
- Mesaje:3
load time - idle mare - pagina principala
Iata ce am gasit pe internet:
what is and reduce idle time in chrome
- Ca idee, poate ca idle-time poate fi redus prin reducerea numarului de accesari de surse externe pentru crearea paginii, cum ar fi: numarl de fisiere css, js, imagini pentru meniuri.
This is idle time, the time when the browser is waiting on the CPU or GPU to do some processing.
I can't find any good explanation in the official document, but I just found something elsewhere:
The transparent areas of each vertical bar correspond to idle time, at least, idle on the part of your page. For example, say your first frame takes 15ms to execute and the next takes 30ms. A common situation is that frames are synchronized to refresh rate and in this case, the second frame took slightly longer than 15ms to render. Here, frame 3 missed the "true" hardware frame and was rendered upon the next frame, hence, the length of the second frame was effectively doubled.
Nu cunosc mai ajutator despre acest subiect, dar cred ca poti gasi niste raspunsuri daca vei cauta pe internet: I can't find any good explanation in the official document, but I just found something elsewhere:
The transparent areas of each vertical bar correspond to idle time, at least, idle on the part of your page. For example, say your first frame takes 15ms to execute and the next takes 30ms. A common situation is that frames are synchronized to refresh rate and in this case, the second frame took slightly longer than 15ms to render. Here, frame 3 missed the "true" hardware frame and was rendered upon the next frame, hence, the length of the second frame was effectively doubled.
what is and reduce idle time in chrome
- Ca idee, poate ca idle-time poate fi redus prin reducerea numarului de accesari de surse externe pentru crearea paginii, cum ar fi: numarl de fisiere css, js, imagini pentru meniuri.
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