Salvare imagine Canvas pe server

Discutii si intrebari legate de scripturi si functii JavaScript, jQuery si Ajax, cod JavaScript in general.

Salvare imagine Canvas pe server

Vreau sa salvez imaginea JPG pe server dar nu pune nimic in fisierul jpg. Am incercat (simplificat):

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var dia = document.getElementById(cnv_id).toDataURL("image/jpeg", 1.0); // nu merge nici simplu toDataURL() fara parametri
in care #cnv_id este id-ul canvas-ului. Mai departe, cu functia savepng(dia) transfer acest paramentru catre ajax, iar in fisierul apelat cu ajax (savepng.php) am pus (simplificat):

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$rezultat = file_put_contents($file,$dia);
Face fisierul $file (care este JPG) dar nu pune nimic in el. Daca pun alert(msg) in success: imi apare un sir foarte lung (codul binar al fisierului). Cum rezolv? Multumesc.

MarPlo Mesaje:4343
Datele pentru imaginea de canvas sunt preluate de toDataURL() in format base64, In php se preia datele imaginii si se decodeaza cu base64_decode().
- Imaginea de canvas e bine sa fie salvata de php in format PNG; in JPG apare negru partea nedesenata.
Vezi daca iti e de folos acest script.
- html /js code:

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<canvas id="cnv1" width="400" height="280"></canvas>
<button id="btn_cnvimg">Save Canvas Image</button>
<div id="ajaxresp">Ajax response</div>
var cnv = document.getElementById('cnv1');  //canvas element, with id="cnv1"
var php_file ='save_cnvimg.php';  //address of php file that get and save image on server

/* Ajax Function
 Send "data" to "php", using the method added to "via", and pass response to "callback" function
 data - object with data to send, name:value; ex.: {"name1":"val1", "name2":"2"}
 php - address of the php file where data is send
 via - request method, a string: 'post', or 'get'
 callback - function called to proccess the server response
function ajaxSend(data, php, via, callback) {
  var ob_ajax =  (window.XMLHttpRequest) ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');  //XMLHttpRequest object

  //put data from 'data' into a string to be send to 'php'
  var str_data ='';
  for(var k in data) {
    str_data += k +'='+ data[k].replace(/\?/g, '%3F').replace(/=/g, '%3D').replace(/&/g, '%26').replace(/[ ]+/g, '%20') +'&'
  str_data = str_data.replace(/&$/, '');  //delete ending &

  //send data to php, php, true);
  if(via =='post') ob_ajax.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');

  //check the state request, if completed, pass the response to callback function
  ob_ajax.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (ob_ajax.readyState == 4) callback(ob_ajax.responseText);

//register click on #btn_cnvimg to get and save image
var btn_cnvimg = document.getElementById('btn_cnvimg');
if(btn_cnvimg) btn_cnvimg.addEventListener('click', function(e){
  var imgname = window.prompt('Set a name for the image.\n- If you set a name that already exists,\n the image will be replaced with current canvas-image\n\nLeave empty to let the script set an unique name.', '');

  if(imgname !== null){
    //set data that will be send with ajaxSend() to php (base64 PNG image-data of the canvas, and image-name)
    var img_data = {'cnvimg':cnv.toDataURL('image/png', 1.0), 'imgname':imgname};

    //send image-data to php file
    ajaxSend(img_data, php_file, 'post', function(resp){
      //show server response in #ajaxresp, if not exist, alert response
      if(document.getElementById('ajaxresp')) document.getElementById('ajaxresp').innerHTML = resp;
      else alert(resp);

//Draw some context in canvas (cnv)
var ctx = cnv.getContext('2d');  //canvas context
ctx.font = 'bold 28px sans-serif';
ctx.strokeText('CANVAS - Save this Image', 46, 50);  //Text
ctx.strokeStyle = '#00f';;
ctx.lineWidth =2;
ctx.arc(200,135,50,0,Math.PI*2,true);  //Face
ctx.arc(200,135,35,0,Math.PI,false);  //Mouth
ctx.arc(185,125,4,0,Math.PI*2,true);  //Left eye
ctx.arc(215,125,4,0,Math.PI*2,true);  //Right eye
- Fisier save_cnvimg.php :

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define('UPLOAD_DIR', 'uploads/');  //Upload folder

//get properly base64 image data passed via post in 'cnvimg'
$cnvimg = trim(strip_tags($_POST['cnvimg']));
$cnvimg = str_replace('data:image/png;base64,', '', $cnvimg);
$cnvimg = str_replace(' ', '+', $cnvimg);

//set image name from 'imgname', or unique name set with uniqid()
$imgname = (isset($_POST['imgname']) && !empty(trim($_POST['imgname']))) ? trim(strip_tags($_POST['imgname'])) : uniqid();

//get image data from base64 and save it on server
$data = base64_decode($cnvimg);
$file = UPLOAD_DIR . $imgname .'.png'; 
$success = file_put_contents($file, $data);

//output response (link to image file, or error message)
print $success ? 'Image: <a href="'. $file .'" target="_blank">'. $file .'</a>' : 'Unable to save the file.'; 
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andras Mesaje:430
Merge brici! Multumesc!
Mai am o problema dar voi reveni cind va functiona serverul developper.

MarPlo Mesaje:4343
Am facut o modificare in script, am adaugat o optiune, un Prompt dialog prin care se poate da un nume pentru imagine inainte de a fi trimisa la server.